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Republic of the Philippines


Institute of Science and Technology
Cavite Campus
Master of Arts in Education
Major in Administration and Supervision

Course Code: MAS 104

Course Title: Personnel Administration
Subject: Sample Cases/Workshops for Position
Classification (Function and
Professor: Dr. Gregoria N. Mathis
Student Name: May V. Canciller
Position classification is the process used to allocate a
position's defined duties and responsibilities to a job standard. The
position classification process involves reviewing the duties and
responsibilities assigned to a position

The basic purposes of classifying jobs are:

To help in recruitment and selection by defining significant
qualification standards.
To help in designing and developing standards for performance
and appraisals
Personnel Department
Is your personnel department given full
support and backing by your top management?
a.If yes, what do you think are the reason for such
support and backing?
b.If not, what do you think are the reasons for it’s not
being given the support and backing? In what ways
can you convince your top management to give it its
support and backing?
Personnel Functions
What are the functions that your personnel
department presently performed?
a.What functions do you believe properly belong to your
personnel department that does not presently perform?
b.Are there functions that your personnel department are
doing which you feel it should not perform. Give the
reasons why it is performing said functions?
c. Do you have in your company the manual of personnel
policies and procedures to guide you and the line
Acceptance and Recognition
Do you believe that your personnel department is
well accepted and recognized by the management as a
necessary unit of your company? What about the
a.If yes, what do you think are the reasons for such
acceptance and recognition?
b.Does management think the personnel department is
performing its functions properly?
c. If the personnel department is not fully accepted
and recognized, what do you think are the reason? In
what ways can you convince your: to give its full acceptance and
2.employees to give it their full acceptance and
Training and Qualifications of Personnel
What training, formal or informal should a
personnel manager possess or pursue to be
effective in his job?
a.What qualification should a personnel manager
possess to be successful?
b.What should be the educational background of a
personnel manager to enable his to learn easily on
how to discharge his functions?
Training and Qualifications of Personnel
What training, formal or informal should a
personnel manager possess or pursue to be
effective in his job?
c. What are the qualities of a personnel manager that
he must possess to be successful in his job?
d. In what ways can a personnel manager grow in his
Sample Case #1
XYZ Company does not believe in the training
and development of its employees. The officials of the
firm say that there are many job seekers in the
Philippines anyway. Evaluate the position of XYZ
• In the scenario, the position of XYZ
Company can be evaluated as short-
sighted and potentially detrimental to
the company's long-term success
Lack of Employee Development
By not investing in training and development for employees, XYZ
Company is missing out on numerous benefits. Training programs
can enhance employees' skills, improve their productivity, and
foster innovation within the organization. Without such
development opportunities, employees may become stagnant in
their roles, leading to decreased motivation and lower job
Competitive Disadvantage
In today's rapidly changing business landscape, organizations must
adapt to remain competitive. Companies that invest in employee
training and development gain a competitive edge by equipping
their workforce with up-to-date knowledge and skills. Neglecting
employee development can leave XYZ Company falling behind its
competitors who prioritize continuous learning and improvement.
Employee Retention and Engagement
Employees value organizations that invest in their professional growth. By
not providing training and development opportunities, XYZ Company may
struggle to retain talented employees. High employee turnover can be
costly and disrupt the continuity of operations. Furthermore, disengaged
employees who feel stagnant in their roles are unlikely to contribute their
best efforts, resulting in decreased productivity.

Attracting Top Talent

The statement made by XYZ Company officials, suggesting that there are
many job seekers in the Philippines, overlooks the fact that talented
individuals are always in demand. Organizations that prioritize employee
development tend to attract high-caliber professionals who are looking for
opportunities to grow and advance their careers. By neglecting training and
development, XYZ Company may struggle to recruit and retain the best
talent available.
Organizational Culture
The stance of XYZ Company officials indicates
a lack of commitment to fostering a positive and
growth-oriented organizational culture. A culture
that promotes learning, development, and
continuous improvement tends to attract motivated
and ambitious employees who can drive innovation
and contribute to the company's success.
In conclusion, XYZ Company's position on
training and development is not in line with
best practices in modern business
management. By neglecting employee
development, the company risks decreased
productivity, employee turnover, and missed
opportunities for innovation. Prioritizing
training and development can help XYZ
Company stay competitive, attract and retain
top talent, and foster a positive organizational
culture conducive to long-term success.
Sample Case #2
No rules and regulation have been formulated in
ABC Company. The proprietor believes that since
there are only twenty-five employees, there is no
need for such regulation. Comment on the attitude of
the proprietor.
The attitude of the proprietor in ABC Company,
believing that there is no need for rules and regulations
because of the small number of employees, can be seen as
shortsighted and potentially problematic. While it's true
that smaller organizations may have fewer complexities
compared to larger ones, having a set of established rules
and regulations is still essential for several reasons.
1.Consistency and fairness
Rules and regulations provide a framework for
consistent and fair treatment of all employees. Without
them, decisions and actions may be arbitrary and
inconsistent, leading to potential favoritism or
2. Clear expectations
Policies and guidelines help set clear expectations
for employees regarding their behavior, performance
standards, and responsibilities. They provide a sense of
structure and guidance, which can improve productivity
and efficiency.
3. Legal compliance
Regulations often exist to ensure compliance with
labor laws, health and safety standards, and other legal
requirements. Ignoring or neglecting these regulations
can expose the company to legal liabilities and risks.
4. Conflict resolution
Well-defined rules and procedures can help resolve
conflicts and disagreements in a fair and systematic
manner. Without such guidelines, conflicts may escalate,
leading to a negative work environment and potential
legal disputes.
5. Scalability
Even if the company currently has only twenty-five
employees, it's important to consider future growth and
expansion. Implementing rules and regulations early on
can help facilitate smooth scaling and ensure a solid
foundation as the company grows.
 Increase compliance
 Improve internal processes.
 Help you navigate incidents & crises
 Let employees know where they can turn for help.
 Enable consistent processes & structures.
The proprietor's attitude of disregarding rules and
regulations based solely on the size of the company may
lead to confusion, inefficiency, and potential legal issues.
It is advisable for the proprietor to recognize the
importance of establishing basic policies and procedures
to ensure a well-functioning and compliant work
environment for both current and future employees.
Rethore, C. (2022, September 15). 5 Reasons Why Policies &
Procedures Are Crucial for Businesses. The Polyglot
GoogleBooks.Sison,P. (Sixth Edition 1991) Personnel and
Human Resources Management.

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