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PMS - a change & quality management process that facilitates comprehensive management of performance at all levels in the organisation involves coming up with a vision, mission & value statements to guide the organisation this is followed by development of strategic plans and annual performance plans also involves setting of target outputs and agreements between supervisor & supervisee

this is further followed by regular progress reviews for supervisors to know areas of problems and take timeous action. PMS Objectives include:
to improve individual & organisational performance in a systematic & sustainable way; to provide a planning & change mgmt framework that is linked to budgeting & funding process; to inculcate a culture of performance & accountability to manage at higher levels of productivity so as to provide efficient service delivery.

successive NDPs have been developed, with full funding, but some projects still failed to be implemented (there were no firm commitments as to when each project would start & end). such projects would then be carried over to the following development plans poor service delivery a no of reforms thus were introduced to improve this situation

examples include:
training & localisation: placing jobs in the hands of Batswana without compromising efficiency job evaluation:- to ensure that remuneration was commensurate with job responsibility O&M: to facilitate establishment of clear goals & objectives by organisations; also parallel progression, WITS; financial & manpower ceilings

achievements made were not without problems, which eventually made the public service inefficient public service has been perceived as being insensitive to public demands, non-performing, lacking accountability & discipline. more specifically:

- there is a perceived general waste of resources & efficiency in managing these resources. poor planning & management of funds have repeatedly resulted in non completion of key projects; additional funds for some projects etc. - Batswana generally not involved in decision making processes, particularly with regard to their demands & aspirations (public service often viewed as being insensitive to what really matters to the public in terms of services provided

NDPs often have little or no operational plans at ministry level to ensure delivery
there is general lack of confidence on the public service by the nation compounded by unending public disquiet about Govt. as an inefficient & ineffective service provider (taxpayers feel they are not getting their taxes worth)

winds of change sweeping across the world compel countries nations to be come more competitive if they are to survive & sustain themselves (often with limited choices & resources)

between 1994-1997, govt conducted investigations into determining steps to take in response to the accusations of insensitivity study recommended that if productivity of the public service was to be restored, a completely modern system be adopted to improve existing public service way of management. recommendations included, among others, introduction of 3 reforms, being: decentralisation, computerisation of personnel management systems and performance management system these were approved by government.

the first 2 were essential for the success of the third recommendation (PMS) for PMS to be successfully implemented, ministries had to be sufficiently empowered first. while earlier reforms were fragmented & one-shot (dealing with specific aspects & problems bedevilling organisations as opposed to addressing all areas) , PMS offers a holistic framework that facilitates employment & integration of some of these reforms, e.g WITS

PMS enhances focus & direction on organisations priority areas (development of clear goals & objectives, linked to the budget through APPs) promotes new focus & emphasis on performance & results, enhanced quality service delivery & customer satisfaction. facilitates development & achievement of set & agreed goals at organisational & individual levels, development & effective use of measures, as well as making officers & ministries accountable for their results

introduction of PMS does not disrupt present management structures, but builds on them (it equips these managers with more disciplined tools to manage & enhance performance in their organisations). system is designed to be a permanent process in the public service, & will be enhanced by self-sustaining & selfreinforcing characteristics built into it.


it is able to integrate other performance improvement initiatives like re-engineering, restructuring, performance related pay system, WITS etc. WITS facilitates problem solving through the use of specially trained teams, & the teams normally have the authority to determine how they handle & solve each problem (i.e WITS are problem solving tools employed by organisations to deal with various problems & make worthwhile recommendations to management

PMS, on the other hand, facilitates development of strategic goals and objectives for the organisation. It is from these strategies that organisations will often identify problems which, if not resolved, will result in non-achievement of intended goals & objectives. A greater obligation is therefore created for such problems to be resolved, & I this way, the role of WITS becomes more of a necessity than an option.

use of WITS to solve problems has proved cheaper than the engagement of consultants. It has also been a motivation factor for employees as they can see their own contribution in progressing the organisation. PMS also facilitates & encourages team effort at levels in achievement of goals & objectives within the organisation

It is necessary therefore that more public officers at various levels be provided with skills on team building & management, problem solving techniques, innovation & continuous improvement. WITS will thus play a key role in providing such skills to empower officers to continually solve their own problems as well as assist others. All employees should become change agents through ownership & continuous use of PMS.


A well implemented PMS process should benefit the organisation, its managers & employees.
Organisation is able to grow & satisfy both customers & shareholders. Management directs & manages the organisation higher levels of higher efficiency, characterised by performance management & sustenance skills & values. Employees develop a sense of belonging & attachment since they view themselves as an integral part of the organisation

The Customer / Batswana:
provided with services they need, & not what ministries perceive as their needs. This will translate into customer satisfaction as organisations will be providing services to fulfill their aspiration Customer will be key player in the planning process (regular feedback & interactions between ministries & their customers will facilitate transparent & honest environment in which Batswana would have the opportunity to critic as well as help improve operations of the public service

Value for money is ensured in that the customers will ascertain the public service delivers on key result areas as contained in the strategic plans. Customers will be able to objectively assess the timeliness, cost effectiveness & quality of service rendered by organisations. Furthermore, Batswana will ensure that the public service takes full accountability for service delivery


The Organisation:
The organisation will develop & have comprehensive vision & mission statements, clear strategic plans with achievable goals & objectives, key performance & results areas, set standards & objective strategic measures (clear program of action, with all necessary components such as resources, training etc) Every budget or funding requirement by the organisation will be directly related to & support the strategic obligations of the organisation (efficient use of resources)


The employee:
A shared vision, strategies, goals & objectives of the organisation Clearly defined set of performance standards & strategic measures will guide officers, units, divisions etc on key performance areas & how they will measure their efforts Quarterly performance reviews between supervisors & supervisees will be a component of an objective appraisal for individual employees

No surprises at the end of every appraisal period, since individuals will also be able to assess their performance prior to such reviews (strengthened by the PBRS) Individuals at various levels learn new skills & techniques to perform their obligations effectively & produce expected results Managers & supervisors require new skills & styles of management to effectively lead the change process All employees require innovation & team work tools to collectively achieve their objectives

There is greater focus & commitment by the public service on the delivery of necessary services & other obligations with improved efficiency Public service optimally uses the scarce resources at its disposal to further the aspirations of govt. & Batswana (prudent use of resources will facilitate execution of other priority national projects Greater public service efficiency leads to realisation of Vision 2016

Greater efficiency will also make the country more competitive globally, with regard to provision of quality products & services, & in its efforts to attract foreign investment.


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