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By Beth
Holy book, beliefs, festivals and traditions
What is Judaism?

Abrahamic Religion Monotheism

Judaism is one of the three Abrahamic Judaism is a monotheistic religion, as it
religions along with Islam and only believes in one God known by the
Christianity name Yahweh
What is Judaism?

Festivals Holy Book Traditions

An important The Jewish holy book is A big Jewish tradition is Yom
Jewish festival is known as the Torah Kippur, which known as the
Rosh Hashanah, which Day of Atonement, and is seen
is the New Year festival as the holiest day of the year

Holy book, beliefs, festivals and

History of Judaism
c. 1000 BCE 01 02 c. 1000 BCE
Tentative date of the composition of the
Emergence of Yahwism
Torah's J source

c. 900 BCE 03 04 c. 621 BCE

Tentative date of the composition of Tentative date of the composition of
the Torah's E source the Torah's D source

597 – 587 BCE 05 06 587 – 539 BCE

Jews are deported to
Jews exile in Babylonia
History of Judaism
586 BCE 07 08 539 - c. 330 BCE
Destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem and Tentative date of the redactional
exile of upper class Judeans activity of the Torah's P source.

539 BCE 09 10 c. 516 BCE

Babylonian Empire was conquered Babylonians invaded and destroyed
by the Persians the First Temple

c. 250 BCE 11 12 167 – 160 BCE

Jews returned from exile to
The Maccabean Revolt
the province
History of Judaism

70 CE 13 14 132 - 136 CE
Romans reclaimed Jerusalem and The Bar Kochba Revolt
destroyed the Second Temple

c. 137 CE 15 16 c. 600 CE
Jews revolted against Rome under the Reorganization of Jewish life
leadership of Bar Kokhba according to Rabbinic precepts

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What is the Holocaust?

of the Jews
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1939 1941 (31 July)
Göring tells Heydrich to Deportation Heydrich is given a
force Jews to leave power plan about the
Germany of organisation of how to

Jews kill Jews
“Jews are to be grouped in Ghettos in Hitler decides to murder
the towns to make it easier control ALL Jews
and later deport them”
Anne Frank

Daily life while in hiding

Anne Frank
The Holocaust was a terrible event during World War II when millions of innocent people, mostly Jews,
were killed by the Nazis, who were led by Adolf Hitler. They were targeted because of their religion,
ethnicity, and other reasons. It was a dark time in history, marked by discrimination, persecution, and
Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who lived during the Holocaust. Her family went into hiding in
Amsterdam to escape the Nazis. During their time in hiding, Anne wrote a diary where she shared her
thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Her diary, which was later found and published, has become one of
the most famous accounts of the Holocaust, giving insight into the human side of this tragic period.
Anne Frank's story helps us remember the horrors of the Holocaust and the importance of standing up
against discrimination and injustice.

Life after WW2

Jewish life after the WW2
Life After WW2
● After the Holocaust, life for Jews was incredibly difficult. Many had lost their homes, families, and
communities during the genocide. They faced immense challenges in rebuilding their lives and finding a
sense of normalcy again.
● Some Jews immigrated to other countries to start anew, while others returned to their hometowns if they
were still standing. However, anti-Semitism (hatred or discrimination against Jews) persisted in some
places, making it hard for survivors to feel safe and accepted.
● In the years following the Holocaust, efforts were made to bring justice to the perpetrators and to
remember the victims through memorials and education. Jewish communities around the world also
worked to preserve their culture and traditions, ensuring that the memory of those who perished would
never be forgotten.
● Despite the hardships, many survivors showed incredible resilience and strength, rebuilding their lives,
families, and communities in the aftermath of the Holocaust.

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