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Fundamental Consultative

Selling Skills


June 10-11,2011- Mumbai

© Mercuri GoldmannYou !
(India) Pvt. Ltd.
Name : SUKANTA GHOSH Email Id :
Workshop : consultative selling skills____________ Workshop Date :10th-11 th June
Introspect on the Reflections. Translate them into Simple and Specific Actions. Actions you believe will
make a difference in the way you work and create a sustained Impact on the customer.
The skills I want to improve
Sl. I would like to implement the following [ scale 1-9 : 1lowest 9 highest]
What I will do regularly to improve the skills
No. skill Improvement
From To

Analytical Skills 6 9 I will refer 1 case studies every weeks and try
analyze the facts and figures in line with
problem solving and value addition
1 perspectives. Will refer the best solution
Time to fill prescribed for the same solution and compare
to get the difference of the thought process.
in your
Individual Presentation Skills 6 9 Think about who my audience are and what I
want them to get out of an effective
Action presentation. I will practice and spend time in
2 by hearting my opening and closing
Plan paragraphs. Rehearse my beginning and finish.
I will use more of visuals to give a big picture

Documentation Skills 5 9 I will note every inputs whether

3 important/relevant to the topic and filter it
latter to summarize the facts and figures.

“One Good Idea Implemented Is Better Than Ten Good Ideas Not Implemented”
- Heinz Goldmann
© Mercuri Goldmann (India) Pvt. Ltd.

People management/Relationship 6 9 •I will ensure that enough time is spend with

management skills the person before I get intimate with him/her.
• I will make sure taking the least amount of
time to express the right level of thought/clear
message in the most receptively simple manner
• I will try to be assertiveness and not
aggressive during any discussion.

4 • I will convey positive attitude to the client.

• I will give people the opportunity to express
their concerns, disappointments and anger,
face-to-face, which will give me tremendous
opportunity to put things right, or help them
see where their thoughts and feelings are

© Mercuri Goldmann (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Name: SUKANTA GHOSH Email Id :
Workshop : consultative selling skills Workshop Date : 10th-11th June

I want to change my way of Selling from Selling to Consultative Selling

in the following situations :
Sl. Where I would like to What I will do differently in
Situation Where am I Today
No be 30 days from now this particular situation
I wish to map all the
We have met the client,
There is a need for our eZytrack related individuals I will highlight the positive
understood the
1 solution and clients are evaluation involved in the whole strength to various people
requirement in details and
various vendor process and meet them in line with their expectation
submitted quotation
Time to fill personally.
in your
Action 3

“One Good Idea Implemented Is Better Than Ten Good Ideas Not Implemented”
- Heinz Goldmann
© Mercuri Goldmann (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Thank You !
Best Wishes For Implementation And Even Greater Success ! ! !

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