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Chapter 5


01 02 03
Introduction Catford Newmark

04 05
Larson Summary
Kinds of translation
● It is often thought that when given a text,
the translator’s task is to translate it from
beginning to end. But it’s not always the
case. This is concerned what is referred to
in English as kinds of translation.

● In this chapter, we will explore in some

detail a few different kinds of translation as
suggested by Catford, Larson, and
In a full translation, the entire text is submitted to the translation process:
that is, the TL material replaces every part of the SL.
Example 1:
The race ended and ended the hopes too.
What La Liga has is just the name of Real
Madrid. Barca has been left behind.

 Cuộc đua đã khép lại và những hy vọng cũng

đã chấm dứt. Những gì La Liga có chỉ là cái
tên Real Madrid. Barca đã bị bỏ lại phía sau.
Example 2:
There has been a dramatic rise in house prices this year.
 Đã có một sự gia tăng đáng kể về giá nhà ở trong năm nay.
1. In all my life, I witnessed you fight against God. But in the end, you are loved.
 Cả cuộc đời anh, anh đã chứng kiến cuộc chiến đấu của em chống lại
Chúa. Nhưng cuối cùng, em vẫn được yêu.
2. And me, sometimes I want you, sometimes I want God. In all my mistakes, the
worst is that I never make a choice of love.
 Còn anh, lúc thì anh muốn có em, lúc thì anh muốn có Chúa. Trong tất cả
những lỗi lầm của anh, điều tồi tệ nhất là chưa bao giờ anh lựa chọn tình
3. My love half for you, half for God. But in fact, all was for my ambition.
 Tình yêu của anh nửa dành cho em, nửa dành cho Chúa. Nhưng thực ra
tất cả là dành cho tham vọng của anh.
In a partial translation, some part or
parts of the SL are left untranslated: Example:
they are simply transferred to and 1. I like to eat hamburgers.
incorporated into the TL. In literary
 Tôi thích ăn hamburger.
translation, it is not uncommon for
some SL lexical items to be translated 2. AIDS is a dangerous disease.
this way either because they are  AIDS là một căn bệnh nguy
regarded as ‘untranslatable’ or for the hiểm.
deliberate purpose of introducing ‘local
color’ to the TL.

1. “Áo dài” là một trong những trang phục truyền thống của phụ nữ Việt Nam
 “Ao dai” is one of the traditional costumes of Vietnamese women.

2. Udon is a thick noodle made from wheat flour, used in Japanese cuisine.

 Udon là một loại mì dày làm từ bột mì, được sử dụng trong ẩm thực Nhật

Total translation is translation in which all levels

of the SL text are replaced by TL material. Strictly
speaking, “total” translation is a misleading term,
since, though total replacement is involved, it is
not the replacement by equivalents at all levels. In “total” translation, SL grammar and
lexis are replaced by equivalent TL
grammar and lexis. This replacement
entails the replacement of SL
phonology/graphology by TL
Example 1:
There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life, more
sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth.
 Có một truyền thuyết về một con chim chỉ hót một lần trong đời, nhưng
tiếng hót của nó ngọt ngào hơn bất cứ loại chim nào trên trái đất này.

Example 2:
Poverty is no sin.
 Nghèo đói không phải là tội lỗi.
In "restricted" translation, source
language is replaced with equivalent one
at only one level (phonological/
graphological) or at only one of the two
levels of grammar and lexis.
Example 1: Replacement of
phonological/graphological level
New York [njuː jɔːk] -> Niu Óoc
Restricted translation at the
grammatical and lexical Example 2: Replacement of
levels means replacement lexis
of SL grammar by “Khi mới bước chân về làm
equivalent TL grammar, but dâu, con sợ thầy lắm”.
with no replacement of  At the time to be your daughter-
lexis, and replacement of in-law, I was afraid of you,
SL lexis by equivalent TL father!
lexis but with no
replacement of grammar.
Example 3: Replacement of grammar:
1. The child/ has slept/ in/ 3 hours. Đứa trẻ/ đã ngủ/ trong/ 3 giờ.
= Det. Noun/ aux. V3/ prep/ Det. Noun. = Noun det/ aux. V/ prep/ Det. Noun.

2. The old hunter/ killed/ a bear. Người thợ săn già/ đã giết/ một con gấu.
= Det. Adj. Noun/ V2/ Det. Noun. = Noun Adj. det/ aux. V/ Det. Noun.
Phonological translation means translating a word from the Sources
Language into the closest sound in the Target Language, there are
hardly other important replacements.

Example: hippie - híp pi; karate - ka-ra- tê; karaoke – ka-ra-ô-kê;

Australia - Ô-xtrây-li-a

Sometimes grammatical or lexical changes may result accidentally.

Source language graphology is the replacement of the source language
graphology by the target language graphology.
Example: zero – dê rô ; Euro – ơ rô ; billiard – bi da

This is a complex process involving phonological translation with the addition
of phonology - graphology correlation at both ends of the process, i.e., in
source and target language.
Example: “transliteration” is different from
Washington /ˈwɒʃ.ɪŋ.tən/ - Oa-sinh-tơn “translation”: the conversion is based
London /ˈlʌn.dən/ - Lôn-đôn/ Luân đôn on pronunciation, not on meaning.
Scandal /ˈskæn.dəl/ - Xì-căng-đan
Rank-bound translation is translation in which the selection of TL equivalents is deliberately
confined to one rank or a few ranks in the hierarchy of grammatical units, usually at word or
morpheme rank, that is, setting up word-to-word or morpheme-to-morpheme equivalence.


 Unbounded translation, in
a. It's raining cats and dogs.
contrast, refers to normal total 1. Nó đang mưa các con mèo và các con chó. (Word-
translation in which equivalences 2. Trời đang mưa như chó và mèo cãi nhau. (Literal)
shift freely up and down the rank 3. Trời mưa tầm tã/ mưa như trút nước. (Free)

scale. b. She is second to none.

 Unbounded translation is also 1. Cô ấy là thứ hai đến không ai. (Word -for- word)
2. Cô ấy không là thứ hai đối với bất kỳ ai. (Literal)
known as a "free" translation 3. Cô ấy không bao giờ chịu thua ai. (Free)
Newmark (1988b) looks at kinds of
translation from the point of view of the
reader. He makes a distinction
between semantic and communicative
translation  Translation must be in
some degree both communicative
Peter Newmark and semantic, social and individual.

For Newmark, in communicative translation, the only part of the meaning

of the original which is rendered is the part which corresponds to the
target language reader's understanding of the identical message.
3.1. Definition
• According to Newmark, ‘semantic translation
attempts to render, as closely as the semantic
and syntactic structures of the second
language allow, the exact contextual meaning
of the original’ (1981, p. 39).

• On the other hand, for Newmark,

‘communicative translation attempts to

produce on its readers an effect as close
as possible to that obtained on the readers
of the original’ (Newmark, 1981, p. 39).
Some problems of communicative translation:

 The translator will have to decide to what extent should simplify and
therefore emphasise the basic message.

 S/he has to decide on the highest common factor of intelligence,

knowledge and sensitivity possessed by the total readership.

 The concerned is with the difficulty in measuring the intuitive nature of


Example: : Love story – chuyện tình, Yesterday – Ngày hôm qua, You’re
my everything - Em là tất cả, Green field – Đồng xanh.
In contrast, semantic translation:

 Refers to the translator's respect to the context in which the text occurs
and his loyalty to the author.

 If the text is not modem, the translation has to be put into modern
language, which in itself moves it nearer to the reader.

Example: Ví dụ: Beautiful Sunday - Chủ nhật tươi hồng, If you go away -
Người yêu nếu ra đi, Love me with all of your heart - Yêu em bằng cả trái
tim, - Right here waiting - Nơi đây em vẫn chờ, Sad movies - Chuyện
phim buồn...

1. Right in the Nằm ngay giữa trái tim Hà Hồ Hoàn Kiếm là một hồ
Hanoi, Hoan Kiem Nội, hồ Hoàn Kiếm là một hồ nước đẹp, yên tĩnh nằm ở
is an enchanting nước đẹp mê hồn, một ốc trung tâm ồn ào.
body of water, a đảo bình yên tách biệt với sự
peaceful oasis hối hả bận rộn của thành
away from the phố.
hustle and bustle
of the city
2. Nhà có chó dữ There is a fierce dog in the Beware of the dog
3. Keep off the Tránh xa bãi cỏ Không được giẫm lên cỏ.

Written at author's linguistic level Written at readership's linguistic

Used for expressive texts Used for informative texts
Expressive components rendered Normalized or toned down, neutral
closely/literally terms
Personal and individual Social
Tends to over-translate Tends to under-translate
Pursues nuances of meaning Pursues message
Inferior to its original Better than its original
Has to interpret Has to explain
4.1. WHAT IS
Form-based in literal translation
1. Chỗ này có ai ngồi không?
• This place, anyone sit?
• Is this seat taken?
• Is there anyone sitting here?

2. Học tiếng Anh là quan trọng ở nhà trường.

• Studying English is important at school.
• It is important to study English at school.
• The studying of English is important at school.
The form of a language includes words, clauses, sentences and paragraphs,
structure... So the translated form of the literal translation will be translated
completely to the word near the source language

Ex1: Chỗ này có ai ngồi không?

This place, anyone sit? Is this seat taken? Is there anyone sitting here?

 Correct answer: This place, anyone sit?

Ex2: Chỗ này có ai ngồi không?

Studying English is important at It is important to study English at The studying of English is

school. school. important at school.

 Correct answer: Studying English is important at school.

- Literal translation sentence words on sentence have no meaning and
have no value for communication.
- Useful for purposes related to original language studies, and they are
little help to the speakers of the receptor language who are interested
in the meaning of the source language text.
If the two languages are not related, the literal translation option of grammatical form
and lexical items makes the translation sound confusing as well as strange.
Example 1:
What did you have for your breakfast
Completely literal Vietnamese Modifier literal Vietnamese Suggested appropriate
translation: translation: Vietnamese translation:

Cái gì bạn ( quá khứ) có cho Bạn đã có cái gì cho bữa Sáng nay bạn đã ăn/ dùng
bữa sáng của bạn? sáng? gì?

 Still haven’t know what the  Still not clear and natural  The sentence's words
speaker meant. in translation meaning clearly convey the
speaker's meaning.
Example 2:
Key market
Completely literal Modifier literal Vietnamese Suggested appropriate
Vietnamese translation: Vietnamese translation:
Chìa khóa thị trường
translation: Thị trường trọng điểm Mấu chốt thị trường

• Cause confusion Easier to understand

• Hard to understand

They modify the order and grammar enough to use acceptable

sentence structure in the receptor language.

Idiomatic translation is meaning-based

translations which make every effort to
communicate the meaning of the source language
text in the natural forms of the receptor language

- Mildred Larson -
- Idiomatic translation uses the natural
forms of the target language, both in the
grammatical constructions and in the
choice of lexical items.
- The idiomatic translation does not
sound like a translation, it sounds like it
was written originally in the receptor
Languages contains a lot of secondary meaning, metaphor, and other figurative
• Greek: the fever left him.
• Aguaruna: he cooled.
• Ilocano: the fever is no more in him.
 These sentences have the same meaning ‘anh ấy đã hạ sốt’ or ‘nhiệt độ
của anh ấy đã trở lại bình thường’
All languages have idioms.
1. Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã. 2. Sai một li đi một dặm.
Blood is thicker than water A miss is as good as a mile.
One false step leads to another.

English idioms using into and in: run into debt (mắc nợ), rush into print (ra sách/viết
sách vội vàng), fly into a passion (nổi cơn tanh bành), dive into a book (nghiên cứu
chuyên sâu), wade into adversity (lâm vào nghịch cảnh), break into society (bước ra xã
hội), stumble into acquaintance (tình cờ gặp người quen), fall in love (phải lòng), etc.

These combinations are fixed as to form and their meaning comes from the
combination. A word-by-word translation for these combinations will not make
1. All’s well that ends well.
Kết thúc tốt đẹp dù có nhiều khó khăn, trở ngại – tiền hung hậu kiết. (idiomatic)
Tất cả là cũng kết thúc tốt (literal)
2. Break a leg.
Chúc may mắn (idiomatic) = good luck
Gãy chân (literal)
3. It takes two to tango.
Cần sự hợp tác của 2 phía (idiomatic)
Khi nhảy điệu tango thì cần 2 người (literal)
4. Cross my heart and hope to die.
Xin thề thật lòng (idiomatic)
Vượt qua trái tim tôi và hy vọng được chết (literal)
- It’s often hard for translators when translating idioms to make a good idiomatic
translation. In some certain cases, in order to preserve the meaning, the form must
be sacrificed. Example: blind as a bat = không thấy gì/thị lực kém

- A rat in English used to describe something suspicious or somebody

untrustworthy, which also shows a negative meaning.

1. to smell a rat: to suspect that something is wrong, or that someone is trying to

deceive you  I began to smell a rat when he tried to explain what had happened.
2. like a rat in a hole: all alone/by yourself  He did his work like a rat in a
On the other hand, in Vietnamese, a rat is used to describe something to
ridicule and criticize human habits or to describe someone's appearance due to
its unique characteristics (quick, cunning, clever, etc.) and it is rich in symbolic
meaning. Example: + nhanh như chuột = fast as a rat

+ chuột sa hủ nếp = to marry a fortune, to get a windfall

+ cháy nhà lòi mặt chuột = a rat deserts a falling house

• butterflies in one’s stomach = bồn chồn, lo lắng

• the world is your oyster = thế giới nằm trong tầm tay bạn

• dog-eat-dog = thân ai nấy lo

However, in most languages, animals’ names are often used to compare
metaphorically but these might make some misunderstood unless some
adjustment is made.

For example, when someone is called a pig in English, it means s/he is a dirty or
a greedy eater, but in Vietnamese, if someone is called ‘đồ con lợn’, it means
s/he is stupid.
- reader-oriented
- author-oriented
- more awkward
- smoother semantic communicative translation
- devoid of redundancy
- tending to under translation
translate • author-oriented • reader-oriented
• more awkward • smoother
• shorter: devoid of • tending to
redundancy, phatic undertranslate ( more
language, stylistic generic holds-all terms
aids, and joins in difficult passages)
literal translation idiomatic translation

closely follow the convey the meaning of the SL

wording and structure text in a way that is natural in
of the SL text the TL text
(the grammatical constructions,
the choice of lexical items)
According to Jorome

• an adequate understanding of the original language (the source language)

• an adequate command of the language into which one is translating ( the
receptor language)
=> A good translation

avoiding literalisms
How can the translator
hope to produce an
striving for a truly idiomatic receptor
adequate translation?
language text
Use idiomatic translation, translate the following into
Dù cho the difficulties,
có khó khăn, anhhetasaw
vẫnthe jobđến
làm through
cùng. to the end.
2. She is under the weather at the moment.
 Hiện tại cô ta cảm thấy có chút không khỏe.
Thanks for

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