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EducatIon as a gIIt
The Mind is Iike a parachute it only operates when
en mlnds olmal learnlng
leellng comforable leads o a
wllllngness o ake rlsks
ee Carol uweck osllve mlndse olmlsm
Character tra|ts that lead o success
Lxerlmenalon vla fallure
(wllllng o make mlsakes)
Lxerlmenalon vla fallure
(wllllng o make mlsakes)
ulng ln e effor regardless ulng ln e effor regardless
An olmlslc bu reallslc
usourclng Wllllngness o
collaborae reflec + evaluae
Iways make new mistakes
irsts is how we all get
Simple but true.
Crawling before we walk.
Learning how to drive.
Mastering an instrument.
II began with a first.
Do we give our students
enough opportunity to
discover more firsts?
Do you allow yourself to take
baby steps and continue to
love of learning
~ ~ ,
, arens grandarens and favorle eacers gave me e glf of lovlng o learn
1o be asslonae and lnslred b e new e callenge and e road o dlscover
1ese oos are of m 90 ear old nanna en[olng oo boo wl me [us ls
uon' ea
uon' ea
Were ls
Were ls
auglng lun ,emorles
naIogy of driving a car or riding a bike
f you don't pedal you fall
f you don't drive, you see
the SME.
Same shop front.
Same view.
BUT if you drive, you see a
variety of shops. Some
may grab your attention,
you stop and pay a visit
and learn more. Others you
make a mental note of
returning to, when you
have the time.
Learning should not be
stationary. Keep moving.
No matter how sIow.
hy keep moving?
Would ou be annoed
lf our one coman
offered ou ls
ecnolog ln 2011"
Would ou be annoed
lf our one coman
offered ou ls
ecnolog ln 2011"
r feel comforable
fllng o our ollda ln
ow do we keep moving?
. irst and foremost- be willing to ask questions.
e all started somewhere.
. Then start. Somewhere. nywhere. Twitter offers instant PD
and support in the form of PLN. (Professional/personal
learning network).
. The idea is to spice up education. Engage kids and yourself!
Model learning behaviour. Use a variety of pedagogy and
technology. Trial new resources.
Reflect, evaluate.
. Keep in contact with like minded educators. Teachmeets,
your own school PLN, other PD.
As effeclve educaors we areclae a we
cannot direct the wind bu we can adjust
our saiIs
WE don't Iet the wind get in the way.
WE discover ways to engage Iearners.
WE modeI the behaviours we want our
students to deveIop.
essons ln llfe from a career ln carlngur d 8odell
!on Pale
WE don't stand stiII.
Can you adjust your sails to the gift
shop of Education?
Just let the students steer the ship.
ave a little faith
uide them weII
oo sared b owerouse
ls ke o lnnovalon
no ecnolog
WouId you Iike heIp?
W Look around the room 1h|s |s our g|ft to you We are your LN
W 1h|s goog|e doc can be your f|rst step Io|n|ng tw|tter |s |nstant co||aborat|on but |f you are not on
tw|tter [ot down your ema|| and deta||s 1he goog|e form w||| gu|de you thru some quest|ons Myse|f
and many others w||| be there to he|p you out |n 2012
W WL can support and encourage you ou can ask anyth|ng!
W We aII started somewhere.
W We started because we cared
W We were |nterested
W We had pass|on
W We are here to prov|de a better educat|on for our students AND ourse|ves!
W We wanted to g|ve our students a pr|ce|ess g|ft
The gift of
W s$$docsgooglecom$sreadsee$vl
no one llkes o see lme and
energ go down e draln
ur sudens lme ls reclous
e's no wase l
8ased on e lleral meanlng of laurels
(a rlng of leaves worn on e ead ln anclen
lmes as a smbol of vlcor)
Don't rest on
your |aure|s
The gift of education.
Resources used in this presentation
W lmovle
W oweroln
W llmelase a (lone)
W Coogle forms
W ; suff $$wwwqrsuffcom$
W ages
W lllcker oo sarlng
W 1wllk
W 1anks o ,r13 An1A and ,r4+ ,s11 vldeos smlle faces
ave a merry Chr|stmas!
ee e conversalons golng
, blog currensofmrlverblogsocom
1wler andle [7mrs[ames

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