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Kejahatan Siber Terhadap Anak

 Penyalahagunaan teknologi informasi (internet) untuk

melecehkan dan mengeksploitasi anak
 (a) cyber bullying
 (b) child exploitation;
 (c) grooming, and
 (d) harassment, and sexual abuse
 (e) exposure to harmful content;
 (f) production, distribution, and possession of child pornography;
Controversy: Cyber Dilemma [1]

 Internet anonymity is a natural safe harbor for perpetrators,

offenders and criminals;

 Criminal enterprises (transnational organized) take advantages

from this anonymity to avoid LE jurisdiction and investigation

 Keep the operation invincible, untouchable

Controversy: Cyber Dilemma [2]

 Internet privacy provide opportunities for the actors to interact

and work together safely to carry out cyber crimes;

 The use of commercial free to use private site and/or internet

services i.e. forum, web host, peer to peer network;

 These are an untouchable protection blanket

Collaboration for Protection [1]

 Prevention: make it not happen

 Domestic awareness campaigns to provide children,
parents, and educators any information necessary to
protect against online predators. Encouraged them to take
an active role by reporting suspicious behavior, websites
hosting exploitative images, and efforts to recruit or groom
children for sexual abuse. To implement domestic policies
and proactive protection that defend the security and
privacy rights of children and develop mechanisms to
identify abused and/or exploited children.
Collaboration for Protection [2]

 Punishment: leverage counter measures

 Mutual legal assistance for the existing legal framework to combat
transnational organized crime was not created with the internet in
mind. Suggest amendment to the existing law and conduct new
legislation and other preventive measures designed to protect
children from abuse and to adapt new threats posed by online
perpetrators. Ratified Global Treaty/Convention.
Collaboration for Protection [3]

 Cooperation: narrowing criminal spaces

 Enforcing the legal regime requires engagement between States,
inter-agency cooperation in domestic systems, public and private
sector collaboration, and the inclusion of civil society. Working
together, these groups encourage care for victims, protection of
evidence, and rapid access to electronic data during criminal
EU Legislation [Example: Law]

 Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of

Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
(CETS 201)
 the criminalization of sexual abuse of children, child prostitution, child
pornography, grooming and other conduct
 preventive measures and assistance to victims
 the participation of children, private sector, the media and civil society in
measures to protect children and prevent their abuse
 holding nationals accountable for offences committed abroad
 protecting children in the course of criminal proceedings
 international cooperation.
Recommendation: Engagement

 Children are empowered so that they can acquire the

necessary skills to create, produce and distribute content and
communications helps them to exercise and enjoy their rights
and freedoms, especially the right to freedom of expression and
 This is why the Committee of Ministers recommends (in its
Recommendation (2006)012)) that member states ensure children
become familiar with, and skilled in, the new information and
communications environment and that, to this end, information
literacy and training for children become an integral part of school
education from an early stage in their lives.
Recommendation: Trust Guiding

 Children have the confidence and trust online by being able to

use “islands of trust” otherwise known as “walled gardens” in
which they will freely explore, learn and play in most safest way
 This is why CM adopted Recommendation (2009) 5 so that public-
private partnerships are encouraged to (i) create and facilitate
confidence building environments (walled gardens) for children to
safely explore the Internet, (ii) create a human rights based pan-
European trust-mark which harnesses new and existing online
content labeling systems, and (iii) improve children’s media literacy.
EU Convention on Cyber Crime

 Indecent materials

 Illegal access

 Illegal interception

 Data interference

 System interference

 Misuse of device

 Computer related fraud and forgery

UU ITE 11/2008 (Indonesia)

 Pasal 25 – Perlindungan HAKI

 Pasal 26 – Privacy

 Pasal 27 – Kesusilaan, perjudian, penghinaan, defamasi pencemaran nama

baik, pemerasan dan pengancaman

 Pasal 28 – Berita bohong dan SARA

 Pasal 29 – Ancaman kekerasan pribadi

 Pasal 30 – Larangan semua hacking activities

 Pasal 31 – Larangan penyadapan

 Pasal 32 – 37 Merusak, mengubah, membocorkan dll.

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