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Failings of Globalization & Modernization

Film: The World, Jia

The World
Jia Zhangke

● Theme park in Beijing named, “The

● “Give us one day and we will give
you the world.”
China’s GDP growth rate

6.9% (2017)

USA’s GDP growth rate 3.5% (2017)

● China is rapidly modernizing and industrializing

● Cities are growing in value and production
● Economic gains & resources are kept in 1%
○ Located in cities & affluent suburbs
● How has China grew so rapidly?

● Fictional Storytelling
● Reputation of the director
○ Sixth Generation Political filmmaker
● Allows for argumentation
● Ethos & Pathos
Migrant workers

● Rural areas
● Limited in where they can settle
● Passport limitations
● Limited education
● Forced to rely on family in rural areas
for long-term living
● Migrant status restricts them from;
○ Education
○ Health care
○ Permanent residence in cities
Social & Political Issues

● Migrant workers
○ Mistreatment of migrant workers
● Restrictions of location, passport, education
● Growing income gap
● Globalization & Industrialization
● Rural populations
● Clash of globalization and traditional culture
Yearning for Freedom

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