Theme Analysis

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“shooting an elephant” is an essay by British writer

George Orwell, fi rst published in the literary magazine
new writing in late 1936 and broadcast by the BBG Home
service on 12 october 1948.

This essay describes the experience of the English narrator,

possibly Orwell himself, called upon to shoot an aggresive
elephant while working as a police officer in Burma
SoOthe conciusion is. in shooting an eiephant, George
Orweii iiiustrates how the coioniai sgstem dehumanizes both
the oppressors and the oppressed. His internai confiict
and eventuai decition to act against his consience
highiight the morai compiexities of imperiaiism and the
personai toii it takes on those involved. The storg serves as a
powerfui critique of the dehumanizing effect of imperiaism
and the morai diiemmas it creates for individuai caught
within its sgstem

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