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Mouth Esophagus

Liver Stomach

Gallbladder Pancreas

Small intestine
Large intestine

Rectum Anus


Esophagus Stomach: Churn and mix the food

with digestive juice - break food
into smaller to form chyme.




Pancreatic duct
Common bile
Large intestine: Absorb water,
other particles and send the Small intestine: Absorb
waste material. and transfer nutrients to
our body.
Transverse colon
Ascending colon Jejunum
Descending colon

Rectum: Where waste is Sigmoid colon

stored before it eliminated
from the body Anus: Expel feces and unwanted
semi solid material produced
during digestion
1. Which part does not belong to digestive system?
A. Intestine B. Stomach C. Nerver D. Colon

2. The … breaks down the food we eat.

A. Large intestine B. Mouth C. Esophagus D. Saliva

3. The … is a long narrow tube that has spongy walls that

soak up nutrients from food.
A. Small intestine B. Large intestine
C. Liver D. Rectum

4. A water liquid called … makes the food wet and soft,

and it has a chemical that helps digest the food.
A. Appendix B. Doudunem C. Pancreas D. Saliva

5. From the large intestine, food that cannot be digested

leaves the body throught the …
A. Anus B. Cecum C. Jejunum D. Ileum
6. The term … means pertaining to colon and rectum.
A. Colorectal B. Rectocolal C. Coloscopy D. Rectectomy

7. The term … describes imflamation of the palate.

A. Palatoscope B. Palatalgia C. Palatitis D. Palatomegaly

8. … is the visual examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum.

A. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy B. Gastresophagodoudenoscopy
C. Duodenesophagogastroscopy D. Scopyesophagogastroduodeno

9. A medical term for plastic surgery of the lip is …

A. Labiitis B. Labiology C. Labiopathy D. Labioplasty

10. … means “pain in the jaw”.

A. Gastralgia B. Gnathalgia C. Dentalgia D. Lingualgia
Anus Place at which feces exit the body.

Yellowish-brown to greenish fluid secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder;
aids in fat digestion.

Epiglottis Movable flap of tissue that covers the trachea

Cecum Pouch at the top of the large intestine connected to the bottom of the ileum

Tongue Fleshy part of the mouth that moves food during

Digestive organ that secretes digestive fluids; endocrinegland that regulates blood

Liver Organ important in digestive and metabolic functions; secretes bile

Mouth Cavity in the face in which food and water is ingested

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