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Empower, Optimize, Succeed and Grow

Our mission is to build cognitive skills and life-long learning abilities in students through personalized and adaptive
learning experiences. We aim to develop cognitive skills like critical thinking, problem solving, creativity and emotional
intelligence in our learners which will enable them to thrive in the 21st century.

Our vision is to become India's leading education technology company focused on cognitive skill development. We
aspire to help millions of learners achieve their true potential through cognitive training and become open-minded,
creative and ready for challenges in an increasingly complex world.

By leveraging data-driven insights and innovative pedagogical tools, we will empower educators and learners to go
beyond rote learning and focus on nurturing cognitive and social skills. We aim to build a generation of independent,
self-aware and empathetic thinkers who can drive transformation in our communities.
Attempt Number Percentage Success
One 49.0 8.4
Two 22.5 18.1
Three 12.5 20.5
Four 7.1 18.6
Five 4.1 15.0
Six 2.3 10.5
Seven 1.1 4.3
Eight and Nine 1.4 4.6

This data has been obtained from the 72 nd UPSC Report

and reflects the average up to FY 21 - 22

* Three additional chances are for PwBD Candidates


First-time aspirants can face challenges in the IAS (Indian Administrative Service) exam
 Underestimating the Exam
 Lack of Consistency and Discipline
 Over-reliance on Coaching Institutes
 Lack of Familiarity with the
 Difficulty Managing Exam Pressure
 Inadequate Understanding of the Syllabus
 Overconfidence
 Ineffective Study Strategies
 Insufficient Time Management
 Lack of Familiarity with Current Affairs
 Inadequate Mock Test Practice
 Difficulty Adapting to the Exam Environment
 Neglecting Optional Subjects
 Stress and Anxiety
 Limited Exposure to Interview Preparation

 Procrastination Management
 Distraction Control
 Avoiding Impulsive Decisions
 Balancing Social Life and Academics
 Resisting Peer Pressure
 Setting and Maintaining Boundaries
 Resisting Negative Self-Talk
 Managing Stress and Anxiety
 Learning Disabilities
 Memory Challenges
 Attention and Concentration Issues
 Information Processing Speed
 Working Memory Limitations
 Test Anxiety
 Executive Functioning Difficulties
 Stress
 Motivation and Engagement
Eight Detrimental Cognitive Skills for Competitive Exams

Response Inhibition Multiple Simultaneous Cognitive Capacity Working Memory


Sustained Attention Category Formation Speed of Information Pattern Recognition

Response Inhibition

Response inhibition is the ability to stop oneself from engaging in an impulsive or automatic behavior, (when not

It requires conscious effort to control one's actions, even when faced with strong urges or distractions.
Everyday Common situations and examples
self-control, attention regulation, and decision-making and attention-deficit
resisting temptations, delaying gratification, and adjusting behavior based on feedback
i. Resisting Temptations
ii. Staying Focussed on Tasks
iii. Waiting Your Turn:
iv. Not Interrupting Others
v. Avoiding Impulsive Spending
vi. Following Traffic Rules
vii. Resisting Immediate Gratification
viii. Filtering Out Distractions
ix. Controlling Emotional Reactions
x. Not Reacting to Provocation
xi. Not Blurting Out Secrets
Multiple Simultaneous Attention

Ability to focus on and process multiple sources of information or tasks at the same
time. e.g. Driving a car,
Student taking notes while listening
Benefits of Improving multiple simultaneous attention
i. Enhanced Note-Taking Skills:
ii. Improved Task Management
iii. Better Test-Taking Abilities (read and comprehend questions, recall relevant information, and
formulate accurate responses, all of which require the ability to divide attention effectively)
iv. Reduced Procrastination because of re enforced focus
v. Increased Engagement in Class
vi. Improved Time Management
vii. Enhanced Critical Thinking
viii. Enhanced Study Habits (summarizing texts, generating questions, and making connections
between concepts.)
Cognitive Capacity
It's the "bandwidth" of the brain's processing power available for tasks like thinking,
problem-solving, decision-making, and memory. It is the maximum amount of mental
effort or resources that an individual can allocate to cognitive tasks at any given time

Improved Cognitive capacity supports academic success

i. can absorb and retain information more effectively,
ii. approach complex problems with greater analytical thinking and creativity,
iii. sustain attention on tasks for longer periods
iv. Enhanced Memory Retention
v. Greater Adaptability to New Subjects and Concepts
vi. Increased Reading Comprehension
vii. Improved language acquisition, vocabulary retention, and grammar comprehension .
Working Memory
Working memory is like a mental workspace. It helps you hold and manipulate
information for a short time while you're thinking or solving a problem. It's like a mental
notepad that you can use for tasks that need you to remember and use information quickly.
E.g Grocery Shopping List, Remembering a Phone Number, Following Directions
Improved Working Memory supports academic success
i. Can better process and understand written material, leading to improved performance in
subjects that require extensive reading.
ii. Increased Mental Arithmetic Skill
iii. Can take more detailed and organized notes during lectures
iv. Students can process and respond to questions on standardized tests more effectively
v. Greater Adaptability to New Subjects and Concepts
vi. Increased Reading and writing Comprehension
• Aspirants take a one hour test
• Test Results are interpreted by PLH Systems using a mathematical model
Analysis • A 32 Page report is emailed to the aspirant

• The report is explained in detail to the aspirant and their parents / teacher / guide
• Areas of excellence and Areas of Improvement are mentioned
Counselling • An path of study optimization is provided to build on the weaker aspects

• Online activities to improve cognitive areas

• Continuous Monthly Monitoring
Continuous • One to One Human Counselling and Coaching via Online Video Calls

✔ Technology partner is C8 Sciences Brain Training Solutions, Connecticut,

✔ Co-founded by Dr. Bruce Wexler, Psychiatrist and former Head of Dept,
Neuroscience dept, Yale University
✔ Backed by nearly two decades of neuroscience research by world leading
scientists at Yale University, USA.
✔ Administered successfully to more than 2000 students in USA and few
other countries.

PLH India has exclusive tie-up with C8 Sciences. We use C8’s patented
platform for conducting the cognitive test.

The data is the analyzed and interpreted using PLH India’s mathematical
model (to be patented) that has been developed using data collected from
past UPSC aspirants

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