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Q3-Week 1-Day 2-3

Learning Competencies:

 Perform selections of
contemporary Philippine
music (MU10CM-IIIb-h-4);
 Evaluates music and music
performances using guided
rubrics. (MU10CMIIIh-8)
Match the words under
Column A to Column B.
1.Impressionist a.Ryan Cayabyab
2. Romantic Nationalist b.Lucio San Pedro
3. Cavatina for Violin and c.Antonio Molina
Piano d.Nicanor Abelardo
4. One-man Vocal Jazz e.Francisco Santiago
5. Pakiusap
6. Pilipinas kong Mahal
7. Hatinggabi
8. Mr. C
9. Spoliarium
10. Sa Ugoy ng Duyan
Let’s Sing Together!
Choose one activity to perform from the list
PERFORMANCE TASK of activities below

Sayaweeh Tulaan mo Sing-Galing Choose

Choose a work by If you think you are not 1 song from the
any of the Filipino into singing or dancing, compositions of our
this option might be for
composers and you. Compose a poem
interpret the song with 3 to 4 stanzas that composers. It
through a dance. is all about traditional should be sung with
Choose the most music. It should be in accompaniment.
appropriate dance Filipino and should
follow a specific rhyming
genre for your scheme
chosen music.
See You Next Meeting!

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