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Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentences
Conditional sentences are statements discussing
hypothetical situations and their consequences.
(if/when a thing happen, then there will be
consequence follows). A complete conditional
sentence consists of 2 parts:
1. a conditional clause / if-clause
2. a main clause / consequence.
Conditional Sentences
hypothetical situations and their
consequences / results

a conditional clause / if-clause

+ a main clause / consequence

If I join the online class regularly, I will get good grade

for the course.
Types of Conditional Sentence

Zero Usually 100% true facts (scientifically proven) / certain

First condition is possible to fulfill

Second condition is impossible to fulfill because it’s only imagination

Third condition is impossible to fulfill because it’s too late

Zero (0) Conditional
Usually 100% true facts
(scientifically proven) / certain

Structure If + Simple Present, ……. Simple Present

1. If ice melts, it becomes water.

2. Water turns into ice if you freeze it.
3. If students miss a final exam, the professor fails
FIRST (I) Conditional
Usage condition is possible to fulfill

If + Simple Present, ……. Simple Future/ Modal

+ infinitive

Example 1. If I have time on weekends, I will visit you.

2. My mom will be mad if I don’t clean the
3. If the pandemic is over, I will go out to meet
some friends.
SECOND (II) Conditional
condition is nearly impossible to fulfill
Usage because it’s only in your mind, it is not

Structure If + Simple Past, ……. would + infinitive (base Verb)

1. If I were a boy, I would not break girls’ heart.

2. I would travel to Switzerland if I had lots of
3. If I were the CEO of that well-known computer
company, I would buy a private island.
THIRD (III) Conditional
condition is impossible to fulfill because it’s
Usage too late, the result is not satisfying,

Structure If + Past Perfect, ……. would + have + past participle

1. If I had known the trick, I would have not

Example 2. I would have not been alone if I had known
you from the beginning.
3. If she had eaten, she would have not passed
1. I would take him with me if I _____ (have)
extra room.
2. She _____(cheat) on him if he had not had
enough money to spoil her.
3. If a person ____ (not) eat and drink for a
month straight, he/she dies.
4. If you ____ (come) into my bedroom again, I
will eat your cake.

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