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Background of the study
In determining how people and societies develop in the
future, the teaching profession is crucial. Teachers teach
knowledge, set an example for students, and play a major
role in their overall growth. An extensive code of conduct
and ethical standards for teachers must be established
and upheld to guarantee the educational system's
effectiveness and integrity.
Section 11 of R.A. No. 7836, sometimes referred to as
Section 6 of P.D. and the Philippine Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994. The Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers is hereby adopted by the Board for
Professional Teachers under No. 223, as modified.
Statement of the Problem
1.What is the socio-demographic profile of the

respondent, in terms of:

1.1 age
1.2 educational attainment;
1.3 length of service;
1.4 marital status; and
1.5 sex
Statement of the Problem
2.To what extent is the implementation to code of Ethics
Professional Teachers implemented in Datu Piang,
Maguindanao del Sur, in terms of:
2.1 teacher and the state;
2.2 teacher and the community;
2.3 teacher and profession;
2.4 teacher and higher authorities in the profession;
2.5 school officials, teachers, and other personnel;
2.6 teacher and learners;
2.7 teacher and parents;
2.8 teacher and business; and
2.9 teacher as a person?
Statement of the Problem
3.What is the level of teaching performance
of the
teachers in Datu Piang, Maguindanao
del Sur?
4.Is there a relationship between teachers'
implementation of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers and their teaching
performance in Datu Piang,
Maguindanao del Sur?
Statement of the Problem

Hypotheses(H0)There was no relationship between

the teachers' implementation of the Code of Ethics
for Professional Teachers and their teaching
performance in Datu Piang, Maguindanao del Sur.

(H1): There was a relationship between the

teachers' implementation of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers and their teaching
performance in Datu Piang, Maguindanao del Sur.
Conceptual Framework of the Study
Implementation of Code of
Ethics for Professional Teachers’
•The Teacher and the State Teaching
•The Teacher and the
•A Teacher and the
•The Teacher and Higher
Authorities in the Profession
•School Officials, Teachers Socio-Demographic
and other Personnel Profile
•Teacher and Learners
•Teacher and Parents
•Teacher and Business Educational
•Teacher as a Person Attainment
Length of Service
Marital Status
Research Design
This study utilized quantitative research
using the descriptive-correlational design. A
survey was assessed as a good method for
this study because it aimed to investigate the
socio-demographic profile of teachers in Datu
Piang, Maguindanao del Sur, addressing
variables such as age, sex, educational
attainment, position/designation, and length
of service.
Locale of the Study
The study was conducted in the selected Datu Piang,
Maguindanao Del Sur
. Figure 2 presents the Map of the Datu Piang, Province of
Maguindanao del Sur where the study was conducted.

Figure 2. Map of the DatuPiang, Maguindanao Del Sur

Numerical Rating Description
5 Very High
Very Low

To interpret the results, the following scales were used.

Weighted average Result Results


4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree Very Much Accepted

3.40-4.19 Agree Much Accepted
2.60-3.39 Neutral Moderately Accepted
Statistical Tools and Treatment
The data gathered was tallied and
forwarded to a statistician for further analysis
and interpretation. To represent the
respondents' socio-demographic profile, the
study employed frequency and percentage
measurements across variables such as age,
educational attainment, length of service,
marital status, and sex.
Statement of the Problem
1.What is the socio-demographic profile of the
respondent, in terms of:

1.1 age
1.2 educational attainment;
1.3 length of service;
1.4 marital status; and
1.5 sex
SOP 1 (1.1)
Table 1. Age of the respondents
Age Range Frequency Percentage
25 and below 2 4%
26 – 35 19 36%
36 – 45 18 34%
46 – 55 12 22%
56 and above 2 4%
TOTAL 53 100%
SOP 1 (1.2)
Table 2. Sex of the respondents
Sex Frequency Percentage
Male 12 23%
Female 41 77%
TOTAL 53 100%
SOP 1 (1.3)
Table 3. Civil Status of the Respondents
Civil Status Frequency Percentage
Single 12 23%
Married 39 73%
Widow/Widower 1 2%
Separate 1 2%
TOTAL 53 100%
SOP 1 (1.4)
Table 4. Educational Attainment of the
Educational Frequen Percenta
Attainment cy ge
Bachelor's Degree 22 42%
Master's Degree 31 58%
Doctorate Degree 0 0%
TOTAL 53 100%
SOP 1 (1.5)
Table 5. Position designation of the
Position/Designation Frequency Percentage
Volunteer 4 8%
Teacher I,II, or III 46 86%
Master Teacher I, II, III 1 2%
Head Teacher 0 0%
Principal 2 4%
TOTAL 53 100%
SOP 1 (1.6)
Table 6. Length of service of the
Length of service Frequency
1 - 3 years 13 25%
4 - 6 years 9 17%
7 - 9 years 7 13%
10 years and above 24 45%
TOTAL 53 100%
Statement of the Problem
2.To what extent is the implementation to code of
Ethics for
Professional Teachers implemented in DatuPiang,
Maguindanao del Sur, in terms of:
2.1 teacher and the state;
2.2 teacher and the community;
2.3 teacher and profession;
2.4 teacher and higher authorities in the
2.5 school officials, teachers, and other
2.6 teacher and learners;
2.7 teacher and parents;
2.8 teacher and business; and
SOP 2 (2.1)
Table 7. Implementation of the code of ethics for professional teachers in
terms of "The Teacher and the State".
The Teacher and the State Indicators Mean
1 I support and adhere to the state's declared
4.06 Well Implemented
policies, taking an oath to that effect.
2 I am physically, mentally, and morally fit for the Exceptionally
benefit of the state and the Filipino people. Implemented
3 I commit to avoiding the promotion of political,
religious, or partisan interests and will not seek
or accept any payment, service, or valuable 4.23
items such as purpose from individuals or
4 I vote and exercise all other constitutional
4.19 Well Implemented
rights and responsibilities.
5 I avoid using my position of official authority or
influence to coerce any other person to follow a 4.25
political course of action.
Mean 4.21
SOP 2 (2.2)
Table 8. Implementation of the code of ethics for professional teachers in terms of "The Teacher
and the community".
The Teacher and the Community Indicators Mean Verbal Description
I maintain honorable and dignified behavior at all times,
refraining from activities such as gambling, smoking, Exceptionally
1 4.26
drunkenness, and other excess, including illicit relations, to Implemented
deserve reasonable social recognition.
I embrace and understand local customs and traditions,
2 fostering a sympathetic attitude and refraining from 4.25
disparaging the community.
I assist the school in keeping the community informed
3 4.19 Well Implemented
about its achievements, works, needs, and issues.
I maintain harmonious relations with fellow professionals—
4 government officials, and the community, both personally 4.36
and officially.
I have the freedom to attend and worship at church as I Exceptionally
5 4.38
choose but I never use my position to convince others. Implemented
Mean 4.29
SOP 2 (2.3)
Table 9. Implementation of the code of ethics for professional teachers in terms of "The
Teacher and the profession'".
The Teacher and the Profession Indicators Mean Verbal Description
I ensure that teaching is seen as the noblest
1 profession by expressing genuine enthusiasm and 4.47
pride in it as a noble calling.
I maintain the highest education standards,
2 thoroughly prepare for my teaching career, and 4.21
consistently perform my best in my profession.
I participate in the Professional Regulation
Commission's continuing professional education
program and pursue extra studies to improve
3 4.11 Well Implemented
efficiency, raise the profession's prestige, and
strengthen competence and productivity for national
and global opportunities.
I seek school support when authorized but should
4 avoid making improper misrepresentations through 4.13 Well Implemented
personal advertisement or other questionable means.
I use the teaching profession as a dignified means of Exceptionally
5 4.3
earning a decent living. Implemented
Mean 4.24
SOP 2 (2.4)
Table 10. Implementation of the code of ethics for professional teachers in terms of "The
Teacher and the higher authorities in the profession'".
The Teacher and the higher authorities in
Mean Verbal Description
professional Indicators
I strive to understand and support the legitimate
policies of the school and administration, setting
1 4.15 Well Implemented
aside personal feelings or private opinions, and
faithfully carrying them out.
I refrain from making false accusations, particularly
2 anonymously, and should present valid charges 4.02 Well Implemented
under oath to the competent authority.
I have the right to address injustices to the
administration, and they should raise grievances
3 within acceptable democratic processes while 4.08 Well Implemented
avoiding jeopardizing the interests and welfare of
learners whose right to learn must be respected.
I have the right to insist that appointments,
4 promotions, and teacher transfers are based solely on 4.09 Well Implemented
merit and are necessary in the interest of service.
I accept a position and commit to fulfilling the
5 contractual obligation with full awareness of the 4.36
terms and conditions of the employment.
SOP 2 (2.5)
Table 11. Implementation of the code of ethics for professional teachers in terms of "School
Officials, Teachers, and other personnel'"

School Officials, Teachers, and other Verbal

personnel Indicators Description
School Officials consistently demonstrate professional
courtesy, helpfulness, and sympathy toward teachers and
1 staff, embodying standards of effective supervision, dignified 4.17 Well Implemented
administration, responsible leadership, and enlightened
School Officials, Teachers, and other personnel collectively
2 take responsibility for developing policies and implementing 4.21
significant changes across all levels of the system.
School officials support the professional growth of teachers
by recommending them for promotion, acknowledging
3 4.15 Well Implemented
meritorious performance, and facilitating their participation
in conferences and training programs.
School officials can only dismiss or recommend dismissing a
4 4.11 Well Implemented
teacher or subordinate if there is justifiable cause.
School authorities ensure public school teachers adhere to
civil service rules and that private school teachers receive
5 4.11 Well Implemented
contracts with work terms; qualified individuals should be
granted subsequent permanent tenure as per existing laws.
Mean 4.15 Well Implemented
SOP 2 (2.6)
Table 12. Implementation of the code of ethics for professional teachers in
terms of "School Officials, Teachers, and learners".
School Officials, Teacher and Learners' Verbal
Indicators Description
I have the right and responsibility to assess
and promote students in their subjects or
grades, following accepted evaluation Exceptionally
1 4.28
procedures; any complaints should be Implemented
addressed promptly and through proper
I never show prejudice or discrimination Exceptionally
2 4.21
against any learner under any circumstances. Implemented
I refrain from accepting favors or gifts in
3 exchange for underserved concessions from 4.17 Well Implemented
learners, their parents, or others.
I exercise professional discretion to prevent
scandal, gossip, and preferential treatment if Exceptionally
4 4.25
mutual attraction arises between him/her Implemented
and a learner.
SOP 2 (2.7)
Table 13. Implementation of the code of ethics for professional
teachers in terms of "The Teachers and the parents".
The Teacher and the Parent's Indicators Mean
I foster friendly connections with parents,
1 behaving in ways that earn their 4.43
confidence and respect.
I inform parents, through appropriate
channels, about the progress and
deficiencies of their students, while
2 maintaining honesty and tact in 4.34
addressing shortcomings and seeking
parental cooperation for guidance and
I hear parents' complaints with sympathy
3 and understanding and shall discourage 4.17
unfair criticism.
SOP 2 (2.8)
Table 14. Implementation of the code of ethics for professional teachers in terms of
"The Teachers and the Business".
The Teacher and the Business Indicators Mean Verbal Description
I have the right to engage, directly or indirectly, in
legitimate income generation; provided that,it does
1 4.02 Well Implemented
not relate to or adversely affect my work as a
I maintain a good reputation concerning financial
matters such as in the settlement of his debt and
2 loans in arranging satisfactory his private financial 3.92 Well Implemented
I refrain from being involved with a business
selling school supplies unless their assignment
directly relates to it, and this is subject to existing
3 3.96 Well Implemented
regulations; however, members of recognized
teacher cooperatives can participate in distributing
and selling such commodities.
Mean 3.97 Well Implemented
SOP 2 (2.9)
Table 15. Implementation of the code of ethics for professional teachers
in terms of "Teachers as a person".
The Teacher as a Person Indicators Mean
I have the utmost duty to live with dignity
1 in all aspects of life, whether at school, 4.42
home, or elsewhere.
I prioritize self-discipline as the main
2 principle of their behavior in all 4.51
relationships and situations.
I maintain at all times a dignified
personality that could serve as a model Exceptionally
3 4.36
worthy of emulation by learners, peers, Implemented
and all others.
I recognize the Almighty God as a guide of
4 my destiny and the destinies of men and 4.58
Table 16. Summary of Implementation of the code of ethics for professional teachers
Summary Indicators Mean Verbal Description
1 The Teacher and the State 4.21
2 The Teacher and the community 4.29
3 The Teacher and the Profession 4.24
The Teacher and the higher authorities in the
4 4.14 Well Implemented
5 School officials, Teachers, and other personnel 4.15 Well Implemented
6 The Teacher and Learners 4.21
7 The Teacher and Parents 4.31
8 The Teacher and Business 3.97 Well Implemented
9 The Teacher as a Person 4.47
Overall Mean 4.22
Statement of the
3.What is the level of
teaching performance of the
teachers in Datu Piang,
Maguindanao del Sur?
Table 17. Teaching Performance of the Respondents
Performance Indicators Mean Verbal Description
1. The teacher demonstrates the integration of ethical practices from the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
3.42 Very Satisfactory

1. The teacher adapts teaching methods to incorporate a Code of conduct into the instructional practices.
3.48 Very Satisfactory

1. The teacher evaluates the frequency with which he/she utilizes the Code of Ethics as a guiding source during classroom
instruction. 3.39 Satisfactory

1. The teacher determines the extent to which he/she promotes collaboration and group work among students from diverse
backgrounds. 3.51 Very Satisfactory

1. The teacher shows more engaging instructional practices.

3.46 Very Satisfactory

1. The teacher effectively maintains a positive and respectful classroom environment.

3.40 Satisfactory

1. The code of conduct seamlessly integrates into the classroom management strategies.
3.41 Very Satisfactory

1. The teacher consistently and fairly addresses disciplinary matters.

3.46 Very Satisfactory

1. Classroom rules are communicated and comprehended by students.

3.76 Very Satisfactory

1. The teacher encourages active student participation and engagement.

3.63 Very Satisfactory

1. The teacher effectively utilizes instructional materials to enhance learning experiences

3.62 Very Satisfactory

1. The teacher proficiently organizes and manages classroom resources for optimal effectiveness.
3.51 Very Satisfactory

1. Equitable distribution of resources among students is ensured.

3.57 Very Satisfactory

1. The teacher creatively adapts resources to cater to diverse learning needs.

3.48 Very Satisfactory

1. The teacher ensures equitable access to learning materials for all students.
3.53 Very Satisfactory

1. The teacher provides clear assessment criteria for assignments and exams.
3.49 Very Satisfactory

1. The integration of a code of ethics into the assessment method employed by the teacher is evident.
3.49 Very Satisfactory

1. Assessments effectively measure students’ understanding of the code of conduct.

3.30 Satisfactory

1. Feedback on assessments is constructive, aiding students in their improvement.

3.35 Satisfactory

1. The teacher uses variety of assessment methods to cater diverse learning styles.
3.15 Satisfactory

Overall Mean 3.51 Very Satisfactory

Statement of the Problem
4.Is there a relationship between
implementation of the Code of Ethics
Professional Teachers and their
performance in Datu Piang,
del Sur?
Table 18. Correlation analysis between
implementation of the code of ethics and teaching
performance of the respondents
Variables r critica
Implementation of the code 0.99
1 of ethics 5* 14.65 4.3
Teachers' Teaching
2 Performance
* - significant at 5% level
I.Personal Characteristics of the Respondents
A. Age
Respondents had different age brackets, 2 (4%) were 26 years old and below, 19 (36%) were
years old, 18 (34%) were 36-45 years old, 12 (2%)were 46-55 years old, and 2 (4%) were 56
years old.
B. Sex
Majority of the respondents were female (77%) or 41, while only (23%) or 12 were male.
C. Civil Status
The civil status of the respondents who were married is 73%
or 39, single is 23% or 12, and widow/widower and separate are
2% or 1.
D. Educational Attainment
The educational attainment of the respondents wasa master’s degree is 58% or 31, a
bachelor’s degree is
42% or 22, and no respondents in doctor’s degree.
E. Position/Designation
The position designation of the respondents is as follows: Teacher I, II, or III is 86% or 46,
Volunteer is
8% or 4, Principal is 4% or 2, the Master teacher I, II, III 2% or 1, and no respondent in head
F. Length of Service
The respondents had a different length of service bracket, 24(45%) were 10 years and above,
were 1-3 years, 9(17%) were 4-6 years, and 7(13%) were 7-9 years.

II. Implementation of the Code of Ethics

A. Teacher and the State
The implementation of the respondents in the teacher and
thestate in the elementary school district 2 at DatuPiang,
Maguindano Del Sur. The respondents have (4.29) total mean.
B. Teacher and the Community
The implementation of the respondents in theteacher and
the community in the elementary school district 2 at Datu
Piang Maguindano Del Sur. The respondents have (4.29) total
C. Teacher and the Profession
The implementation of the respondents in theteacher and
the profession in the elementary school district 2 at Datu Piang
Maguindano Del Sur. The respondents have (4.24) total mean.
D. Teacher and Higher Authorities in the Profession
The implementation of the respondents in theteacher and higher authorities in the
profession in the elementary school district 2 at DatuPiangMaguindano Del Sur. The
respondents have (4.14) total mean.
E. School Officials, Teachers, and other Personnel
The implementation of the respondents in theschool officials, teachers, and other personnel in
the elementary school District 2 at Datu Piang Maguindano Del Sur. The respondents
have (4.15) total mean.
F. Teachers and the Learners
The implementation of the respondents in theteachers and the learners in the elementary
school district 2 at Datu Piang Maguindano Del Sur. The respondents have (4.21) total
G. Teachers and the Parents
The implementation of the respondents in theteachers and the parents in the elementary
school district 2 at Datu Piang Maguindano Del Sur. The respondents have (4.31) total
H. Teachers and the Business
The implementation of the respondents in theteachers and the business in the elementary
school district 2 at Datu Piang Maguindano Del Sur. The respondents have (3.97) total
I. Teachers as a Person
The implementation of the respondents in theteachers as a person in elementary school
district 2 at Datu Piang Maguindano Del Sur. The respondents have (4.47) total mean.
Overall mean
The overall mean in the
implementation of the teachers
in the Code of Ethics was
(4.22) with the verbal
description of well
Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded
that the respondents’ profiles such as age, sex, marital
status, educational attainment, position/designation, and
length of service do not influence the respondents.
Moreover, the establishment and implementation of
a code of conduct for teachers is crucial to maintain
ethical standards, promote professionalism, and ensure
accountability within the teaching profession. Such a code
fosters a positive learning environment, builds trust
among educators, students, and parents, and safeguards
the well-being of all stakeholders involved. Implementing
such a code shows a commitment to ethical conduct and
professionalism in teaching.
Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, these are
strongly recommended:
To enhance ethical standards and professionalism in teaching,
the Ministry of Basic Higher and Technical Education may enhance
the creation of systems to monitor adherence, with designated
committees to address misconduct and enforce disciplinary actions
to promote a positive learning environment.
Moreover, Datu Piang, Maguindanao del Sur through the
Schools Division Office may mandate training to educate teachers
about the code and its implications, with ongoing workshops to
raise awareness.
Lastly, colleges and universities may include the code in pre-
service teacher education to instill ethical values early, offering
implementation support.
Name: _____________________________ (Optional)
School: ______________________________________________
I. Socio-Demographic Profile of the Respondent
Instructions: Kindly put a checkmark that corresponds to your answers.
1. Age: ( ) Below 25 ( ) 36 – 45 ( ) 57 Above
( ) 26 – 35 ( ) 46 – 55
2. Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female
3. Marital Status: ( ) Single ( ) Married ( ) Widowed
( ) Separated
3. Educational Attainment:
( ) Bachelor’s Degree
( ) Master’s Degree
( ) Doctorate Degree
4. Position/Designation:
( ) Principal
( ) Head Teacher
( ) Master Teacher I, II, III
( ) Teacher I, II, and III
( ) Others (please specify): ___________________________
5. Length of Service:
( ) 1-3 years ( ) 7-9 years
( ) 4-6 years ( ) 10 years and above
II. Implementation of Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
Instructions: Please indicate your experience with the implementation of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in
Datu Piang, Maguindanao del Sur by encircling the corresponding number. Utilize the provided 5-point Likert scale to
express the level of implementation for each statement:
1 - Poorly Implemented 4 - Well Implemented
2 - Fairly Implemented 5 - Exceptionally Implemented
3 - Neutral
I. The Teacher and the State
1. I support and adhere to the state's declared policies, taking an oath to that effect. 1 2 3 4 5
2. I am physically, mentally, and morally fit for the benefit of
1 2 3 4 5
the State and the Filipino people.
3. I commit to avoiding the promotion of political, religious, or
partisan interests and will not seek or accept any payment,
1 2 3 4 5
service, or valuable items for such purposes from
individuals or entities.
4. I vote and exercise all other constitutional rights and
1 2 3 4 5
5. I avoid using my position of official authority or
influence to coerce any other person to follow any political 1 2 3 4 5
course of action.
II. The Teacher and the Community
1. I maintain honorable and dignified behavior at all times, refraining from activities such as
gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses, including illicit relations, to deserve 1 2 3 4 5
reasonable social recognition.
2. I embrace and understand local customs and traditions, fostering a sympathetic attitude
1 2 3 4 5
and refraining from disparaging the community.
3. I assist the school in keeping the community informed about its achievements, work,
1 2 3 4 5
needs, and issues.
4. I maintain harmonious relations with fellow professionals, government officials, and the
1 2 3 4 5
community, both personally and officially.
5. I have the freedom to attend and worship at church as I choose but never use my
1 2 3 4 5
position to convince others.
III. The Teacher and the Profession
1. I ensure that teaching is seen as the noblest profession by expressing genuine
1 2 3 4 5
enthusiasm and pride in it as a noble calling.
2. I maintain the highest education standards, thoroughly prepare for my teaching career,
1 2 3 4 5
and consistently perform my best in my profession.
3. I participate in the Professional Regulation Commission's Continuing Professional
Education (CPE) program and pursue extra studies to improve efficiency, raise the
1 2 3 4 5
profession's prestige, and strengthen competence and productivity for national and global
4. I seek school support when authorized but should avoid making improper
1 2 3 4 5
misrepresentations through personal advertisements or other questionable means.
5. I use the teaching profession as a dignified means of earning a decent living. 1 2 3 4 5
IV. The Teacher and Higher Authorities in the Profession
1. I strive to understand and support the legitimate policies of the school and
administration, setting aside personal feelings or private opinions, and faithfully carrying 1 2 3 4 5
them out.
2. I refrain from making false accusations, particularly anonymously, and should present
1 2 3 4 5
valid charges under oath to the competent authority.
3. I have the right to address injustices to the administration, and they should raise
grievances within acceptable democratic processes while avoiding jeopardizing the interests 1 2 3 4 5
and welfare of learners whose right to learn must be respected.
4. I have the right to insist that appointments, promotions, and teacher transfers are based
1 2 3 4 5
solely on merit and are necessary in the interest of the service.
V. School Officials, Teachers, and Other Personnel
1. School officials consistently demonstrate professional courtesy, helpfulness, and
sympathy toward teachers and staff, embodying standards of effective supervision, dignified 1 2 3 4 5
administration, responsible leadership, and enlightened direction.
2. School officials, teachers, and other personnel collectively take responsibility for
1 2 3 4 5
developing policies and implementing significant changes across all levels of the system.
3. School officials support the professional growth of teachers by recommending them for
promotion, acknowledging meritorious performance, and facilitating their participation in 1 2 3 4 5
conferences and training programs.
4.School officials can only dismiss or recommend the dismissal of a teacher or subordinate
1 2 3 4 5
if there is a justifiable cause.
5. School authorities ensure public school teachers adhere to civil service rules and that
private school teachers receive contracts with work terms; qualified individuals should be 1 2 3 4 5
granted subsequent permanent tenure as per existing laws.
VI.The Teacher and Learners
1. I have the right and responsibility to assess and promote students in their subjects or
grades, following accepted evaluation procedures; any complaints should be addressed 1 2 3 4 5
promptly and through proper channels.
2. I never show prejudice or discrimination against any
1 2 3 4 5
learner under any circumstance.
3. I refrain from accepting favors or gifts in exchange
for undeserved concessions from learners, their parents, or 1 2 3 4 5
4. I exercise professional discretion to prevent scandal, gossip, and preferential treatment if
1 2 3 4 5
mutual attraction arises between him/her and a learner.
5. I refrain from using corporal punishment or deducting from scholastic ratings as a
1 2 3 4 5
punishment for non-academic offenses by learners.
VII. The Teacher and Parents
1. I foster friendly connections with parents, behaving in ways that earn their confidence
1 2 3 4 5
and respect.
2. I inform parents, through appropriate channels, about the progress and deficiencies of
their students, while maintaining honesty and tact in addressing shortcomings and 1 2 3 4 5
seeking parental cooperation for guidance and improvement.
3. I hear parents’ complaints with sympathy and understanding and shall discourage
1 2 3 4 5
unfair criticism.
VIII. The Teacher and Business
1. I have the right to engage, directly or indirectly, in legitimate income generation;
provided that it does not relate to or adversely affect my work as a teacher. 1 2 3 4 5

2. I maintain a good reputation concerning financial matters such as in the settlement of

his debts and loans in arranging satisfactorily his private financial affairs. 1 2 3 4 5

3. I refrain from being involved with businesses selling school supplies unless their
assignment directly relates to it, and this is subject to existing regulations; however,
1 2 3 4 5
members of recognized teacher cooperatives can participate in distributing and selling
such commodities.
IX. The Teacher as Person
1. I have the utmost duty to live with dignity in all aspects of life, whether at school, home,
1 2 3 4 5
or elsewhere.
2. I prioritize self-discipline as the main principle of their behavior in all relationships and
1 2 3 4 5
3. I maintain at all times a dignified personality that could serve as a model worthy of
emulation by learners, peers, and all others. 1 2 3 4 5

4. I recognize the Almighty God as a guide of my destiny and the destinies of men and
1 2 3 4 5
Directions: Please rate the teacher's performance by marking a check in the box appropriate to the following criteria related to the
Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Teachers. Please use a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5, where:
1- Poor
2- Unsatisfactory
3- Satisfactory
4- Very Satisfactory
5- Outstanding

ITEMS 1 2 3 4 5
1. The teacher demonstrates the integration of ethical
practices from the Code of Ethics for Professional
2. The teacher adapts teaching methods to incorporate
Code of conduct into the instructional practices.
3. The teacher evaluates the frequency with which
he/she utilizes the Code of Ethics as a guiding source
during classroom instruction.
4. The teacher determines the extent to which he/she
promotes collaboration and group work among students
from diverse backgrounds.
5. The teacher showsmore engaging instructional
6. The teacher effectively maintains a positive and
respectful classroom environment.
7. The code of conduct seamlessly integrates into the
classroom management strategies.
8. The teacher consistently and fairly addresses
disciplinary matters.
9. Classroom rules are clearly communicated and comprehended by
10. The teacher encourages active student participation and
11. The teacher effectively utilizes instructional materials to enhance
learning experiences.
12. The teacher proficiently organizes and manages classroom
resources for optimal effectiveness.
13. Equitable distribution of resources among students is ensured.

14. The teacher creatively adapts resources to cater diverse learning

15. The teacher ensures equitable access to learning materials for all
16. The teacher provides clear assessment criteria for assignments
and exams.
17. The integration of a code of ethics into the assessment method
employed by the teacher is evident.
18. Assessments effectively measure students’ understanding of code
of conduct.
19. Feedback on assessments is constructive, aiding students in their
20. The teacher uses variety of assessment methods to cater diverse
learning styles.
4.500-5.000 Outstanding
3.500-4.499 Very Satisfactory
2.500-3.499 Satisfactory
1.500-2.499 Unsatisfactory
below 1.499 Poor
Overall Rating: ____________________

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