Online Ecommerce System Synopsis

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MANISH SINGH (2002160100067)

GAURAV SAXENA (2002160100041)
HARSH GAUTAM (2002160100044)







(Formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow)
Contents Page no

1 Abstract

2 Motivation

3 Literature Survey related to Project Topic

4 Literature review

5 Problem formulation/Objectives

6 Methodology/ Planning of work

7 Facilities required for proposed work

8 Bibliography/References
The Online E-commerce System serves as a vital tool in the ecommerce sector, ensuring the efficient management and distribution of various products. This
abstract presents an overview of the, highlighting its functionalities, benefits, and potential impact on ecommerce delivery.

Online E-commerce System, as described above, can lead to error free, secure, reliable and fast management system. It can assist the user to concentrate on their
other activities rather to concentrate on the record keeping. Thus it will help organization in better utilization of resources. The organization can maintain
computerized records without redundant entries. That means that one need not be distracted by information that is not relevant, while being able to reach the

The aim is to automate its existing manual system by the help of computerized equipment’s and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so
that their valuable data/information can be stored for a longer period with easy accessing and manipulation of the same. Basically the project describes how to
manage for good performance and better services for the clients

In conclusion, the E-commerce System offers a comprehensive solution to optimize shopping management.

Key Features of the system are:

1. Integration of all records of the order.

2. Managing the information of the products.

3. Manage the Delivery address, Customer details, Order details.

4. Shows the information and description of the various products.

Chapter: 2

The motivation behind developing an eCommerce website stems from the significant potential to enhance the shopping experience for
consumers while providing businesses with a robust platform to reach a broader audience. Several key motivations drive the creation and
implementation of this eCommerce website:
1) Enhancing Customer Experience: Modern consumers seek convenience, variety and personalized experiences when shopping online. By
creating an eCommerce website, we aim to provide a seamless and engaging shopping journey, complete with features like personalized
product recommendations, user-friendly navigation, and immersive product displays.

2) Expanding Market Reach: Traditional brick-and-mortar stores are limited by their geographic location. An eCommerce website removes
these barriers, allowing businesses to reach customers locally, nationally, and even globally. By tapping into a broader market, businesses
can increase their sales potential and grow their customer base beyond physical boundaries.

3) Optimizing Product Inventory: Manual processes in traditional retail can be time-consuming and prone to errors. An eCommerce
website automates various aspects of the business, such as inventory management, order processing, and customer relationship
management. This optimization not only reduces operational costs but also improves efficiency, allowing businesses to focus on strategic
growth and innovation.

4) Support Small and Niche Business: Many small and niche businesses struggle to compete with larger retailers due to limited resources
and visibility. An eCommerce platform levels the playing field by providing these businesses with an affordable and effective way to
showcase their unique products and reach their target audience.
5) Leveraging technology for innovation: The rapid advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and
augmented reality, offer new opportunities to enhance the E-commerce experience. By integrating these technologies, the website can
offer features like virtual try-ons, AI-driven product recommendations, and secure, seamless transactions.
Chapter : 3
Literature Survey

SL NO. Paper Title Authors Year Name of Publisher

E-Commerce Analytics: Analyzing Data to Drive Online
1 Carla Zoltowski, Wiliam Oakes 2023 O'Reilly Media

IEEE Transactions on Services

2 User Experience for E-commerce Websites Jeff Johnson, Kate Finn 2022

3 The Role of Digital Marketing in E-commerce Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller 2021 Journal Of Marketing

International Journal of E-
4 E-commerce Website Performance Optimisation Rajesh Kumar, Poonam Sharma 2021
Business Research

Enhancing E-commerce Experience using Artificial

5 Shilpa Arora, Neha Singh 2020 Journal of Internet Commerce

6 E-Commerce Logistics and Supply Chain John Fernie, David B. Grant 2019 Kogan Page Enterprises

7 E-Commerce Business Models and Strategies John G. Fernie, Leigh Sparks 2019 Routledge

8 Payment Gateway Security Xiadong Li, Fangfang Wu 2018 Morgan Kaufmann

International Journal and

9 Analysis of E-commerce and M-commerce John Smith, Jane Dane 2018 Advance Research in Computer

10 E-Commerce System Architecture and Technology Li Da Xu 2017 Cambridge University Pre

Chapter: 4
Literature review

Sr No. Title Authors Publisher Year Objective Focus

Explores how AI
"The Impact of Artificial chatbots and product
Chen, J., Luo, X., & Xu, Emerald Group
1 Intelligence on Customer 2023 recommendations AI and personalization
C. Publishing
Experience in E-commerce" enhance customer

Investigates strategies for

"Voice Search Optimization for Institute of Electrical and
optimizing e-commerce User experience and
2 E-commerce Websites: A Review Sun, T., Liu, Y., & Li, J. Electronics Engineers 2023
websites for voice search functionality
and Research Agenda" (IEEE)

"The Influence of Social Media Examines the effect of

Marketing on Consumer Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., & social media marketing Marketing and customer
3 Springer 2023
Purchase Decisions in E- Li, D. on customer buying behavior
commerce" behavior in e-commerce.

Proposes a framework to
"Building Trust in E-commerce:
ensure secure online
4 A Framework for Secure Online Singh, S., & Mittal, S. ScienceDirect 2022 Security and user trust
transactions and build
customer trust.
Analyzes how
"The Role of Augmented Reality augmented reality can
in E-commerce: Enhancing Park, C., Kim, J., & improve customer User experience and
5 Routledge 2022
Customer Engagement and Jeong, S. engagement and product innovation
Product Visualization" visualization in e-
Chapter: 5

1. Optimizing Inventory Management: Develop a system to efficiently track product inventory levels, including stock quantities,
restocking needs, and product expiration dates, to minimize shortages and overstock while ensuring a sufficient supply to meet
customer demand.

2. Streamlining Customer Management: Create a platform for seamless customer registration, profiling, and relationship
management, aiming to enhance customer engagement, retention, and satisfaction while maintaining compliance with regulatory
requirements such as GDPR.

3. Enhancing Payment Processing: Implement robust and secure payment processing protocols within the system to ensure the
safety and reliability of financial transactions, reducing the risk of fraud and enhancing user trust in the platform.

4. Improving Accessibility and User Experience: Design user-friendly interfaces and mobile applications to facilitate easy navigation,
product search, and online shopping, expanding access to the platform and improving the overall user experience.

5. Enhancing Data Security and Confidentiality: Implement stringent data security measures, including encryption, access controls,
and audit trails, to safeguard sensitive customer information and ensure compliance with privacy regulations such as GDPR.
6. Enhancing Scalability and Performance: Develop functionalities to enable the platform to handle increasing traffic and transaction volumes
without compromising performance, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience during peak times.

7. Promoting Integration and Interoperability: Foster interoperability with other systems, such as payment gateways, shipping providers, and
customer relationship management (CRM) tools, to enable seamless data exchange and coordination across different aspects of eCommerce

8. Facilitating Reporting and Analytics: Incorporate reporting and analytics capabilities within the system to generate insights into sales trends,
customer behaviour, and inventory performance, enabling informed decision-making and continuous improvement of eCommerce operations.

9. Ensuring Scalability and Adaptability: Design the system to be scalable and adaptable to accommodate evolving business needs,
technological advancements, and regulatory changes in the eCommerce landscape, ensuring long-term viability and sustainability.

10. Promoting Stakeholder Collaboration: Foster collaboration and communication among stakeholders, including suppliers, logistics partners,
marketing teams, and regulatory bodies, to collectively work towards improving the efficiency, safety, and accessibility of eCommerce services.
Chapter : 6
Planning of work

1. Requirements Analysis:
a. Stakeholder Engagement:
 Conduct interviews and workshops with stakeholders including business owners, customers, IT staff, and regulatory bodies.
 Gather and document functional and non-functional requirements, prioritizing features based on their importance and feasibility.
b. Requirements Documentation:
 Detail user requirements for core functionalities such as product catalogue management, shopping cart, checkout process, payment
gateway integration, and user accounts.
 Identify performance requirements, security needs, and compliance with regulations such as GDPR.
2. System Design:
a. Architecture Definition:
 Define the overall system architecture, including database schema, server configuration, and network design.
 Plan integration with third-party services such as payment processors, shipping carriers, and CRM systems.
b. User Interface Design:
 Develop wireframes and mock-ups for key user interfaces including home page, product pages, shopping cart, and user account
 Collect feedback from stakeholders to refine the user interface design.
3. Development:
a. Feature Implementation:
 Implement the system according to the defined requirements and design specifications.
 Use agile development methodologies to iteratively build and test features, incorporating stakeholder feedback throughout the
b. Automated Testing:
 Develop and run automated tests to ensure the system’s reliability, scalability, and security.
 Conduct unit testing, integration testing, and regression testing to validate the system.
4. Integration and Testing:
4. System Integration:
4. Integrate the eCommerce platform with external systems such as payment gateways, shipping services, and CRM tools.
5. Ensure seamless data exchange between the eCommerce platform and external systems.
5. Comprehensive Testing:
4. Conduct thorough testing, including user acceptance testing (UAT), to validate the system’s functionality and performance.
5. Identify and address any defects or issues uncovered during testing to meet quality standards.
5. Deployment:
4. Deployment Planning:
4. Plan the deployment of the eCommerce platform to production environments, considering scalability, data migration, and
user training.
5. Develop deployment scripts and procedures to automate the process and minimize downtime.
5. User Training and Support:
4. Provide training sessions and support documentation for end-users and administrative staff to ensure a smooth transition.
5. Offer support services to assist users in navigating the new system.
6. Data Migration and Go-Live:
4. Data Migration:
4. Migrate data from existing systems to the new eCommerce platform, ensuring data integrity and accuracy.
5. Perform validation and verification of migrated data to ensure consistency.
5. Go-Live Execution:
4. Conduct a final validation of the system in the production environment before the official launch.
5. Monitor system performance and user feedback closely during the initial launch period, addressing any issues promptly.

1. Research and Analysis:: Conduct a thorough review of existing e-commerce platforms, literature, and industry best practices.

2. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with key stakeholders, including business owners, customers, IT staff, and regulatory authorities, to
understand their needs, preferences, and pain points.

3. Requirements Definition: Define clear and concise functional and non-functional requirements based on stakeholder input and industry

4. System Design: Design the architecture and components of the e-commerce platform based on the defined requirements.

5. Technology Selection: Evaluate and select appropriate technologies and tools for implementing the e-commerce platform, considering
factors such as scalability, performance, and ease of integration.

6. Agile Development: Break down the project into smaller, manageable tasks or user stories, and prioritize them based on value and

7. Incremental Development: Develop the e-commerce platform incrementally, starting with core functionalities such as product catalogue
management and shopping cart.

8. Testing and Quality Assurance: Implement a comprehensive testing strategy, including unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and
user acceptance testing (UAT), to ensure the reliability, functionality, and security of the system.

9. Deployment and Rollout: Plan and execute the deployment of the e-commerce platform in collaboration with IT operations and support

10. Training and Support: Provide training and support to business staff and users on how to use the system effectively
Chapter: 7
Facilities required for proposed work

1. Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

PyCharm or Visual Studio Code
2. Version Control:
Git or GitLab
3. Database:
Recommended: PostgreSQL or SQLite or DBSQLite
4. Web Server:
Recommended: Gunicorn or uWSGI
5. Frontend Framework:
Recommended: Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS

Software Required

1. PyCharm or Visual Studio Code

2. PostgreSQL
3. Git
4. Django Framework
5. Gunicorn or uWSGI
6. Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS
Chapter: 8

1) Changchit, C., Douthit, S. J., & Hoffmeyer, B. (2005). Online shopping; Company business management. Journalof Academy of
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2) Deepak Chawla and Neena Sondhi, 2011: “Research Methodology: Concepts And Cases”,Vikas Publication.
3) Bellman, S., Lohse, G. and Johnson, E. (1999) „Predictors of online buying behaviour,‟Communications of the ACM.
4) McGaw, A., & Newman, P. (2017). Django for Professionals: Production Websites with Python & Django. Leanpub.
5) Holovaty, A., & Kaplan-Moss, J. (2009). The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right. Apress.
6) Alhaj, R., & Saeed, M. (2015). A Comprehensive Review on E-commerce Security and Privacy Guidelines. Journal of E-commerce
Research, 16(2), 123-137.
7) Kumar, A., & Kumar, R. (2016). Study of E-commerce Models and its Applications in the Present Scenario. International Journal of
Engineering and Technology, 8(3), 213-220.
8) B. Gao, H. Wang, Z. Huang, Y. Hou. Analysis of the Impact of Online Evaluation System on Merchandise Sales-Based on JD and Tmall
9) D.L. Hoffman and T.P. Novak. A New Marketing Paradigm for Electronic Commerce, October 17, 1996.

10) [10]C. Moorman and L.L. Price. Consumer Policy Remedies and Consumer Segment Interactions. Journal of Public Policy &
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1) Chen, J., Luo, X., & Xu, C. (2023). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Customer Experience in E-commerce. Emerald Group

2) Sun, T., Liu, Y., & Li, J. (2023). Voice Search Optimization for E-commerce Websites: A Review and Research Agenda. Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

3) Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., & Li, D. (2023). The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Purchase Decisions in E-commerce.

4) Singh, S., & Mittal, S. (2022). Building Trust in E-commerce: A Framework for Secure Online Transactions. ScienceDirect.

5) Park, C., Kim, J., & Jeong, S. (2022). The Role of Augmented Reality in E-commerce: Enhancing Customer Engagement and Product
Visualization. Routledge.

6) Moon, J., Kim, Y., & Kim, S. (2021). Optimizing Mobile Commerce Websites for Improved Conversion Rates. Springer.
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