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Various systems that bring people together across

Objective of the session

Recap of the Central Idea and LOI - 5 minutes

Provocation - 10 minutes
Exploration - 25 minutes
Discussion - 15 minutes
Exit card- 5 minutes
Observe the images carefully
Share your observation

1)What is happening in the images

you observed?

2) Where is it happening?
the other things that unites us

The other things that unites us are


An organization, or
organisation is an entity – such
as a company, an institution, or
an association – comprising one
or more people and having a
particular purpose.
The ideas of the United Nations are:
● to keep world peace

● to help countries get along

● to improve living conditions for people

all over the world

● and to make the world a better place.

Exit card

If you wanted to create an organisation

What it would be?
Why would you create an organisation? (goal or purpose of your organisation).

Note: Reflection can be done in post it.

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