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Synergizing Mitigation

and Adaptation
Strategies within the G20
for Sustainable Global
Explore the intersection of mitigation and adaptation strategies within the G20,
and their role in building a sustainable and resilient future.

by Ms. Heena Parveen & Aayush Bhardwaj


Climate change, driven by human activities, poses a dire threat. Mitigation and adaptation are twin strategies
essential for addressing its root causes and preparing for its unavoidable impacts, respectively.

1) Mitigation: Mitigation involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change by transitioning to
clean energy, enhancing energy efficiency, and adopting sustainable practices.
2) Adaptation: Adaptation focuses on building resilience to climate change impacts, safeguarding communities and
ecosystems through measures like infrastructure development and improved agricultural practices.
3) Importance of Mitigation and Adaptation: Mitigation limits global warming, protects health, and promotes
sustainable development, while adaptation builds resilience, safeguards lives and livelihoods, and ensures food
and water security.
G20 Commitments to Mitigation and Adaptation

1. Paris Agreement Alignment

2. Financial Support for Developing Nations
3. Transition to Clean Energy
4. Carbon Pricing
5. Resilience Building
6. Innovation and Technology Transfer
7. Biodiversity Conservation
8. Adaptation Finance
Financial Mechanisms and Collaborative
Financial Mechanisms:

1. Green Climate Fund (GCF)

2. Climate Finance Mobilization
3. Green Bonds
4. Carbon Pricing

Collaborative Partnerships:

5. Public-Private Partnerships
6. International Collaboration
7. Civil Society Engagement
International Instruments & Mitigation and
Adaptation Strategies

1. Paris Agreement:
2. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
3. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
4. G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
5. G20 Climate and Energy Action Plan for Growth
6. G20 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
7. G20 Green Finance Study Group (GFSG)
Challenges for Synergizing Mitigation and
Adaptation Strategies
The major challennges in synergizing the mitigationa and adaptation strategies are :

1) Resource Allocation Dilemma

2) Timing Misalignment
3) Policy and Regulatory Conflicts
4) Equity and Justice Considerations
5) Varying National Interests
6) Technological and Innovation Gaps
7) Data and Information Sharing
8) Public and Political Will
9) Complex Global Dynamics
India's Stand and Legal Framework within
India's commitment to mitigating and adaptation can be exemplified by its ambitious targets :
1) Renewable Energy Revolution
2) Emission Reduction Trajectory
3) Water Resource Management
4) Climate-Resilient Agriculture
5) Disaster Preparedness
6) Energy Access and Poverty Alleviation
7) Eco-friendly Transportation
8) Green Finance Leadership
9) Global South Solidarity
10) Sustainable Urbanization
International Collaborations for Mitigation
and Adaptation
1) International Solar Alliance (ISA)
2) Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI)
3) Global Solar Council
4) International Energy Agency (IEA)
5) Mission Innovation
6) Adaptation Fund
7) Paris Agreement and UNFCCC Engagement
8) South-South Cooperation
Emerging Trends and Future Considerations

Some of the emerging trends are :

1) Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU)
2) Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Climate Modeling
3) Advanced Renewable Energy Storage
Future Considerations on Behavioral, Societal Changes & Climate Justice
4) Consumer Choices
5) Urban Planning
6) Lifestyle Changes
7) Equitable Climate Financing
8) Inclusive Decision-Making
9) Adaptive Capacity Building
Takeways from G20 2023, India

1) G20 leaders agree to accelerate transition to clean energy.

2) G20 leaders commit to phasing out coal-fired power plants.
3) G20 leaders agree to invest in adaptation measures.
4) G20 leaders acknowledge disproportionate impact of climate change on women.
5) G20 leaders commit to promoting gender equality in climate action.
6) G20 leaders agree to strengthen international cooperation on climate change.
7) G20 leaders establish new working group on empowerment of women.
8) G20 Leaders also emphasized on the development of gender-responsive and
environment-resilient solutions, such as water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)

In addressing the challenge of climate change, the G20 must unite mitigation and adaptation efforts for global
resilience. This research highlights the roles of emerging technologies, behavior change, climate justice, and the
ethical considerations of certain approaches. The G20, representing major economies, must align its objectives
with sustainable climate action. Emerging tech offers solutions for both mitigation and adaptation, while
behavioral shifts, driven by consumer choices and urban planning, can significantly reduce emissions and boost
resilience. Climate justice ensures support for vulnerable communities and guides resource allocation. The G20
can lead in addressing controversial approaches like geoengineering through ethical scrutiny and international
governance. This journey toward sustainable global resilience demands dedication, innovation, and
collaboration, with the G20 as a catalyst for transformative change, promising a more resilient and sustainable
world for future generations.

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