Chapter 6

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“Animal Farm” by

George Orwell
Chapter 6 –
Using Context
Learning Objectives
 To look at the ways in which our understanding of the
context supports our understanding of Orwell’s message

 To consider how context (AO3) can be used in writing

about the text
Context - AO3
Show understanding of the relationships between texts and the contexts
in which they were written.

Our text was written in 1945 - what contexts are relevant for
this date?:
 End of WW2
 Russian Revolution - end of Tsar and rise of Stalin and
Communist Russia
 Orwell’s political beliefs
Let’s look at the Literary
Eye booklet to help us.
Use your Chapter Summary (p.60)
and Literary Eye to help you.
Chapter 6
How does Orwell present life on Animal Farm in this chapter?

What will you argue? Is life better or harder for the animals?

Decide on your view – then mind map what you’ll refer to.

Better Worse
work for themselves rations reduced if don’t work Sunday
Use your Chapter Summary (p.60)
and Literary Eye to help you. Chapter 6
How does Orwell present life on Animal Farm in this chapter?
Decide on your view – then mind map what you’ll refer to.

Better Worse
work for themselves rations reduced if don’t work Sunday
animals positive attitude trade with humans
inspiration of Boxer pigs who object are silenced
trade with humans change to law about trading
new name –Animal Farm pigs move into farmhouse/sleep in beds
free from Jones building windmill is hard work
windmill is built
Use your Chapter Summary (p.60)
and Literary Eye to help you.
Chapter 6
How does Orwell present life on Animal Farm in this chapter?
Animals work for themselves

building windmill
“work like slaves”
hard, no rest, but choosing to work

O showing that when

working for self, animals more willing
 Now add specific examples or evidence to your points.
 Now add a comment about Orwell’s purpose to those you can.
Chapter 6
How does Orwell present life on Animal Farm in this chapter?
Animals work for themselves

building windmill
“work like slaves”
hard, no rest, but choosing to work

like the workers in

communist Russia full of idealism
 Now add specific examples or evidence to your points.
 Now add a context comment to those you can.
Chapter 6
How does Orwell present life on Animal Farm in this chapter?

In chapter 6, life on Animal Farm is presented as…. Introduction - your

opening paragraph
with your view as a

State your view in relation to the question focus or steer.

Chapter 6
How does Orwell present life on Animal Farm in this chapter?

Several of the things that are described in Chapter 6 show that life does get
better for the animals who live there. One example of this is the way in
which the animals although working hard do so because they feel that it is
for their own benefit rather than to serve either Jones or the “thieving”
humans. The animals work for long hours and work hard, and the chapter
describes the animals are happy in their work “grudg[ing] no effort or
sacrifice.” Here Orwell seems to be showing the benefit of some of the
changes that came with the communist regime, that everyone had a
specific role and that ideally everyone should benefit from the work.
What’s the purpose of each of these sentences?
Chapter 6
How does Orwell present life on Animal Farm in this chapter?

Several of the things that are described in Chapter 6 show that life does get
better for the animals who live there. One example of this is the way in
which the animals although working hard do so because they feel that it is
for their own benefit rather than to serve either Jones or the “thieving”
humans. The animals work for long hours and work hard, and the chapter
describes the animals are happy in their work “grudg[ing] no effort or
sacrifice.” Here Orwell seems to be showing the benefit of some of the
changes that came with the communist regime, that everyone had a
specific role and that ideally everyone should benefit from the work.
Chapter 6
How does Orwell present life on Animal Farm in this chapter?

One aspect which is better is …..

This is shown when ……. This suggests that….. Explain your point – {S}
Refer to evidence from the text
This is like…../ Orwell is showing…..
either quotes or paraphrased

Question focus, author’s purpose

or your
Try to use more than 1 point to support context {Dev}
Try to write detailed sentences – show off your knowledge!!
Chapter 6
How does Orwell present life on Animal Farm in this chapter?

One aspect which is better is …..

This is shown when ……. This suggests that…..

This is like…../ Orwell is showing…..

LINK to another point – similar or contrasting.

When continuing your essay either do the same with other points that also show
life being better or use the same idea but explore the negative side to it.
Chapter 6
How does Orwell present life on Animal Farm in this chapter?

Several of the things that are described in Chapter 6 show that life does get
better for the animals who live there. One example of this is the way in
which the animals although working hard ………should benefit from the

Another example This improved way of life can also be seen in the decision
to build a windmill…

Opposite view However this hard work could also show conditions on the
farm getting worse as……….
Chapter 6
How does Orwell present life on Animal Farm in this chapter?

Begin to write your answer to the question above for the main part of your
essay. Use the points that you have planned to present your point of view.

• Keep to your point of view
• Use examples from the text to support your argument
• Use quotations if appropriate but no need for WLA
• Use Dev part to talk about steer, Orwell and the context.

Write your essay for Friday 10th December – 45 minutes only!!

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