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Crime Prevention Program of

the PNP Marawi City; and it's

effect to the safetyness of
the constituents.
Prepared by:
Statement of the
This study aim to determine the crime prevention program of the PNP Marawi City:
it's effect to the safetyness of the constituents. Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1. What is the socio- demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age, 1.2 Gender, 1.3 Civil Status, 1.4 Educational Attainment, 1.5 Occupation and
1.4 Monthly Income?

2. What are the crime prevention program of the PNP Marawi City: it's effect to the safetyness of the
constituents along with;
2.1 Mobility, 2.2 Communication, 2.3 Manpower and, 2.4 Community Support?

3. What are the implications that can be drawn from the study?
This chapter presents the summary
findings, conclusion and
recommendation based gathered was

This study was conducted to determine the Crime Prevention program of the PNP
marawi city: it's effect to the safetyness of the constituents.This study specifically sought to
answered the following questions: (1) What is the socio- demographic profile of the
respondents in terms of age, gender, civil status, educational attainment, occupation and
monthly income of the respondents. (2) What are the crime prevention program of the PNP
Marawi City: it's effect to the safetyness of the constituents along with; mobility,
communication, manpower and community support?; and Lastly, What are the implications
that can be drawn from the study?. This study utilized the descriptive research design. This
method attempts to assess
the crime prevention program of the PNP Marawi City: it's effect to the safetyness of the
constituents implemented by the Marawi City Police Station among the respondents in
order to make inference on the investigation of the crime prevention program of the PNP
Marawi City: it's effect to the safetyness of the constituents.

The said research instrument were pretested to the other Barangays not
covered by this study to determine which part is to be deleted or retain after
which the instrument will be administered to the actual respondents when it
is finally corrected. The researchers used survey questionnaire. In tabulation
these data, frequency and percentage distribution were utilized
supplementted by weighted mean value and descriptive statement rating.
The results data were presented and analyzed.

The following findings were based on the interpretations and analysis of data:
1. Majority of the respondents 23 or 41.8%, were 30 years old and above. Therefore, majority of the respondents are
matured enough and they know what the consequences of
their actions.
2. There are 29 or 52.7% female and 26 or 47.3% of the respondents were male. Therefore, Majority of the
respondents were female.
3. There are 5 or 9.1% of the respondents were single, 42 or 76.4% were married
and 3 or 5.4% were widow and 5 or 9.1% were separated. The result shows that almost
42 or 76.4% of the respondents were married. It implies that the constituents or residents
were already having families to support with.
4. Majority of the respondents 25 or 45.4% were college graduate. It implies that the
respondents were familiar with the crime prevention program of marawi city PNP: and
it's effect to the safetyness of the constituents.
5. The results shows that almost 21 or 38.2% of the respondents were businessman. It implies that majority of the
respondents were in business sectors or other form of
activities/ways where they can earn money for living.

6. There are 15 or 27.3 % of the respondents were having a monthly income of less than ₱8,000, 10 or 18.2% were
₱8,000 to ₱12,000, and 22 or 40% were ₱13,000 to ₱17,000.It implies that the majority of the respondent's monthly
income were 22 or 40%. It implies that most of the residents of marawi city having a good financial stability.
7. Table 8 shows that Mean and Standard Deviation of Respondent's Response in Terms of Mobility
7.1 The result shows that majority of the (55) respondents answered "Very Effective " that the Utilizes mobile cars in
responding to incidents/ police assistance is useful and accommodating. It implies that through this action, it can
ensure a quick and efficient response to emergencies and provide necessary assistance to those in need. 7.2 The result
shows that majority of the (55) respondents answered "Very Effective that the Conducts patrol using patrol/mobile
cars/motorcycle in crime prone and far flung areas. It implies that Conducting patrol using different kinds of vehicle
were quickly response to every critical incident's happened.

7.2 The result shows that majority of the (55) respondents answered "Very Effective" that the Conducts patrol using
patrol/mobile cars/motorcycle in crime prone and far flung areas. It implies that Conducting patrol using different kinds
of vehicle were quickly response to every critical incident's happened. 7.3 The result shows that majority of the
respondents (45) or 81.8% of the respondents answered "Very Effective" that the Uses Public Utility Land Vehicles not
exclusively utilized for the purpose. When mobiles cars are not available at the time that incident happen or when police
assistance is needed. It implies that most of the respondents were not strongly agree for the Uses of public utility land
vehicles when
mobile cars are not available at the time that incident happen.
7.3 The result shows that majority of the respondents (45) or 81.8% of the respondents answered "Very Effective" that
the Uses Public Utility Land Vehicles not exclusively utilized for the purpose. When mobiles cars are not available at the
time that incident happen or when police assistance is needed. It implies that most of the repondents were not strongly
agree for the Uses of public utility land vehicles when mobile cars are not available at the time that incident happen.

7.4 The result shows that majority of the (55) respondents answered "Very Effective " that the Utilizes mobile patrol with
official markings/drives for crime responses. Therefore, mobile patrol with official markings can distinct from other
car and easily to identify by the residents who in need. 7.5 The result shows that majority of the (55) respondents
answered "Very Effective " that the Responds more quickly to incidents and other cases like emergency situation using
patrol or mobile car. It implies that this can help in quickly responding to critical incidents in crime-prone and remote
areas, ensuring a visible police presence, and detering criminal activities. 8. Table 9 shows that Mean and Standard
Deviation of Respondent's Response in Terms of Communication. 8.1 The result shows that majority of the (55)
respondents answered "Very Effective " that the Provides radio communication equipment and cellphone to
duty/dispatch personnel. It implies that by providing radio communication and cellphone to every duty/dispatch can
actively give information in times of incidents or in needs. responses. Therefore, mobile patrol with official markings
can distinct from other mobile
car and easily to identify by the residents who in need.

7.5 The result shows that majority of the (55) respondents answered "Very Effective" that the Responds more quickly to
incidents and other cases like emergency sutuation using patrol or mobile car. It implies that this can help in quickly
responding to critical incidents in crime-prone and remote areas, ensuring a visible police presence, and deterring
criminal activities.
8. Table 9 shows that Mean and Standard Deviation of Respondent's Response in Terms of Communication.
8.1 The result shows that majority of the (55) respondents answered "Very Effetive" that the Provides radio
communication equipment and cellphone to duty/dispatch personnel. It implies that by providing radio communication
and cellphone
to every duty/dispatch can actively give information in times of incidents or in needs. 8.2 The result shows that majority
of the (55) respondents "Very Effective" that the Patrols in crime prone areas with radio communication and cellphone
issue. It
implies that by using radio can quickly give information without using internet especially in crime prone areas. 8.3 The
result shows that majority of the (55) respondents answered "Very Effective" that the dispatching police personnel
equipped with radio communication and Cellphone is an effective strategy as it enables efficient communication,
coordination, and response during police assistance.

8.2 The result shows that majority of the (55) respondents "Very Effective" that the Patrols in crime prone areas with
radio communication and cellphone issue. It Implies that by using radio can quickly give information without using
internet especially in crime prone areas. 8.3 The result shows that majority of the (55) respondents answered "Very
Effective" that the dispatching police personnel equipped with radio communication and Cellphones is an effective
strategy as it enables efficient communication, coordination, and response during police assistance. It implies that it
can help facilitates quick and
reliable information sharing, enhances situational awareness, and contributes to effective
law enforcement operations.
8.3 The result shows that majority of the (55) respondents answered "Very Effective " that the dispatching police
personnel equipped with radio communication and Cellphone hones is an effective strategy as it enables efficient
communication, coordination, and response during police assistance. It implies that it can help facilitates quick and
reliable information sharing, enhances situational awareness, and contributes to effective Law enforcement

The following conclusions are drawn based on from the findings of the study.
1. Based on the findings of the study, most of the residents of different Barangays. with a
total of fifty five (55) respondents are 30 years old and above with a total of (23 or 41.8%),
Female (29 or 52.7%), Married (42 or 76.4%), College graduates (25 or 45.5%), Businessman
(21 or 38.2%), and (21 or 38.2%) have ₱13,000 to ₱17,000 monthly income. 2. The residents
of every barangays were secured, with the presence of law enforcement vehicles in every
areas can serve as a deterrent to potential criminals and help reassure residents that law
enforcement is active and responsive. Furthermore, the presence of law enforcement can
effectively prevent crimes in every areas using their vehiclees in patrolling. 3. Implementing
programs related to patroling using patrol cars, motorcycles, or other vehicles in crime-
prone and remote areas can be an effective strategy to deter crime, respond to incidents,
gather information, and build trust within the community.

However, the effectiveness of patrols also depends on factors like frequency, staffing levels,
training, and community engagement by the Philippine National Police.
4. The residents were benefited with the provide communication program that
responds to police assistance equipped with communication tools that allow officers to stay
in contact with dispatch, other units, and emergency services, enhancing
coordination and response effectiveness. In other words, having a communication tools
such as cellphone, radio can actively give information Incase of emergency or Incase
incident will happen.

The following recommendations were based on findings and the conclusion of the
Based on the findings that the majority of the respondents strongly agree with the
strategies related to Mobility. Here's the recommendations based on the findings:
1. Utilizes mobile cars in responding to incidents/police assistance: Since the
majority of the respondents strongly agree that utilizing mobile cars is useful and
accommodating, it is recommended to continue using mobile cars for responding to
incidents. This can ensure a quick and efficient response to emergencies and provide
necessary assistance to those in need.
2. Conducts patrol using patrol/mobile cars/motorcycle in crime-prone and far-flung
areas: Since the majority of the respondents strongly agree with conducting patrols using
different kinds of vehicles, it is recommended to continue utilizing a variety of vehicles for
patrols. This can help in quickly responding to critical incidents in crime-prone and remote
areas, ensuring a visible police presence, and deterring criminal activities.

3. Uses Public Utility Land Vehicles when mobile cars are not available: Although
most of the respondents did not strongly agree with using public utility land vehicles
when mobile cars are not available, it is still recommended to consider this option as an
alternative. It can be useful in situations where mobile cars are not accessible, ensuring that
police assistance can still be provided promptly. However, efforts should be made to
Address any concerns or limitations associated with using public utility land vehicles to
increase community confidence and support.
4. Utilizes mobile patrol with official markings/drives for crime responses: Since the
majority of the respondents strongly agree with using mobile patrol vehicles with official
markings, it is recommended to continue using such vehicles. This helps distinguish them
from other vehicles and allows residents to easily identify them when in need of assistance.
Clear and visible markings can also enhance the credibility and professionalism of the police

5. Responds more quickly to incidents and emergency situations using patrol or

mobile cars: Since the majority of the respondents strongly agree that patrols or mobile cars
enable a quick response to incidents, it is recommended to prioritize the use of these
vehicles in emergency situations. This can help minimize response times, provide immediate
assistance, and ensure public safety. Overall, the findings suggest that the respondents
highly value the use of mobile cars and patrols for crime response and prevention. It is
important to continue investing in and optimizing these mobility strategies to enhance the
effectiveness and efficiency of
police operations. Regular training, maintenance of vehicles, and coordination among law
enforcement agencies can further improve the response capabilities and overall safety of
the community.
For listening

Prepared by:

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