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RASH Anurag Chaurasiya
Dr.KS kapoor

Presented by:-
Aditya Gautam
Aditya Singh
Ajay Singh
Akash Singh
• Definition
• Etiology
• Clinical presentation
• Diagnostic approach
• Complication
• Management
Definition of fever
with rash:-
Simultaneous occurrence of fever and a skin
eruption, which can vary in morphology and
Etiology of fever with rash:-on the basis of
eruption of rash

1) centrally distributed maculopapular rash:-

- rubella
-epidemic and endemic typhus
-dengue fever
-typhoid fever
-scrub typhus
-erythema infectiosum
-erythema marginatum
-infectious mononucleosis
-rickettsial spotted fever
2) Peripheral Eruption:-
- Rockey mountain spotted fever
- chikungunya
- Hand foot and mouth disease
- Erythema multiforme
- Bacterial endocarditis

• 3) Eruption with eschar / Ulcer:-

• - Scrub typhus
• - Anthrax
• 4) Urticaria like Eruptions :-
• - seen in urtricarial vasculitis
5) pustular Eruption:-

-chicken pox disease

-small pox
-Herpes simplex virus
-Rickettsial pox

6)Nodular Eruptions:-
-Erythema Nodosum

7)Purpuric Eruption
-Epidemic Typhus
-Rockey mountain spotted fever

8)Confluent Desquamative Erythema:-

-Scarlet fever
-kawasaki disease
-drug induced hypersensitivity syndrome
-Steven johnson syndrome
-staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Measles :-
• Caused by:-ss RNA virus of family paramyxoviridae
• Incubation period:-8 to 12 days

• Clinical features:-
• (1) from day 1 to day 3 - fever and cough ,coryza, conjunctivitis
• (2) from day 2 to 3 - koplik spot appears
• - seen opposite to second molar as
• white spot with red base
• - pathognomic
• (3) on day 4 rash appears -starts from face spread to trunk and
• then to extremeties
• (4) on day 8 rash disappears
(1) otitis media is mc complication
(2) bronchopneumonia
(3) sub acute sclerosing pan encephalitis

supportive treatment only
(1) iv / oral fluids
(2) vitamin A to reduce mortality and morbidity

measles rubella vaccine under National immunization
Scarlet Fever:-

• Etiology :-group A beta hemolytic streptococci

• Clinical features:-
• (1) fever with rash on day 2
• (2) rash starts from face , spread to trunk, never involves
palm and soles and rash is maculopapular
• (3) sore throat
• (4) tender cervical lymphadenopathy
• (5) strawberry tongue due to intense inflammation and
hypertrophy of papillae
culture of throat swab is investigation of choice

pennicillin G for 10 days is treatment of choice
(1) Acute rheumatic fever
(2) psgn
(3) post streptococcal reactive arthritis
Chicken Pox
• Causative agent:- double standard DNA virus herpes zoster

• Incubation period:-10 to 21 days

• Clinical features:-
• (1) fever
• (2) rash - on first day of fever
• - initially macular rash turns to papular and then vesicular
• - characteristics vesicular rash
• - centripetal distribution
• - pleomorphic rash
• - dew drop in rose petal appearence
(1) secondary bacterial infection bt S.aureus
(2) meningoencephalitis
(3) cerebellar ataxia
• Diagnosis :-
• (1) based on clinical diagnosis
• (2) tzank smear examination
• (3) Anti IgM antibody detection
• Treatment:-
• Symptomatic treatment
• Acyclovir
• Prevention:-
• (1) vaccination
Kawasaki disease
• Introduction:- Acute, febrile,multisystem disease of children

• Clinical features:-
• (1) non suppurative cervical adenitis
• (2) change in skin and mucous membranes such
• as edema,congested conjunctiva,erythema of
• Oral cavity,lips,palm
• (3) fever for more than 5 days
• (4)desquamation of skin of finger tip

• Complication:-
• (1) vasculitis of coronary artery
• (2) pericarditis, myocarditis, mi, myocardial ischemia
• (3) beadline aneurysm and thromboses may be seen along artey wall
Diagnosis:-mainly clinical diagnosis

• Treatment:-
• (1) high dose of iv gamma globulin (2gm/kg as a single
infusion over 10 hr) +
• (2)Aspirin (100mg/kg/day for 14 days) followed by 3-5
mg/kg/ day for several weeks
• (3) surgical treatment in patient of giant coronary artery
aneurysm or other complications
Scrub Typhus:-

• Caused by:-orientia tsutsugamushi

• Vector:- mite ( larva of mite k/a chigger)

• Incubation period:- 6 to 21 days

• Clinical features:- fever, malaise, headache, cough
• Myalgia
• Maculopapular rash
• Eschar ( where chigger has feed)

• Complication:-
• Encephalitis
• Interstitial pneumonia
(1) indirect fluorescent antibody
(2) indirect immunoperoxidase
(3) enzyme immunoassay
(4) PCR

• Treatment:-
• (1) Doxycycline (100 mg daily for 7-15 days)
• Or
• (2) Azythromycin (500mg for 3 days)
• Or
• (3) Chloramphenicol (500 mg 4 time daily for 7 -15 days)
Epidemic typhus

• Causative agent:-Rickettsia prowazeki

• Transmission:- feces of infected body louse

• Clinical features:-
• (1) fever
• (2) headache
• (3) rash - on day 5 of fever, purpuric rash, involves palm and soles

• Treatment:-
• Doxycycline for 5. To 7 days and for at least 3 days after patient
becomes afebrile to prevent relapse
Hand foot and mouth disease

• Causative agent:- Coxsakie A16 and Enterovirus 71

• Transmission:- direct contact and usage of infected fomite

• Clinical features:-
• fever+ ulcer or blister in oral cavity
• In palm and soles - papulovesicular lesions are seen

• Complication:-
• does not usually cause complication

• Treatment :-
• symptomatic treatment with isolation in home till all lesions resolved
Chikungunya fever
• Caused by:-SS RNA virus of togaviridae family

• Transmitted by:- (1) Aedes Agepti

• (2)Albopthicus mosquito

• Clinical features:-
• (1) fever - sudden onset
• - associated with chills
• - fever last for 2 to 3 days and may
• reoccur after 3 days so known as
• (2) Arthralgia - migratory polyarthralgia
• (3) headache, malaise
• (4) lower back pain
• (5) Rash - maculopapular / petechial rash
• - mostly on trunk, limbs,and may desquamate
(1) Relapse of polyarthralgia
(2) Relapse of polyarthritis
(3) Tenosynovitis

(1) Leukopenia
(2) increase in AST
(3) increase in C- reactive protein
(4) Decrease in platelet count
(5) Rt- pcr

Treatment :-
(2) sometimes Chloroquine for refractory arthritis
Endemic typhus
• Caused by:-R.Typhi

• Transmitted by:-Rat flea

• Incubation period:-8 to 16 days

• Clinical features:-
• (1) fever
• (2) myalgia
• (3) headache
• (4) malaise
• (5) nausea
• (6) Arthralgia
• (7) Rash - initially macular on axilla or inner arm
• - then become maculopapular involves trunk and
• extremities
(1) respiratory failure
(2) hematemesis
(3) cerebral hemorrhage
(4) hemolysis

serological studies

(1) Doxycycline ( 100 mg twice daily by mouth for 7 to
15 days)
Steven Johnson Syndrome
• Caused by:-

• (1) sulfonamide
• (2) Allopurinol
• (3) Antiepileptic
• (4) beta lactam
• (5) Nevirapine

• Clinical features:-

• (1) Fever > 39°C

• (2) sore throat
• (3) conjunctivitis
• (4) Target like lesion
frozen section skin biopsy

(1) immediate discontinuation of suspected
(2) fluid management
(3) Atraumatic wound care
(4) infection prevention and treatment
(5) Systemic Glucocorticoid therapy
( Prednisone 1-2 mg /kg )
Rocky mountain spotted fever
• Caused by:- R. Rickettsiae

• Transmitted by:- tick

• Incubation period:- 2-14 days

• Clinical features:-
• Fever
• Headache
• Malaise
• Myalgia
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Anorexia
• Macular rash - appear first on wrist and ankle
• - then involves extremities and trunk
(1) Non cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
(2) Dysrhythmia
(3) Encephalitis
(4) Renal failure due to Acute tubular necrosis
(5) Massive upper gi hemorrhage


(1) History of exposure to tick infected environment

(2) Indirect immunofluorescence assay
(3) Immunohistological examination of a cutaneous biopsy sample fro
(4) Polymerase chain reaction
Treatment of Rocky mountain
spotted fever:-

(1) Doxycycline is drug of choice

Given( orally/iv 100 mg twice

(2) in case of allergy to Doxycycline

use Oral tetracycline (500 mg 4
times daily)
Rickettsial pox
• Caused by:-R. Aakari
• Transmitted by:-mites
• Incubation period:-10 to 17 days

• Clinical features:-
• Fever
• Malaise
• Headache
• Myalgia
• Regional lymphadenopathy
• Chill
• Papule at site of mite feeding
• ↓
• Converted into vesicles
• ↓
Macular rash appear 2 - 6 days after onset




• Diagnosis:-
• 1) Clinical diagnosis
• 2) Serological diagnosis
• 3) Epidemiological diagnosis
• Treatment:-
• Doxycycline is drug of choice

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