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C# Day 1

Sensei Hamad

- Machine Language

- Data Types

- Unity and MS Visual Studios

Machine Language

- What does a computer understand?

- Input/Output

- Hardware & Software

- Compiling
Machine Language - Compiling

- A program written in a high-level language cannot be run directly on any computer.

First, it has to be translated into machine language.

- This translation can be done by a program called a compiler.

- A compiler takes a high-level-language program and translates it into an executable

machine-language program.

- A compiler is like a human translator who translates an entire book from one

language to another, producing a new book in the second language.

Data Types

- Byte: 8 bits, stores numbers from ~ -128 to 128

- Short: 16 bits, stores numbers from ~ -32768 to 32767

- Int: 32 bits, stores numbers from ~ -2bill to 2bill

- Long: 64 bits, stores numbers from ~ -10 quint to 10 quint

Data Types - Continued

- Float: 32 bits, stores numbers with decimal points up to 7 digits after the dot

- Double: 64 bits, stores numbers with decimal points up to 14-15 digits after

the dot

- Decimal: 128 bits, stores numbers with decimal points up to 28-29 digits after

the dot

- Char: 16 bits, stores letters and special characters

- Bool: Stores values “True” and “False”

The History of Unity

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