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Humanities and Social Sciences

Medieval Europe

Year 8
Concept Development
Title: Introduction to the Middle Ages

When were the Middle Ages?
What key event marks the beginning of
Keywords the Middle Ages?

Key Word [headings on slides]

Notes Notes

Homework (Do not rule up this section until we are

finished with notes):
Homework Answer EQ in Summary section
Independent Practice

Why are the

Middle Ages
• History is the reconstruction of the past using evidence from a range
of sources to develop an informed explanation.

• Sources are used to find evidence about what life was like in the
• Sources can be classified as
• Primary sources – evidence FROM THE TIME of the event.
• Secondary sources – written using PRIMARY sources and
written/produced AFTER the time of THE EVENT.
Learning Objective
• Students will create a historical timeline of Medieval Europe

Success Criteria
• Students have created a historical timeline of Medieval Europe
Concept Development Vocabulary

CE: Common Era – The
years that occurred after
• The Middle Ages, also known as the Medieval Period, lasted
from the late 5th (476 CE) to the late 15th centuries (1453 CE)

• During this time, new kingdoms rose in Western Europe and

the Byzantine Empire survived in the Eastern Mediterranean.

• The population of Europe increased, and trade flourished in

the High Middle Ages.

• The Catholic and Orthodox churches also divided during this

Concept Development Vocabulary

Periods of the Middle Ages

CE: Common Era – The
years that occurred after
1. Early Middle Ages: “The Dark Ages”= 476 to 1000 CE:
Time of war and conflict, focus on survival and power
within Europe.

2. High Middle Ages: 1000-1300 CE: Time of development

and consolidation of a unified area known as
“Christendom” (Christian Europe). Wars against enemies
outside Europe.

3. Late Middle Ages: 1300-1500 CE: Time of breakdown of

unity of Christendom into modern states and nations.
Movement out of Europe with trade and discovery of new
Concept Development

The Roman empire

at its greatest

It covered the whole

of the land around
the Mediterranean
Concept Development

After the fall of the Roman

Empire, the old empire was
carved up into a group of
smaller areas. These were
ruled and fought over by
various tribes and powerful
Concept Development
A century or two
later, another great
power would rise
with the peoples
who followed Islam.

They conquered
most of the eastern
and southern parts
of the old Roman

They achieved this

with lightning speed,
and even reached
as far north as
France in the west,
and Constantinople
in the east.
Concept Development
The Making of Medieval Europe
• As Roman cities continued to fall with the
Barbarian invasions, new rulers began to take
over throughout Europe and the early middle
ages begins.

• Complete the mapping activity worksheet.

Remember to add all elements of BOLTSS to

your maps.
Skill Development Medieval Timeline
Draw a timeline in your books and put these onto your timelines.
Event Date Event Date
Bayeux tapestry Finished 1086 London becomes capital city 1141
Roman Empire Collapses (Start 476 First elected parliament 1265
of Medieval period) Black Death Arrives in UK 1348
Charlemagne dies 813 Joan of Arc burned at Rouen 1431
The Seljuk Turks take control of 1050 Hundred Year War 1337-1453
Great Famine begins 1315
First crusade begins 1096
Printing Press invented in Germany 1450
Black Death breaks out in Sicily 1347
Seljuk Turks take control of Jerusalem 1187
Charlemagne crowed emperor 800 again
of Holy Roman Empire
Dark Ages 476-1000
Magna Carta Signed 1215
Black Death 1347-1350
Peasants’ Revolt in England 1381
High Middle Ages 1000-1300
Constantinople Fell (End of 1453
Medieval period) Late Middle Ages 1300-1500
Independent Practice
Research Task - Homework
Choose one of the events from your timeline to further research.

Answer the who, what, when, where, why for your event.

For example:
If you choose, Charlemagne dies, make sure you also research why Charlemagne
is a prominent figure.

If you choose, first elected parliament, make sure you also research who was part
of this first parliament.
Lesson Closure

• The Medieval Age was a period between approximately 590

CE and 1500 CE.

• It began after the collapse of the Roman Empire in 476CE.

• The Medieval age is identified by three periods:

• Early Middle Ages – 590 to 1000 CE

• High Middle Ages – 1000 to 1300 CE
• Late Middle Ages – 1300 to 1500 CE

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