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Rahasia Awet

Penyuluhan Lansia Klinik Pratama Yulie
dr. Daniel J. Leksono
(Dokter Umum Klinik Pratama Yulie- RS Gunung
Maria Tomohon)
Pilih yang Mana ya?
Selamat Ulang tahun.. Oma/Opa …

Semoga sehat selalu


Selamat Ulang tahun.. Oma/Opa …

Semoga panjang umur

Umur Harapan Hidup
Apa itu? banyaknya tahun yang ditempuh penduduk yang masih hidup sampai
umur tertentu. Untuk melihat Kesejahteraan suatu negara.

Di Indonesia? 73.93 th (BPS, 2023)

Minahasa? 71,82 th (BPS Sulut, 2023)

https://www.janicetraceynutrition.com/post/5-ways-to-prevent-skin-ageing 4

Bapak Steve, Birthday : 7 Bapak Roland, Birthday : 26

September 1948 Februari 1970
Berapa Usia Kronologisnya? Berapa Usia Biologisnya?

Umur Kronologis vs Umur Biologis
Usia kronologis: jumlah tahun Anda hidup (Life

Usia biologis: berapa umur sel Anda

berdasarkan kondisinya saat ini, kondisi fungsi
organ-jaringan dan sel tubuh saat ini. (health

https://www.janicetraceynutrition.com/post/5-ways-to-prevent-skin-ageing 6
Cara Mengetahui Umur Biologis
● Tes Klinis : Albumin, creatinin, glucose, c reactive protein, lymphosite, MCV, RCDW,
Alkaline Phospahtase
● Tes Epigenetic Modification : telomere length, DNA-methylation, proteomics,
metabolomics, glycomics, wearable sensor data and blood-based, clinical biomarkers
● Grip strength test ( Grip Dynamometer, Grip hang Test), Bolt Test, Balance test.

Jylhävä, J., Pedersen, N. L. & Hägg, S. Biological age predictors. EBioMedicine 21, 29–36 (2023).Horvath, S. & Raj, K. DNA methylation-based biomarkers and the epigenetic clock theory of ageing. Nat. Rev. Genet. 19, 371–384 (2018). Frenck, R. W. Jr, Blackburn, E. H. & Shannon, K. M. The rate of telomere sequence loss in human leukocytes varies with
age. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 95, 5607–5610 (1998). Macdonald-Dunlop, E. et al. A catalogue of omics biological ageing clocks reveals substantial commonality and associations with disease risk. Aging (Albany NY) 14, 623 (2022). Krištić, J. et al. Glycans are a novel biomarker of chronological and biological ages. J. Gerontol. Ser. A: Biomed. Sci. Med. Sci. 7
69, 779–789 (2014). Pyrkov, T. V., Sokolov, I. S. & Fedichev, P. O. Deep longitudinal phenotyping of wearable sensor data reveals independent markers of longevity, stress, and resilience. Aging (Albany NY) 13, 7900 (2021).
Hidup sehat meningkatkan
kualitas dan Life Span (usia

Apa yang bisa membuat orang awet muda?
★ Faktor Keturunan (orang tua)
★ Jantung dan Otot / Cardiovascular + Musculoskeletal

Olahraga aerobic (Lansia pilih yang Low impact : Berjalan cepat, Berenang,

Masa otot sangat penting, pilih Low Impact, Yoga, Taichi)

Tidak merokok
★ Nutrisi (Intermittent fasting (6:18 or 4:20), Kurangi Lemak Jenuh, alkohol dan Junk Food, Gizi
★ Mental / Stress Free
Referensi ( Daftar Pustaka)
Jylhävä, J., Pedersen, N. L. & Hägg, S. Biological age predictors. EBioMedicine 21, 29–36 (2023).

Horvath, S. & Raj, K. DNA methylation-based biomarkers and the epigenetic clock theory of ageing. Nat. Rev. Genet. 19, 371–384 (2018).

Frenck, R. W. Jr, Blackburn, E. H. & Shannon, K. M. The rate of telomere sequence loss in human leukocytes varies with age. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 95,
5607–5610 (1998).

Macdonald-Dunlop, E. et al. A catalogue of omics biological ageing clocks reveals substantial commonality and associations with disease risk. Aging (Albany
NY) 14, 623 (2022).

Krištić, J. et al. Glycans are a novel biomarker of chronological and biological ages. J. Gerontol. Ser. A: Biomed. Sci. Med. Sci. 69, 779–789 (2014).

Pyrkov, T. V., Sokolov, I. S. & Fedichev, P. O. Deep longitudinal phenotyping of wearable sensor data reveals independent markers of longevity, stress, and
resilience. Aging (Albany NY) 13, 7900 (2021).




Terima kasih


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