The First World War

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Learning Objective:


Outstanding Progress:
The First World War
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:


Outstanding Progress:

Otto Von Bismarck:

Unified Germany through three wars:

Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

the 1862 Danish War
1866 Austro-Prussian War
Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Rise of Power- Prussia
Outstanding Progress:
Franco Prussian war:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:
(From 3.20)

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Three major battles
Outstanding Progress:

The siege of Metz (19 Aug- 27 Oct 1870): won by

The Battle of Sedan: The French has been defeated
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

and Napoleon III has been arrested. This should have
ended the war. But the French deposed their emperor
and declared the republic. The war continued.
The siege of Paris: the Germans won the war and the
city surrendered on 28th January 1871.
Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

German Gains
Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Losses of France and French Resentment
Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Causes for the First World War
Outstanding Progress:

• Militarism
• Alliances
• Imperialism
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

• Nationalism
• Assassination

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Upsetting the Balance of Power
Outstanding Progress:

• The major powers were

Britain, France and Russia.
They were suspicious of
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

• 1897- Schlieffen Plan- It was
a military plan to defeat both
France and Russia if Germany
was threatened with war.
The plan was to quickly
attack and defeat France,
Good Progress: before turning to fight
Russia. It was this plan that
Germany followed in 1914.
Learning Objective:

German ambitions for Colonies
Outstanding Progress:

• All the great powers were trying to gain colonies. The

colonies provided raw materials for the industries as
well as the markets for the finished products.
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

• Ranking of the super powers with respect to wealth
and colonies- Britain, France, Russia and Austria-
• Germany also wanted to be powerful. Germany
acquired Cameroons, South West Africa, East Africa
Good Progress: and Togo in Africa and Kaiser- Wilhemsland in New
Guinea. By 1914, Germany became the third most
powerful nation in the world.
Learning Objective:

Naval Race
Outstanding Progress:

• Britain had the strongest navy in

the world.
• In 1898, Wilhem II announced his
intention to build a powerful navy.
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress: They built many war ships and Dreadnought
encouraged public interest in the
navy and developed a sense of
patriotism among the Germans.
• Britain built the most powerful
battleship Dreadnought in 1906.
• Germany built their own version of
Good Progress: Dreadnought came SMS Rheinland. SMS Rheinland
• By 1914, Germany had second
powerful navy in the world.

Learning Objective:

Arms Race
Outstanding Progress:
• All the
powers were
inventing and
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

new forms of
arms and
• They were all
building their
Good Progress: army and

Learning Objective:

Allies and Enemies
Outstanding Progress:

• All the European countries

wanted to keep themselves
safe from attack by rivals. The
European countries built up
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

alliance systems with friendly
countries, who would support
them if they were attacked.
• Triple Entente: between
France, Britain and Russia.
Good Progress:
• Triple Alliance: between
Germany, Austria-Hungary
and Italy.
Learning Objective:

Europe before 1871 and after
Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Balkan Nationalism
Outstanding Progress:

• The Balkan countries demanded

their independence from Ottoman
Empire (Turkish Empire)
• The Balkan wars (1912-13)- the
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Balkan states first fought Turkey and
then against each other led to the
increase of nationalism in the area.
• In 1912, Bulgaria, Greece,
Montenegro and Serbia joined
together to form the Balkan league.
Good Progress: • Serbia had grown in size and
strength. It was now a direct threat
to Austro- Hungarian Empire.
Learning Objective:

Balkan Situation
Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

The Black Hand
Outstanding Progress:

• In 1908, Austria annexed

provinces of Bosnia and
Herzegovina which had a lot of
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress: • In 1911, a group of young army

officers formed a secret
society. Their aim was to unify
the Serbs under the leadership
of Serbia.
• Black hand members blew up
bridges, planted bombs, cut
telephone wires and murdered
Good Progress:
officials. Austria- Hungary was
afraid that the Serbs within
their empire will revolt.
Learning Objective:

Murder in Sarajevo- Immediate cause
Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Gavrilo Princip

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:


Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Causes for the First World War
Outstanding Progress:

• Militarism- Schlieffen Plan, Arm and Naval race

• Alliances- Triple Entente and Triple Alliance
• Imperialism- Race for colonies by Germany and
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

controlling the Balkan states
• Nationalism- Rise of Germany and Balkan states
• Assassination- of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his
wife, Sophie
Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Group 1 and 6
Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:

06/15/2024 Group 2 and 5 Group 3 and 4

Learning Objective:

First World War (1914-1918)
Conscription: Forcing people to join the army rather than relying on people
volunteering. Men aged between 18 and 41 were forced to join the war.
Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Special and new feature- Trench Warfare
Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Life for the soldiers in the Trench
Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:
Course of the war
1. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.
2. When Russia declared war against Austria-Hungary, Germany declared war against Russia.
Outstanding Progress:
3. Germany implements Schlieffen plan- attacks Belgium (violating its neutrality), forcing
Britain and France to declare war on Germany.
4. Belgium was defeated.
5. Battle of Marne: Germany was advancing towards Paris and crossed Marne. But with the
help of Britain, France was able to push back the German forces. The Schlieffen Plan failed.
6. On the eastern front, Russia was able to mobilize the troops at a quick speed. Russia’s
attempt to capture eastern part of Germany failed. However, they were successful in
capturing Austria. However, Germany came to Austria’s help and forced the Russians back
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

and succeeded inn capturing Warsaw.
7. In 1915, Italy joins the Allied powers, in spite of the alliance with Germany and Austria-
Hungary for the promised territory from Austria that previously belonged to Italy.
8. Japan joined the Allies against Germany.
9. Turkey joins Germany in the war. Britain along with France, Australia and New Zealand
troops were defeated in the Battle of Gallipolli. However avenged her defeat and
recaptured Kut and Baghdad and recognized Arab Independence.
10. In 1915, Second Battle of Ypres: Germans launch the first successful gas attack in history.
Good Progress:
By the end of the war, both Allied and Central Powers will have used chemical weapons.
11. Germany initiates a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare, whereby all merchant ships,
including those of neutral countries, would be subject to attack. In 1915, German U-boat
torpedoes the Lusitania, a British passenger liner. 128 Americans are killed.
Learning Objective:

Course- Cont….
12. In 1916, Battle of Jutland: In the largest naval battle of the war, Britain’s Royal Navy Grand Fleet and the
German Navy’s High Seas Fleet fought to a draw, though both sides claimed victory.
Outstanding Progress: 13. In 1916, Battle of the Somme: After a seven-day artillery bombardment, Allied troops launch an offensive
meant to divert German troops from Verdun. The British suffered around 50,000 casualties on the first day
and fighting continued until November. This was Trench warfare.
14. After the Revolution of 1917, Russia and Germany sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, officially removing
Russia from World War I. Germany was able to mobilize all her troops to the western front.
15. In 1917, Germany sinks the SS Aztec, a U.S. cargo ship bound for France. USA entered the war and
declared war on Germany.
16. In 1917, Greece declared war against the central powers. In 1918, Bulgaria surrendered to the Greeks.
Increasing Challenge

17. Austro-Hungarian forces are severely defeated by the Italian Army, ending the war on the Italian Front
Very Good Progress:
and ushering in the final dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
18. Turkey was also defeated.
19. In 1918, there was a mutiny in Germany. German Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates and flees to Holland.
German Republic (later the Weimar Republic) was proclaimed. Having been given 72 hours to agree to Allied
demands, Germany signs the armistice.

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Losses of First World War- Britain
Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Losses- Germany
Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Gains of War
Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:

Learning Objective:

Outstanding Progress:
Increasing Challenge

Very Good Progress:

Good Progress:


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