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What is a database

By David oblie
Database introduction project
The reason the local veterinarian called Vets R Us needs help is because
they have all there information on paper and want to make it digital,
the practice staff use paper for everything such as the animal details,
appointment details and treatment information.

The manager of the local veterinarian would like for mew to improve
the system and has asked me to create a Database solution which will
help and make the process of finding information faster, easier
User requirements
The manager wants me to investigate database which could make it more easier and more
efficient to:
Manage daily costs of treatments such as figuring out how much money has been earned
daily and how much they are spending and also how much the treatment will cost for the
Manage daily percentage of treatments which will show how many treatment have been
done for the period of time for example a week or how many treatment have been done in
Manage busy dates and time of the practice – shows around which period is or was the
busiest time and around what time the vets have to get there if they want to be ahead of it .
Analyse the percentage of animals visiting the practice to show how many animal are
coming in so they can know how many animal they need to take care of and so that they
don’t lose any animals.
the manager would like for me to upgrade/improve all the information
and create a database for that information.

The database has to be fit for the purpose and fully and thoroughly
tested, so it works fine without any problems.

The manager has also requested a set of alternative designs to choose

from which will help the manager understand it better.
What is a database?
A database is like a virtual storage space where data is organized in a
structured manner. It can hold a vast amount of information such as
text, numbers, images, or videos. A databases are essential tools for
organizing and managing data in today's digital age.
People can access their own database with Microsoft
For example hospitals have a database which information of medical
history and appointments.
This information is saved in a tables format for example on applications
like excel
Why are databases used?
Databases are commonly used by companies to store and manage
important data like customer information, sales records, or inventory
A database makes it easier to access and manipulate data quickly and
efficiently, allowing businesses to make informed decisions based on
the information stored in the database.
This information is saved in a tables format for example on applications
like excel
Databases tools & techniques
Database tools and techniques are essential for organizing and
managing a large amount of data efficiently. Tools such as SQL
databases, NoSQL databases, and data warehousing systems help store
and retrieve information in a structured manner. Techniques like data
modelling and normalization ensure that the data is organized in a
logical and efficient way. These tools and techniques are crucial for
businesses and organizations to make informed decisions and drive
growth. By mastering these database tools and techniques, you can
streamline operations, enhance data accuracy, and improve overall
productivity in the workplace.
How a databases is useful for a college and
Introduction to hospital Introduction to college
The database a hospital would The database a college would
need is different for other have is also different but
industries databases. somewhat similar to other
The database for a hospital would industries databases.
be a list of people confidential The database a college would
information such as a patients have is the students course, the
address, phone number, family amount of income they have and
members, any medical records their expenses, parents number
such allergies and such. and if they have any allergies
How a hospital uses databases?
Hospitals use databases in a bunch of ways to keep all of their patients' information
organized and easily accessible. When you go to the hospital for an appointment, all of
your information like medical history, test results, and treatment plans are stored in a
database. This helps doctors and nurses know your medical situation quickly and
provide you with the best care possible. Hospitals also use databases to keep track of
their medical supplies, scheduling appointments, and billing information. By using
databases, hospitals can improve efficiency, accuracy, and patient care. Plus, it’s cool to
think about all of the fascinating technology that goes into keeping everything running
smoothly at a hospital.

Database tools are Electronic health record (EHR) system, Patient registration
software, Laboratory information management system (LIMS), Radiology information
system (RIS), Picture archiving and communication system (PACS), Electronic
medication administration record (eMAR), Billing and claims management software,
Inventory management system, Scheduling and appointment software
How a college uses databases?
A college uses databases to store and organize student information such as grades,
schedules, and personal details. They also use databases to track alumni data, manage
financial aid and scholarships, and handle course registrations. Databases are essential for
colleges to run efficiently and provide students with the resources they need to succeed in
their academic careers. Additionally, colleges use databases to track trends in enrolment,
student demographics, and academic performance in order to make informed decisions
about campus resources and programming. Overall, databases are crucial for colleges to
effectively manage their operations and support the needs of their students.

At my college, we use tools like Microsoft Access and MySQL for managing databases.
Microsoft Access is user-friendly and great for beginners, while MySQL is more advanced
and commonly used in professional settings. These tools help us store and organize large
amounts of data for various projects and assignments. We can create tables, run queries,
and generate reports to analyse our data effectively. Overall, these database tools make it
easier for us to work on group projects and collaborate with classmates.
Structure diagram

Owner TBL
Owner ID Animal TBL
Owners Surname
Animal ID
Owners Telephone Number
Animal Name
Species Appointment TBL
Gender Appointment ID
Age Appointment Date
Colour Appointment Time
Owner ID Treatment Type
Animal ID

Animal table show the name of the

animal, its race, gender, age, colour and
the owners ID
Appointment Table

• In the appointment table it

show which dates the
appoint,emts are and which
time its for. The appointment
table also shows which
treatment types is given.
Owners Table The owner table is used so the vet can contact the
owner with the inforamtion in the owners table
such as the owners phone number and surname
relationship The relationship table shows what each table have in commen and
how each table relates to one another

The inventory database shows all the information a store has as is shown here in the database I made it has the
number of stuck which will allow the shop to know when to stock up when it is low and on what item they are low on
and the price of the item.
Query allows the manager
or employee of the store
search for things that fit
their specific need as is
shown her for example if
the manager is searching for
all the items that are less
than 100 in stock
An inventory form is a more detailed description of all the
items in the store. And can specifily aim at one item and
see how many are in stock, the price, location and category
Reports sums up everything of
the database information with
the specific date and time, this
is helpful in case the manager
wants to know the difference
in something of last week and
the current week.

Property sheet is the change

in the sheet colour, the shape
and buttons.
Day search query

I made a query of day search which when

entering the date will allow the user to see
what appointments there are.
More than a 100 query
This query show which animals treatments
cost over £100
TESTING This query show which pets treatments involve euthanasia

Euthanized pets query

Month search query

The month search query allows the user

to search up all the appointment dates
during the specified month.
It will allow the user to see the time of
the appointment, the species and the
treatment the require with the cost of
the treatment
Pet name search
this query lets the user type in the name
of the pet and any information regarding
the pet will be shown such as the
appointment time and date, the gender
and species of the pet, age and treatment
type and also owner ID
Animal TBL

I have tested the animal table by making sure the

data type is correct I did this by typing words in
the age numbers table and it popped up with a
error message
Appointment TBL

I tested appointment table by make sure the

data type is correct and it is as the cost data type
is currency so I made sure it was working
properly by typing a word instead of numbers
with currency and it popped up with a error
message which shows its working properly
Owner TBL

I tested Owner table and it works correctly as I

typed using letter in the number table as the
data type is numbers and it came up with an
error message
Animal table Form
This is a Animal
table form
which gives
details of the
animal and this
is printable.
Its easy to
understand and
go through with
Appointment table form
The appointment
table has information
about the
appointments time,
date and treatment
types. The user can
print this out aswell in
case they need a
paper version.
Its easy to understand
and not complicated.
Owner table form
The owner table has
information regarding the
This will allow the user to
know which pet the
owner has and the
owners phone number to
contact the owner of the
How my database matchs the user
The manager wants me to investigate databases which could make it more easier and more efficient to:
Manage daily costs of treatments such as figuring out how much money has been earned daily and how much they
are spending and also how much the treatment will cost for the animal.
- This can be done by using the appointment table as the cost for the treatments are there and which treatment is being conducted on the date which is
specified. There is also the query more than a 100 which will allow the user to check for very expensive treatments.

Manage daily percentage of treatments which will show how many treatment have been done for the period of
time for example a week or how many treatment have been done in January.
-This can be done by using the month search query in databases as this will show what appointments there are when typing the specific month the user
requires information from, the information that come up involves the date and time, the animal name and species, gender and age, colour, treatment type and

Manage busy dates and time of the practice – shows around which period is or was the busiest time and around
what time the vets have to get there if they want to be ahead of it .
-this can be done by using the day search query which will allow the vets to know before hand when there are appointments and which time and this will allow
them to be prepared.

Analyse the percentage of animals visiting the practice to show how many animal are coming in so they can know
how many animal they need to take care of and so that they don’t lose any animals.
-this can be done by using the animal table which has inforamtion about the animal coming to the vet and if the user requires more information
about a specific pet they can use the pet name search query which when typing in the name of the pet will give the user information regarding the

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