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Sampoorna Ramayana

By Bandhakavi Lakshmi Sai Manaswin

Based on:
Valmiki Ramayana
Sampoorna Ramayana: Bala Kanda
1. The Description of the Marvelous City of Ayodhya 19. The Legend of The Churning of the Ocean
2. King Dasaratha proposes to perform the Ashwamedha Ritual 20. The Legend of the Seven-Wind Gods
3. The Legend of Sage Rishyashringa 21. The Legend of Ahalya
4. The Ashwamedha & Putrakameshti Rituals 22. Sri Rama frees Ahalya from her curse
5. The Celestial Gods request Sri Maha Vishnu to kill Ravana 23. The Coming of Sri Rama to Mithila
6. Lord Brahma orders the Celestial Gods to create powerful 22. The Legend of Brahmarshi Vishwamithra
monkeys 23. Vishwamithra tries to gain the divine cow
7. The Birth of Sri Ramachandra and the Princes 24. Vashishtha Maharshi neutralizes
8. The Coming of Brahmarshi Vishwamithra Vishwamithra’s supernatural powers
9. The Legend of Demoness Tataka 25. The Legend of Trishanku
10. Sri Rama eliminates the Demoness Tataka 26. The Ascension of Trishanku to Heaven
11. Brahmarshi Vishwamithra gives Sri Rama Supernatural Powers 27. The Legend of Ambarisha & Shunakshepa
12. The Legend of Vamana 28. Menaka attracts Vishwamithra
13. Sri Rama safeguards the ritual 29. Vishwamithra becomes a “Brahmarshi”
14. Sri Rama travels to Mithila 31. The Legend of Lord Shiva’s Bow
15. The Legend of Brahmarshi Vishwamithra’s Lineage; Legend of 32. Sri Rama breaks Shiva’s Bow
Kushanabha 33. The Lineages of Ikshavaku & Janaka
16. The Legend of Kartikeya’s Birth 34. Sita Rama Kalyanam: The Marriage of Sri
17. The Legend of King Sagara’s princes burning by Kapila Rama and Sita
Maharshi 35. The Coming of Bharghava Rama
18. King Bhageeratha brings the Ganga onto the Earth 36. Married Life of Sita and Sri Rama
Sampoorna Ramayana: Ayodhya Kanda
1. Sri Rama, The Hero 22. The Hermitage of Bharadwaja Maharshi
2. King Dasaratha proposes for Sri Rama’s Coronation23. The Chitrakuta Mountain
3. The Festivities of Sita and Sri Rama 24. Lamentation of Dasaratha and Kausalya
4. The Festivities in the City 25. Dasaratha’s sin
5. The Evil Manthara 26. The Death of King Dasaratha
6. Manthara’s success in making Kaikeyi’s Mind Evil 27. The Coming of Bharata
7. Kaikeyi enters the Chamber of Anger 28. Bharata’s Anger
8. Kaikeyi’s Evil Boons 29. The Last Rites of King Dasaratha
9. Dasaratha’s Lamentation & Grief for Rama 30. Bharata decides to the forests
10. The Terrible Night 31. Bharata’s conversation with Guha
11. Sri Rama agrees to go to the forests 32. Bharata at the Hermitage of Bharadwaja Maharshi
12. Kausalya’s Grief 33. Bharata meets Sri Rama
13. Lakshmana’s Anger 34. Rama’s lamentation for his father’s death
14. Sri Rama pacifies Lakshmana & Kausalya 35. Conversation of Bharata and Sri Rama
15. Sita wishes to accompany Sri Rama 26. Jabali argues with Rama, with the theory of non-believers
16. Lakshmana is permitted to accompany Rama 27. Vashishtha Maharshi explains the Creation of the Universe
17. Sri Rama enters Kaikeyi’s Chamber to Rama
18. The Lamentation, Anger & Grief 28. Paduka Pattabhishekam; Coronation of Sri Rama’s Sandals
19. The Grief of Ayodhya 29. Sri Rama reaches Atri Maharshi’s Hermitage
20. Sri Rama leaves for the forests 30. Conversation of Sita & Anasuya Devi
21. Sri Rama meets Guha 31. Anasuya Devi gives Sita presents
Sampoorna Ramayana: Aranya Kanda
1. Sri Rama’s conversation with the hermits 21. Mareecha turns to Golden Deer & attracts Sita
2. Conversation of the Demon Viradha and Sri Rama 22. Sri Rama eliminates Mareecha
3. The Legend of Viradha 23. Sita’s Angry Words with Lakshmana
4. Rama and Lakshmana Eliminate Viradha 24. Ravana’s Conversation with Sita
5. Hermitage of Sharabhanga Maharshi 25. The Abduction of Sita by Ravana
6. Hermitage of Suteekshna Maharshi 26. Ravana kills Jatayu
7. The Legend of Mandakarni 27. Sri Rama’s Lamentation for Sita
8. The Legend of Agastya Maharshi 28. Sri Rama’s Anger; Lakshmana pacifies Rama
9. The Hermitage of Agastya Maharshi 29. Sri Rama’s Conversation with Jatayu
10. Jatayu explains the Creation of Flora & Fauna 30. The Killing of Jatayu
11. Sri Rama’s Hermitage at Panchavati 31. The Legend of Demoness Ayomukhi
12. Entry of Demoness Shurpanakha 32. Kabandha captures Rama & Lakshmana
13. Lakshmana punishes Shurpanakha 33. The Legend of Kabandha
14. Shurpanakha’s conversation with Khara 34. Kabandha’s liberation
15. Sri Rama kills Khara’s demons 35. Shabari’s Devotion and Ascension to Heaven
16. Rama eliminates Dushana and Trishira 36. Sri Rama and Lakshmana reach the Pampa Lake
17. Rama fiercely eliminates Khara
18. Shurpanakha’s Conversation with Ravana
19. Ravana’s Conversation with Mareecha
20. Mareecha’s advice to Ravana
Sampoorna Ramayana: Kishkindha Kanda
1. Sri Rama’s Lamentation of Sita at Pampa Lake 21. Sugriva apologizes to Rama
2. Sugriva’s Fright 22. Description of the Number of Monkey Warriors
3. The Marvellous Hanuma 23. Biology of the East Direction on the Earth
4. Conversation of Hanuma and Sri Rama 24. Biology of South Direction on the Earth
5. Sri Rama befriends Sugriva 25. Biology of West Direction on the Earth
6. Sugriva show Sita’s ornaments 26. Biology of North Direction on the Earth
7. The Legend of Vali and Sugriva 27. Sri Rama gives his signet ring to Hanuma
8. The Powerful Vali 28. Search in East, West & North Direction failed
9. The Initial Challenge 29. The South Direction’s search
10. The Saptajana Hermitage 30. The Legend of the Black Cave
11. Conversation of Taara and Vali 31. Angada proposes to fast unto death
12. The Second Challenge and Killing of Vali 32. Hanuma’s Conversation with Angada
13. Vali questions Sri Rama’s Righteousness 33. The Monkeys propose to fast unto death
14. Sri Rama’s Answer to Vali 34. Conversation of Sampati
15. Taara’s lamentation for Vali 35. The Legend of Sampati
16. The Killing of Vali 36. Sampati gets new wings and flys away
17. Sugriva’s Coronation 37. The Monkeys reach the ocean shore
18. Description of the Rainy Season 38. The Monkeys fright to leap the ocean
19. Lakshmana’s Anger 39. The Legend of Hanuma’s Birth
20. Tara pacifies Lakshmana 40. Hanuma’s capabilities to leap the ocean
Sampoorna Ramayana: Sundara Kanda
1. Hanuma leaps the ocean 21. The Legend of Khakasura, the Crow
2. The Legend of Mainaka 22. Hanuma destroys the Ashoka Vana
3. Hanuma’s intelligence with Surasa 23. Hanuma eliminates Prince Aksha
4. Hanuma kills the Demoness Sinhika 24. Indrajit captivates Hanuma
5. The Beautiful City of Lanka 25. Hanuma’s Conversation with Ravana
6. Hanuma conquers Lanka 26. Hanuma sets Lanka ablaze
7. The Description of Lanka 27. Hanuma again leaps over the ocean
8. The Description of Pushpaka 28. Destruction of the Madhuvana
9. Hanuma enter the Chamber of Ravana 29. Hanuma relates the discovery of Sita to Sri Rama
10. Hanuma’s depression 30. Conversation of Hanuma and Sri Rama
11. Hanuma enters the Ashoka Vana
 Sri Rama Pattabhishekam
12. Hanuma sees Sita
13. The Description of Sita
14. Conversation of Sita and Ravana
15. Legend of Trijata’s Dream
16. Sita’s Lamentation
17. Hanuma describes the Legend of Rama
18. Sita sees Hanuma
19. Hanuma describes the characteristics of Sri Rama
20. Hanuma gives the Signet Ring of Sri Rama
Sampoorna Ramayana: Yuddha Kanda
1. Sri Rama appreciates Hanuma and embraces him 22. Neela eliminates Prahasta
2. Sri Rama fixes a auspicious hour for departure 23. The War of Sri Rama and Ravana
3. The demons inspire Ravana 24. Waking of The Giant Kumbhakarna
4. Vibhishana’s advise to Ravana 25. Conversation of Ravana and Kumbhakarna
5. Vibhishana surrenders to Sri Rama 26. Sri Rama kills Kumbhakarna
6. Sri Rama’s Anger at the Ocean 27. Angada kills Naranataka; Hanuma kills Trishira;
7. Construction of the Bridge and Crossing the Ocean Neela kills Mahodara; Rishabha kills Mahaparshva
8. Shuka & Sarana spy on Sri Rama’s Army 28. Lakshmana kills Atikaya
9. Shuka & Sarana describe the Army 29. The Fierce War of Indrajit
10. Shardula, the demon spy 30. Hanuma brings the Medicinal Herbs Mountain
11. Vidyutjihva’s Creation of illusory head and bow 31. Magical Sita is killed by Indrajit
12. Sita’s Lamentation; Sarama reassures Sita 32. Fierce War of Indrajit & Lakshmana
13. Ravana reprimands Malyavantha angrily 33. Lakshmana fiercely kills Indrajit
14. Sugriva fiercely fights Ravana 34. Ravana’s lamentation for Indrajit’s death
15. Angada’s Conversation with Ravana 34. The Fierce War of Sri Rama & Ravana
16. The Fierce War Begins 35. Sri Rama kills Ravana
17. Sri Rama & Lakshmana in serpent arrows 36. Mandodari’s Lamentation on Ravana’s death
18. Trijata reassures the lamenting Sita 37. Sita verifies her purity by entering into flames
19. Garuda, The King of Birds appears 38. Celestials Gods rise from the fire
20. Hanuma kills Dhumraksha; Angada kills Vajradamshtra 39. Sri Rama & Sita ascend the aerial car
21. Hanuma kills Akampana 40. Sri Rama Pattabhishekam

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