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73 Questions
with Roger
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Nice to meet you!

Take several minutes to chit chat and get to

know each other.

● What’s your name?

● Where do you live?
● How do you feel?
Jump Into Groups!
Nice to meet you!

Discussion Questions are provided, but if you

talk about something else, that’s OK!

Use the questions as a diving board to jump

into conversation.
● Mute your audio if it is noisy where
you are.
● Click the “Ask For Help” button if you
get stuck.
● Ask questions.
● Listen to each other. Ask follow up
● Don’t dominate the conversation. Let
everyone have a chance to talk.
Questions from, “73 Questions with Roger Federer”
idiom of the day
to have butterflies in your
- [Interviewer] Prepping for a first round
match versus prepping for a final match,
what changes?
- Well, there should be none, but
sometimes you get a bit nervous. You
do. I think it's the amount of butterflies
you feel in the belly that makes a
idiom of the day
To give someone butterflies
Butterflies in your stomach refers to a fluttery feeling you feel in your chest that is most often
attributed to falling in love. If someone gives you butterflies it means they make you feel
warm and fuzzy inside.
Discussion Questions (1st 20 minutes)
1. How do you start your days?
2. When was the last time you felt nervous, like you had butterflies in your
3. Does your family have any nicknames for you?
4. What languages do you speak?
5. Do you have any favorite expressions in these languages?
6. What's the best piece of advice your mother gave you?
7. What TV show are you obsessed with at the moment?
8. What are you wearing when you're feeling your best?
9. Do you play any sports?
Discussion Questions (2nd 20 minutes)
10. What do your parents do?
11. Where do you work?
12. What’s the most rewarding thing about your job?
13. What do you do on your off days?
14. Can you tell us about a time when you felt nervous about something?
15. What's something about yourself that most friends don’t know?
16. How important is family for you?
17. What lessons have you learned from your kids?
18. Who is someone you look up to and why?
Thank you! Have a great day!
Listening Quiz:

73 Questions with Roger Federer

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