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Known Countries

z that Practiced
Broqueza,Clarence, M.
- The accuser and accused were given each identical candle and
both were lightened at the same time. The holder of the candle that
consumed faster was adjudged the liar.

- The accuser and accused were presented by shell fish placed
on a plate. An irritating fluid was then poured on the shell fish
and the litigant whose shell fish moved first was adjudged
3. Greece
- A suspended axe was spun at the center of a group of suspects.
When the axe stopped, whoever was in line with the blade was
supposed to be guilty as pointed out by the divine providence.

4. Nigeria
- The priest greased a feather and pierced the tongue of the
accused. If the feather passed through the tongue easily, the
accused was deemed innocent. If not, the accused is guilty.
- Another method in Nigeria was the practice of pouring corrosive
liquid into the eyes of the accused who was supposed to remain
unharmed if innocent.
- Pour boiling oil over the hand of the accused with the usual
requisites for guilt or innocence (if remained unharmed, he is
5. Europe and Early United States (17th Century
- Trial by water was commonly used on those accused of
witchcraft. The accused was bound (hand and foot) and then cast
into the body of water. If the accused sank, he was hauled to the
surface half-drowned and deemed innocent. If he floated, he was
deemed guilty and burned to death.
Forerunners of
z Scientific Methods of
Detecting Deception

Aspa, Eddie Boy
1. Hypnotism
 Introduced by an Austrian Physician Franz (Friedrich) Anton
Mesmer in 1778.

 He believed in animal magnetism, by which in his own

personal electro-magnetism, therapeutic effect influenced other
persons. These effects produced were attributed to the state of
mind of a subject whereby he is set up, and thereby instructed
to sit quietly and gazed at flashing light or shiny object tangled in
front of his eyes and to cooperate with whatever the hypnotist
would like him to do.
2. The Word Association Test
 Introduced by an English Scientist and Anthropometrist Sir Francis
Galton in 1879.

 Developed later on by a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist and

founder of Analytical Pyschology, Dr. Carl Gustav.

 This method is done by giving subject a long list of carefully selected

stimulus words or objects with other pictures combined with other
irrelevant words, objects or pictures with the instruction to respond
with the very first word that may come to subject’s mind.

 Dr. Jung was able to observe how the thinking reactions were linked
into the emotional habit of his subject. The theory behind this method
is that, one word or idea is reflective of another word or idea and the
expression of their association forms a meaningful picture.
z 3. The Truth Serum Method
 Introduced by a US Physicist and diplomat Dr. Edward Mandel House.

 The procedure does not make someone tell the truth and the thing
administered is not a serum but is actually a drug.

 This method is based on the theory that intervention through interrogation is

made possible after dosage of drugs has been appropriately administered,
which depresses the cerebral activity to a point of unconsciousness, an
influence called as the “House Receptive Stage” or the “Twilight Zone.”
On this condition the subject is half sleep.

 The objective of the test is to extract from the subconscious mind of the
subject the stored contents of the mind called “memory.”

 During the test, a drug called Byosine Hydrobromide is usually

administered hypodermically to the subject in repeated doses until a state of
delirium is induced. When then proper point is reached, the questions were
answered by the subject truthfully. He forgets his acts or may even implicate
others. Accordingly, he will disclose everything without evasiveness.
4. Narco-Analysis or Narco-Synthesis
 The same with the administration of truth serum. The only
difference is the drug used.

 The drug Sodium Amytal or Sodium Pentothal is

administered to the subject. When the effects appear,
questioning starts.

 It was claimed that the drug causes depression of the inhibitory

mechanism of the brain and the subject talks freely.

 Like the administration of truth serum, the result of the test was
not admissible in court.
5. Intoxication
 This was practiced by means of drinking alcoholic beverages as stimuli to
obtain the truth on the part of the subject.

 The subject for interrogation will be allowed to take alcoholic beverages up

to the point of intoxication.

 Under this method, there is eventually lack of self-control of the subject

under intoxication. When the subject is already in the depressive state due
to excess alcohol intake, he will not be able to answer questions anymore,
and perhaps fell asleep.

 Confession made by the subject while intoxicated is admissible if he is

physically able to recollect the facts and state them truly and exactly even
after the influence or spirit of alcohol has disappeared.
Methods of
Deception through
Regular Police
Works Reporter:
Abion, Ceasar
The police sought to answer the legal investigative process are the
so called Five Wives and One Husband technique or the 5 W’s and
1H. These questions use to gain the so called 3 I’s of investigation
which refers to the following:

1. Information Gathering – Through record check, surveillance

and intelligence check.

2. Investigation – Through interrogation and/or interview to

obtain admission or confession.

3. Instrumentation – Through criminalistic processes with the

use of the different investigative forensic sciences such as
medico legal or forensic photography, forensic ballistics,
questioned documents examination, dactyloscophy, and
polygraphy or deceptography.
Stress Evaluator
Abion, Conrad

 This instrument detects lying by measuring the level of stress

experienced by the subject through his recorded voice. The
interview and test are recorded by the computer or cellphone.

 During the test, the PSE examiner asks series of questions to the
subject and records his voice utterances. The instrument filters the
vocal answers creates patterns and displays those patterns on the
computer screen. The examiner then evaluates the patterns for
truth or deception.

 The PSE, like the polygraph cannot detect deception per se, rather,
it also record reactions to a given situation, most commonly a
question and answer session. Those reactions may be charted,
and the interpretation of those reactions may lead the examiner to
conclude that the individual is lying.

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