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Lecturer: Vu Thi Thu Trang (M.Ed)
Module 11

It has great graphics
Vocabulary to describe popular media
• Supporting sentences and concluding
• Too vs not enough
Describing Popular Media
Create sentences with these words:

Books: Films: Games: Songs:

• Captivating • Riveting • Immersive • Melodic

• Thought- • Cinematic • Challenging • Catchy
provoking • Visually • Addictive • Soulful
• Gripping stunning • Interactive • Uplifting
• Imaginative • Suspenseful • Engaging • Emotional
• Poignant • Entertaining • Strategic • Energetic
• Evocative • Spellbinding • Dynamic • Harmonious
• Compelling • Evocative • Thrilling • Expressive
• Intriguing • Dramatic • Innovative • Lyrical
• Absorbing • Impactful • Compulsive • Rhythmic
• Enthralling • Heartwarming

Create sentences with these words:

Musical Singers: Actor: Actress:

• Talented • Versatile • Enchanting

• Expressive • Charismatic • Graceful
• Versatile • Expressive • Expressive
• Charismatic • Talented • Versatile
• Soulful • Compelling • Compelling
• Dynamic • Riveting • Radiant
• Powerful • Captivating • Captivating
• Evocative • Dynamic • Talented
• Captivating • Convincing • Elegant
• Unique • Charming • Charismatic

Choose a book/movie/game/ singer/ actor/actress.
Write sentences about it. But do not write the name.
Let your friends guess the name.

Writing a Paragraph
1. The structure of a Paragraph:
Topic sentence
• The first sentence in a paragraph
• Presents the topic and the controlling idea (an important idea about the
topic) of the Paragraph
Supporting sentences
• The main part of the paragraph
• Provide several supporting points that explain the controlling idea of the
• Provide details that explain each supporting point
Concluding sentence
• The last sentence in a paragraph
• Restates the controlling idea and summarizes the supporting points
After graduating from high school, many students go on to university, but their reasons for
entering higher education vary. First, many students attend university to study a particular
subject in depth. Unlike high schools, which require students to take a wide range of classes,
university curriculums allow students to choose a major. In each major, a number of specialized
courses are offered, and they are taught by experts in the fields. Moreover, universities have
various research facilities that help students learn. Another common reason for going to
university is that a college education often leads to a better career in the future. In many
countries, people with university degrees tend to find better-paying jobs than those without
them. In addition, some universities provide their students with opportunities to acquire
practical skills that can be useful in the real world, such as accounting, using computers, and
speaking foreign languages. However, in spite of these opportunities, some students cannot find
a rewarding job after graduation because of unfavorable economic conditions. Finally, for some
students, making friends and enjoying an active social life can be a sufficient reason to stay in
school for another four years. In universities, students have chances to meet people who come
from different places with diverse backgrounds. Furthermore, universities have a variety of
student organizations where students can meet others with similar interests and spend time
with them. Sometimes students make friends through part-time jobs too. To sum up, students
go to university for a variety of reasons: to study a particular field, to find a good job, or to make
2. Generating ideas for writing - brainstorming

Listing Mind mapping

Brainstorm ideas for these topics.
1. Reasons for studying abroad
2. Advantages of joining a university student organization
3. Causes of stress among university students
4. Factors in choosing a university
5. Ways technology helps university students
6. Benefits of learning sports for students
3. Writing a topic sentence
• to introduce the topic of the paragraph.
• to state the controlling idea of the paragraph.

Topic: Clubs at university

Controlling idea: There are three types of clubs at university.

Topic sentences:
a. Universities usually have many sports clubs.
b. University clubs can be classified into three types.
c. Many university students enjoy club activities after their classes are over.
Topic: Living in a university dormitory
Controlling idea: Living in a dormitory has many benefits for
university students.

Topic sentences:
a. When students start university, some of them move into a
b. The main benefit of living in a dormitory is free air conditioning.
c. Living in a dormitory brings a number of benefits to university
Topic: Academic writing skills for university students
Controlling idea: Academic writing skills are essential for high grades in

Topic sentences:
a. Good academic writing skills help students in university and
throughout their lives.
b. ln university, having academic writing skills is important to achieve
good marks.
c. The ability to write well is a requirement for top grades in literature.
4. Writing supporting ideas
• reasons
• examples
• effect/ consequence
• statistical evidence
• comparisons with other ideas
5. Writing a concluding sentence
• to restate the controlling idea given in the topic sentence.
• to summarize the supporting points discussed in the

To sum up, students go to university for a variety of

reasons: to study a particular field, to find a good job,
or to make friends.

1. Use synonym

E.g. This trend has both benefits and drawbacks.

 This trend has both positive and negative consequences.

(benefits = advantages, pros, positive/ beneficial/advantageous + effects/influences/

impacts, credits, merits, bonus points
drawbacks = disadvantages, cons, negative/harmful/adverse/detrimental +
effects/influences/ impacts, shortcomings, minus points)
2. Active voice and passive voice

E.g. The government should encourage factories to use renewable

energy instead of fossil fuels.
 Factories should be encouraged to use renewable energy instead of
fossil fuels.
 Factories and power plants should be encouraged to use environmentally
– friendly energy sources such as solar or water power rather than fossil
(eco-friendly energy sources)
3. Change the word form

E.g 1. Advertisements help customers to choose better products.

 Advertisements help customers to make better shopping choices.

E.g 2. It is important for children to learn English from the early age.

 It is of great importance for children to learn English from the early age.
4. Change the word order of the sentence

E.g. Parents today are too busy with their jobs, so they do not have enough
time to take care of their children.
 Parents today do not have enough time to take care of their children
because they are too busy with their jobs.

 These days, parents could not spend enough time with their offspring
due to their busy work schedules.
 These days, parents could not spend enough time with their children
since they are occupied with work.
5. Use dummy subjects

E.g. Some people believe that smoking should be banned.

 It is believed that smoking should be banned.

 There is a common belief that smoking should be banned.
1. It is necessary for children to learn both local and foreign literature.

2. Learning literature from different resources gives children the opportunity to

learn more about their own traditional and historical heritage.

3. People who live in metropolises are very busy with work, so they have less
time for exercise.

4. One of the primary causes of rising youth crime levels is a lack of parental
guidance and monitoring.

5. With the development of flash memory cards, the market for portable music
players jumped sharply.
1. It is of great importance for children to study literature from both national and
international sources.
2. Children are given the chance to gain deeper understanding about/insights into
their cultural and historical values by learning literature from various resources.
3. People living in megacities do not have much time for physical activities due to
their busy work schedules/ because they are occupied with work.
4. The lack of instruction and supervision from parents is one of the main reasons for
the increase in juvenile crime levels.
5. Portable music players sales increased dramatically as a result of the popularity of
flash memory cards.
6. Some people believe that environmental protection is the responsibility of
politicians, not individuals as individuals can do too little.
7. In many cities the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in
order to reduce crime.
8. In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food, clothing
or medicine.
9. Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will
have a positive impact on our lives in the near future.
10. The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many
people in society.
11. In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing.

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