Sano Gervais Presentation About Learning Aim A Investigating Data Modelling (Autosaved) (Autosaved) (Autosaved) (Autosaved)

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Stages of decision making

nding the
6.Making and 2.Identify information
justifying the and resources
Stages of
5. Analysing the information
ng the
Identifying the alternatives
factors that
and the consequences of the
affect the
implementation of them
decision making it is the process of arriving at a choice between different option.
It's something we do all the time, from big things like what career path to choose
to small things like what to eat for breakfast. There are different models of
decision-making, but a common one involves these steps:
1. Understand scenario or problem; you first understand your issues and know
challenge you have. This involves collecting information about the different
options available to you. In this stage, you'll want to understand the scenario
by asking yourself questions like:
What are all the factors involved?
What are the potential consequences of each option?
What are my goals and priorities?
2. Recognizing the factors that affect the information
The factors that affect the quality of information during decision-making can have a
significant impact on the currency, accuracy, and external factors of the data. Let's
examine how each of these factors can be affected:

Currency of the data:

Timeliness of the information: Outdated or stale data can become less relevant and
useful for decision-making, leading to suboptimal choices.
Frequency of data updates: Regularly updated data ensures that decision-makers
have access to the most recent and relevant information.
Responsiveness to changes: Quickly adapting to changes in the environment or
market conditions is crucial for maintaining the currency of the data.
Reliability of the data sources: Using reputable and trustworthy sources of information can
improve the accuracy of the data.
Data collection and processing methods: Robust data collection and analysis processes help
ensure the accuracy and integrity of the information.
Presence of errors or inconsistencies: Identifying and addressing any errors or
inconsistencies in the data can enhance its accuracy.

External factors:
Market conditions and trends: Changes in the external environment, such as market
conditions, industry trends, or regulatory changes, can impact the relevance and applicability
of the information.
Stakeholder perspectives: Considering the diverse perspectives of stakeholders, such as
customers, competitors, or industry experts, can provide a more comprehensive
understanding of the decision-making context.
Uncontrolled variables: Factors outside the decision-maker's control, such as natural
disasters, geopolitical events, or technological disruptions, can introduce uncertainty and
affect the quality of the information.
3. Identify information and resources; in this step this where we look for the
information every where we use the advisor to give the idea on how we
make good decision.
Here there factors that affect the quality of the information.
Sources of information;
• The extent to which the information is free from errors, mistakes, or distortions.
• Factors that impact accuracy include the source's reliability, the data collection
methods, and the processing and analysis of the information.
Amount of the information; if the amount of the information available is not
enough, it can cause some one not understanding or depend on the decision.
A currency of the information; The quality of information can significantly impact
the currency, or timeliness, of the information used in decision-making.
4. Analysing the information; Analyzing information plays a crucial role in
decision-making by providing a basis for evaluating alternatives and making
informed choices.
Here there are things that are considered in analysing the information.
Statistical analysis; this is where we use the system which can help us to know
where we are wrong like graph and pie chat.
Qualitative analysis; Qualitative analysis is a method of examining and
interpreting data that focuses on the quality, meaning, and understanding of the
information, rather than on numerical or statistical measurements.
5. Analysing the information Identifying the alternatives and the consequences of the
implementation of them
Analyzing the information:
Gathering and thoroughly examining all the relevant data, facts, and context surrounding
the decision.
Identifying the key factors, variables, and constraints that need to be considered.
Ensuring that the information is accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive.

Identifying the alternatives:

Brainstorming and exploring multiple possible courses of action or solutions to the
Considering a range of options, not just the obvious or most immediate ones.
Evaluating the pros and cons of each alternative, including their feasibility and alignment
with your goals.
6. Making and justifying the decision
making a decision; after thinking about the consequences of
implementing your own way, it can be good to understand which the best
way to choose good and worst and you must be a knowledgeable in
Justifying the decision; You must give out evidence for what you have
chosen, the same as you must be ready to explain and accepting reasons
why you have chosen the consequences of implementing other method
you have chosen.

6. .
7. Communicating your decision to others

Communication your decision; it is good to communication your decision

to others in order to know how you can take last alternative as it is
essential for the every one to involve in.
spread sheet used to support the decision

Entering and editing data; on the work sheet, you click a cell and type the
numbers or text that you want to enter and then you press enter or tab.
Formatting data
Here there are the steps which is used in formatting data;
I. To open a new spreadsheet you want to work in.
II. Enter data;
When you are interring data you first click on a cell to select it
then you type data you want to enter such as text, numbers,
You also press enter to move to the next cell to completely
III. Type data into a cell
IV. In the "Text" tab, choose an option to format your text.
Bold. ...
V. In the "Cell" tab, choose an option to format your cell. ...
Using and formulae and function

Formulae a calculation that must be done on

spreadsheet and started by =, which
symbolized that lets the spreadsheet be
known that there is a calculation needed to be
Here there is an example; = A1+A2+A3+14
Entering function
This show how to enter the function step by step where you get different
function “E12” for using the you select what you want to use for use you can use
sum when you want to find the total number
after writing sum you put the
bracket”(C4:C7)” in
• order to collect all the number which are in the

• After writing the bracket you press
enter to calculate according to how
you selected the data in your table
for example from c1:c4. Immediately
gives you answer after pressing.
Ways of entering average in excel
• When we are finding the average of the number in the table we star with
equal(“=“) which will help to give out the answer. You write the name of
function of average then you insert bracket to allow you selecting the
Here are the key limitations and benefits of spreadsheet
oftware features that are used to support decision-making:

Data capacity: Spreadsheets have limits on the amount of data they can effectively handle,
especially as the number of rows and columns increases. This can make them less suitable
for very large datasets.

Data integrity: Spreadsheets are prone to human errors, such as incorrect data entry,
formula errors, and accidental overwrites. This can compromise the reliability of the data
and analysis.

Complexity: As spreadsheets become more complex with nested formulas, macros, and
links, they can become difficult to audit, maintain, and share with others.
Lack of collaboration: Spreadsheets are often designed
for individual use, making it challenging to collaborate on Calculation capabilities: Spreadsheet software provides
decision-making processes in real-time. advanced calculation functions, statistical analysis tools,
and the ability to perform what-if analyses, which are
Security concerns: Spreadsheets can be vulnerable to valuable for decision-making.
unauthorized access, data breaches, and version control
issues, which can be a concern for sensitive business Data integration: Spreadsheets can integrate data from
various sources, including databases, external files, and
web services, allowing for more comprehensive analysis.
Accessibility: Spreadsheet software is widely available,
familiar to many users, and easy to learn, making it a
accessible tool for decision-making.

Flexibility: Spreadsheets allow for easy data

manipulation, visualization, and analysis, enabling users
to quickly explore different scenarios and test
As I conclude, the limitations of spreadsheets highlight the importance of
careful data management and the potential need for more specialized
decision-support tools, while the benefits demonstrate why spreadsheets
remain a widely-used and valuable tool for decision-making in many


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