Grid Codes - Assignment 3

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 The set of guidelines a transmission system operator (TSO) employs to
specify requirements for accessing the electricity grid is known as the grid
code, also referred to as the transmission code in some countries.
 The distribution system operator (DSO) establishes regulations for the
electrical grid at the low-voltage or distribution level independently in the
distribution code, depending on the nation.
 The low-voltage and distribution grids, respectively, as well as the high and
extra-high voltage grids, are all subject to broad rules governed by the grid
 The code also addresses grid expansion, general grid operation, system
services, and grid consumption.
 All systems that feed into the grid network are subject to the grid code's
regulations, whether they are large power plants producing several hundred
megawatts or small solar farms producing only 500 kW.
 Grid codes level the playing field for all participants by establishing a
uniform framework for any assets wishing to connect to the grid. This
manner, when DSOs or TSOs choose which systems are permitted to connect
to the grid, a certain level of fairness is guaranteed (or at least should be).
 As a result, many national grid codes mandate that a new system only be
granted access to the grid if all of the grid code's requirements are satisfied.
 Efficiency is important, too: without a set of rules for grid connections, any
new connection to the electrical grid would be subject to bilateral
negotiations between the TSO/DSO and the applicant.
 The existence of grid codes is essential, in the eyes of the grid
operator, to guarantee the grid's dependable operation.
 Without a set of uniform criteria that apply to all applications, it would
be challenging to manage the significant number of new installations
that link to the grid, especially given the quickly growing use of
renewable energies in many nations.
 The dependency between the expansion of renewable energies and the
creation of grid codes is examined by the International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA).
 Fault ride-through requirements
 Active/reactive power control
 Frequency/voltage regulation
 Power quality, and system protection
• Tanzania Country
• Sub Saharan countries
• European countries
3.1. Tanzania Electricity Grid Codes
• Grid code overview
A variety of technological, operational, commercial, and governance challenges are
covered under the Grid Code.
The Grid Code is divided into a number of "sub-codes" in order to address issues
thoroughly and systematically. Which are:
a. The Grid Code Preamble;
b. The Network Code;
c. The System Operation Code;
d. The Scheduling and Dispatch Code
f. The Metering Code;
g. The Information Exchange Code;
h. The Transmission Tariff Code; and
i. The Governance Code
3.1. Tanzania Electricity Grid Codes
• Below is a brief overview of the main features of each of these sub – codes;
a. The Grid Code Preamble provides the context for the Grid Code and its various
sub-sections. It also contains detailed definitions and acronyms of the terms used
in the Grid Code documents.
b. The Network Code is concerned with the high voltage network's technical
specifications and standards. It is divided into subsections outlining:
i. Connection conditions (for generators, distributors and end-use customers),
ii. Technical design requirements applicable to the Grid Code Participants,
iii. Electrical protection requirements,
iv. Investment planning, process and methodology, and
v. Network Maintenance requirements.
3.1. Tanzania Electricity Grid Codes
c. The System Operation Code sets out the responsibilities and roles of the
Grid Code Participants as far as the operation of the Interconnected Power
System (IPS) is concerned. It addresses, amongst other things:
i. Reliability, Security and safety;
ii. Ancillary Services;
iii. Market operation actions required by the System Operator;
iv. Independent actions required and allowed by customers;
v. Operation of the IPS under abnormal conditions; and
vi. Field operation, maintenance and maintenance co-ordination / outage
3.1. Tanzania Electricity Grid Codes
d. The Scheduling and Dispatch Code specifies the roles and
obligations of the Grid Code Participants with regard to the Scheduling
and Dispatch of the Interconnected Power System (IPS), more
specifically with regard to matters pertaining to: -
i. Generation Scheduling;
ii. Generation Dispatch;
iii. System Operator roles and responsibilities
3.1. Tanzania Electricity Grid Codes
e. The Metering Code: This code ensures that all present and future Grid Code
Participants will meet a certain Metering standard. It addresses levels of responsibility and
outlines the metering criteria that must be followed. The code has provisions that deal with:
i. Main Metering Installations and check Metering Installations used for the
measurement of active and reactive energy;
ii. The collection of Metering data;
iii. The provision, installation and maintenance of equipment;
iv. The accuracy of all equipment used in the process of electricity Metering;
v. Testing procedures to be adhered to;
vi. Storage requirements for Metering data;
vii. Competencies and standards of performance; and
viii. The relationship of entities involved in the electricity Metering industry
3.1. Tanzania Electricity Grid Codes
f. The obligations of parties with regard to the provision of information for the
implementation of the Grid Code are outlined in the Information Exchange
To guarantee non-discriminatory access to the Transmission System and the
safe, dependable provision of Transmission services, the Information
requirements as specified for the Grid Code Participants are essential. The
information needs are broken down into:
i. Planning Information,
ii. Operational Information, and
iii. Post-dispatch Information.
3.1. Tanzania Electricity Grid Codes
g. The Transmission Tariff Code outlines the goals and guiding principles
for pricing Transmission services, the use of charges and taxes, and the
process that licensees must follow when submitting requests to alter revenue
standards, tariff levels, or tariff structures. It addresses the;
i. Authority of EWURA to regulate tariffs/charges
ii. Applicability and objectives of the Transmission Tariff Code
iii. Principles for the regulation of income
iv. Approach to the determination of tariff structures and levels
v. Procedure for the Authority Approval and Tariff Change Notifications
3.1. Tanzania Electricity Grid Codes
h. The Governance Code sets out how the Grid Code will be
maintained. It describes the process that will be followed to update the
Grid Code to improve safety, reliability and operational standards.
It sets out how Grid Code Participants can influence the amendment
process and defines who has the authority to recommend and ultimately
approve and enforce the changes.
In addition the document also explain oversight and compliance
requirements that need to be observed by all Grid Code Participants.
3.2. Grid Code in European Countries
 European Network Codes (ENC), which address grid connections,
markets, and system functioning, were required as a result of the Third
Energy Package of European legislation.
 These regulations aim to create a competitive, safe, and sustainable
power market throughout Europe.
3.2. Grid Code in European Countries
• For instance, transitory effects in the transmission line should prevent a
daisy chain of smaller generators from disconnecting from the grid,
thereby compounding the power loss of the original fault, if a fault
occurs in a very high voltage area of the network and shuts down a
specific region.
• There are efforts to standardize the Grid Codes, but it is likely that there
will still be discrepancies because it seems too challenging to match all
of the requirements.
• The issue is widespread throughout Europe and much further. However,
having the codes is essential to ensuring future access to dependable
power sources.
3.2. Grid Code in European Countries
• Static state (Grid code)
The static specifications for voltage, frequency, power factor, and kVA are
rather simple, but it is the dynamic specifications that need extra care. If
you compare the original EN60034-1 generator requirements with
EN50160, you can see that the voltage/frequency working window has
greatly widened.
The primary circumstances are:
• Voltage between +10 and +15
• Frequency between 3% and 5%.
• The leading and lagging power factors
3.2. Grid Code in European Countries
• Dynamic State
The generator must remain connected to the grid during extreme
circumstances, even if the grid is destroyed. We're talking about brief
intervals, and even though Grid Codes aren't yet in agreement, the
standard being discussed here is a duration of 150ms.
The alternator and even the engine may experience substantial stress or
even catastrophic failure as a result of the generator being realigned to
the grid after the grid has returned.
A fault ride through (FRT) or low voltage ride through is what is
happening in this situation (LVRT).Again, the design and choice of the
alternator are crucial.
3.2. Grid Code in European Countries
3.3. Grid Code in Sub - Saharan Countries
• Technical Requirements for Distribution-Level Integration of
Renewable Energy Sources
A renewable power plant (RPP) should be able to meet future grid
requirements, however certain of the grid code's specifications can be
relaxed until the RPP achieves a specified MW capacity or is connected
to the main grid.
These requirements may include voltage band, frequency band, under
voltage disconnection times, etc. Below is a description of the technical
prerequisites, restrictions, and ranges of constraints.
3.3. Grid Code in Sub - Saharan Countries
• Levels of Protection and Faults
Protection procedures must be offered in order to safeguard the RPP
(Renewable Power Percentage) and preserve a dependable distribution system.
For the RPP to be protected from damage brought on by distribution system
faults and incidents, it must contain the necessary protective features. The RPP
must be able to recognize islanded operation in all system configurations and
shut down power generation in such a state within 0.2 seconds for RPPs of and
in the and categories as well as bigger RPPs.
Except with the express permission of the designer of the distribution network
system, islanded operation with a component of the distribution system is not
3.3. Grid Code in Sub - Saharan Countries
• Functions of Active Power Constraint
For reasons of system security, the distribution network system planner and
the system operator may restrict the active power output of RPPs greater
than 100 kVA.
Distribution system imbalances and/or overloading are prevented by
constraint functions or other active power control functions. Among the
necessary constraint functions are power gradient constraints, absolute
production constraints, and delta production constraints.
More details on each of these are provided in the sections that follow. The
power gradient and delta output limitations are not required for small
hydroelectric power facilities.
3.3. Grid Code in Sub - Saharan Countries
• Requirements for Control Functions
Different control actions are needed for different capacity RPPs. Control
functions like constraint of absolute production and constraint power gradient
are needed for the RPP with a capacity between 100 kVA and 1 MVA.
Additionally, control functions such absolute production constraint, power
gradient constraint, reactive power control, power factor control, and voltage
control are necessary for RPPs with capacities between 1 MVA and 20 MVA.
Last but not least, control functions like frequency control, absolute
production constraint, delta production constraint, power gradient constraint,
reactive power constraint, power factor constraint, and voltage constraint are
needed for RPPs with capacities greater than 20 MVA.
3.3. Grid Code in Sub - Saharan Countries
• System Reserve Requirement for RPP
The rising integration of wind and solar power as well as other RPPs to a
lesser extent could lead to a higher necessity for different types of reserves.
Due to the unpredictable nature of their output, they require bigger
operational and planning reserves in order to balance the increased risk of
being unavailable or going offline when they are needed.
Additionally, they do not offer the system much inertia, necessitating
stricter frequency regulation and maybe larger amounts of regulating and
spinning reserve A number of elements need to be considered when
determining planned and operating bank reserves. RPPs should generally:
3.3. Grid Code in Sub - Saharan Countries
(a) Keep at least two distinct predetermined quantities of spinning
reserve within the design margins.
(b) Continue the spinning reserve set level for at least one hour while
keeping it within 2% of the registered capacity with the DNSP, the
local control center, and/or the system operator.
3.3. Grid Code in Sub - Saharan Countries
• High Wind Curtailment
When average wind speeds fall below a predetermined cut-out wind
speed, the wind power generating plant must still be linked to the
distribution system.
Based on the anticipated wind speed as an average value over a 10
minute period, the cut-out wind speed must be at least 25 m/s.
The Wind Turbine Generating Plant should be fitted with an automatic
downward control device to prevent a brief stoppage of Active Power
generation at wind speeds close to the cut-out wind speed.
3.3. Grid Code in Sub - Saharan Countries
• Ramp Rates
For the ramp rate parameters to be applicable across all operational
categories, in particular, positive ramp rate during startup, positive ramp
rate solely during normal operating conditions, and negative ramp rate
during controlled shut down are required. It is not advisable to use them
to control frequency.
The Regional Control Centre and/or the system operator must be able to
establish a maximum MW per minute ramp rate for the RPP control
system to be able to manage the ramp rate of its Active Power output.
There are two maximum ramp speeds possible.

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