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Teacher :

Miss Patty
Topic :
What is artfficial intelligence and how impacts our society?
8th `B´

• In this presentation I will explain what is

Artifficial Inteligence, how many industries
use it because it gives a technological edge
to all companies. AI has benefit to almost
all the people that uses technology to do
tasks more efficiently like do
presentations ,copy voices ,do images ,
check stadistics to give you a better anwser
and more understood.
• In this presentation I Will explaining how the word of ``Artifficial
Intelligence´´create and how AI has been chaging in this few years and
how at this time its one of the most important tecnology and how it
affects some areas in the world like economy and jobs and seeing the
advantages that AI give us and some disadvantages of AI and some
risks also that has use AI .Also I Will explain what AI needs to work ,
and what AI can do in some minutes that for humans can take 30
minutes or 3 hours .

- Define what artificial intelligence is.

- List the different AI advantages and disadvantages.
- Explain the importance of AI and how it has impacted people’s lives.
- Describe AI benefits.

• Is the simulation of human intelligence on part of machines , specially in information

systems .They include learning ,Argument and autocorrect .AI is a software that
replicates human abilitys wether are for simple tasks or more difficult .

• But the beggening of this machines was DartMouth University in the year 1956 ,when
Jhon Macarthy, Marvin Minsky and Claude Shannon Defined ``It is the science and
engineering of building intelligent machines,especially intelligent computer programs´´.

• AI is changing how people Works by the automation of repetitive tasks and

inclusive helping in the ability of take decisions based on data .The impact of
IA in our society can been seen in areas like Medicine where algorithms of
automatic learning are helping nurses to diagnosticate diaseases faster and
precise.On education AI it is making posible to improve the effectiveness of
teaching on schools.AI its helping companies to increase efficiency and
reducing prices , also it`s helping people by giving more employment
opportunities ,special in robotics areas and on analysis of data.

• Better efficiency in the differents fields like fabracation and economic

servicies .
• Increased accuracy and speed in medical diagnoses and data analisis to doa
better decision
• With more details and data you give to AI they can usually get better results.
• Improvements in the quality of life of peoples suffering from disability or
illness through the use of robots and assistive devices .

• The masive lose of jobs due to the substitution of human labor

• Problems with personal information , due to information collection for
training new models .
• AI is not to regulated and don ´t have a adequate supervisión , even today
there some AI that can copy voices in a very short time that until a certain
point generate legal problems .

• Pareidolia : Occurs when the brain assigns a known identy to any

object,área ,or landscape in nature .It is a reflex action that we all do

• Deep fake: They are video ,image or voice files manipulated by artificial
Intelligence software so that they appear original ,authentinc and real.

As a conclusion I can say that AI is a great tool that has

improved people’s lives in different areas. It is not that
difficult to use and there are different ways to have the
access to any of the apps that have being designed for AI.
Nowadays the technology has increased and it has a lot of
benefits for humanity, but we should use it in a good
way.While its true that AI is not fully developed, but it is
a great tool in this era of tecnology.
At the moment AI is almost in all things , I 2021

think that if whe give AI 2 years or even 1

year this thing will be a incredible technology
and revolutionizing the world even more
because of her lots of opportunities that will
give to people .We have to be patient also to
AI because in the last two years that changes
of AI has been increideble , an example of this
are AI images .

AI is a increideble techonology , but always things have defects in this case will be
the security of AI , AI doesn´t have too much supervision and too much security that
we say not . Supervision to AI its necessary to have a control and AI don´t do things
that in the incorrent hands will be dangerous to people at certain point to defame
someone who doesn´t do anything incorrect.

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