Java Basics (Fundamentals)

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Java Basics

Mahesh Kumar G P
 Java Ws…?
 Parameter passing
 Packages
 Encapsulation
 Getter methods returning objects
 Assignments
Java Ws

 The below list answers some of the questions like,

what is java ? Why java ? Etc..
 Simple:
Don’t believe me…?
What if I say ,java doesn’t have pointers.
 Secure and Portable :
 Applications written using Java are portable, in the sense that they can be executed on
any kind of computer containing any CPU or any operating system.
 When an application written in Java is compiled, it generates an intermediate code file
called as “bytecode”.
 Bytecode helps Java to achieve portability.
 This bytecode can be taken to any computer and executed directly.
 Object-Oriented and functional:
supports all the features of object oriented model like:
 Encapsulation
 Inheritance
 Polymorphism
 Abstraction

Supports functional programming through lambdas

 Multithreaded
Parameter passing

public static void main(String... args)

int a = 10;
int b = 20;
S.O.P.(a, b); // 10, 20
swap(a, b);
S.O.P.(a, b); // 20, 10
Parameter passing

public static void swap(int x, int y)

int temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
Parameter passing ? stack view




Parameter passing

public static void main(String... args)

Integer a = 10;
Integer b = 20;
S.O.P.(a, b); // 10, 20
swap(a, b);
S.O.P.(a, b); // 20, 10
Parameter passing

public static void swap(Integer x, Integer y)

Integer temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
Parameter passing


Parameter passing

Java parameter passing is always

“pass by value”
Packages: WHY?

 Class name conflicts

 Act as name spaces

 Logical grouping of classes

 ease of maintainence

public class MyInt

private int value;
public void setValue(int value)
this.value = value;
public int getVaule()
return value;
Why encapsulation

 Enforcing constraints

 Hiding implementation

 Synchronization
Encapsulation ? reference leaking

public class Employee

private Date joiningDate;
public Date getJoiningDate()
return joiningDate;

Encapsulation ? reference leaking

 Returning references to
 private/protected
 mutable
 objects

 How to rectify?
 cloning!
What is inheritance


Employee Student
What is inheritance

 To inherit: to derive or acquire from ancestors

 In an OO world, what can be acquired?

 data
 code

 In an OO world, who are the

 classes
What is inheritance

 In an OO world when a class acquires

 data
 methods
 or both
 from another class

it is inheritance
Why inheritance

 Code reuse
 Less code to maintain
 Creation of frameworks
 parent classes perform common tasks
 children classes provide specific details

 Loose coupling/pluggability

 Polymorphism
 poly: many
 morph: form
 when a class reference takes many forms

class Parent...
class Child1 extends Parent...
class Child2 extends Parent...
Parent p = new Child1(); //or Child2() or Parent()
Method overriding: dynamic
public class Foo
public void foo(){S.O.P.(?in parent foo()?);}

public class FooChild extends Foo

public void foo(){S.O.P.(?in child foo()?);}

Foo f = new Foo();; // in parent foo()

Foo f = new FooChild();; // in child foo()
Dynamic polymorphism

Dynamic polymorphism because

which method to call
is decided at runtime
Static Polymorphism

public class Foo

public void foo(int x){S.O.P.(?int: ? + x);}
public void foo(long x){S.O.P.(?long: ? + x);}
int i = 10;
long j = 20;
Foo f = new Foo();;;
Static polymorphism

Static polymorphism because

which method to call
is decided at compile time
Method access modifier overridings

class Foo
public void foo()...

class FooChild extends Foo

protected void foo()...

What is wrong in this?

Method access modifier overridings

 No clear way to resolve the ambiguity of restricted

access modifier overriding

 Hence it's not allowed by the compiler

Method access modifier overridings

class Foo
protected void foo()...

class FooChild extends Foo

public void foo()...

What is wrong in this?

Method access modifier overridings

 Nothing wrong in it!

 The contract of allowing subclasses or package

classes to access 'foo()' will always be honoured

 Hence it's allowed by the compiler

A simple way to remember this

 Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

 Sub classes should be able to replace their base

 public -> protected can not
 protected -> public can
Member variable overriding

class Foo
protected int x = 10;
public void foo(){S.O.P.(x)}
class FooChild extends Foo
protected int x = 20;

Foo f = new FooChild();; // what will this print?
Member variable overriding

 This will print 10

 Java has no concept of member varibale overriding

Static method overriding

class Foo
public static void foo(){S.O.P.(?in parent?)}
class FooChild extends Foo
public static void foo(){S.O.P.(?in child?)}

Foo f = new FooChild();

; // what will this print?
Static method overriding

 “in parent”

 Static methods belong to classes

 Their calls resolved at compile time

 Hence they can not be polymorphically overridden

Static method overriding

class Foo
public static void foo(){S.O.P.(“in parent”)}
class FooChild extends Foo
public static void foo(){S.O.P.(“in child”)}

FooChild f = new FooChild();; // what will this print?
Static member inheritance

class Foo
protected static int x = 10;
public static void printX(){S.O.P.(x);}
class FooChild extends Foo
public static void setX(int val){x = val;}

Foo.printX(); // what will this print?
Static member inheritance

 This will print 100

 Static members are shared, not copied


 Write a simple Java program to prove that method

overloading is static polymorphism

i.e., a call to one of these methods is resolved at

compile time
public class Example {
void method(int n) {
System.out.println("Number: " + n);

public class ExampleWithString extends Example {

void method(String s) {
System.out.println("Text: " + s);

public static void main(String[] args) {

Example e = new ExampleWithString();

e.method("Hello"); // Error. Even though instance has method.

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