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assignment – TedTalk
Do you agree with the speaker, Sir
.Robinson? Explain and elaborate

I agree with Sir Robinson completely, schools these days have changed our whole
nature, instead of exploring the world yourself and having no boundaries schools put
boundaries that ruin our creativity, Sir Robinson said that when a kid is born he has
no limits to what he can think of, he will try and learn and its okay to help him but
punishing him for making a mistake is a mistake schools and parents should
encourage him to succeed without punishing him when he fails.
I believe that there is no limit to what humans can do, we are here for a reason and
putting limits on peoples lives is wrong. No one is better than the other just because
.of a grade, we were all born equally
How do you envision schools of the
i envision the schools of the future as an open system of supportive people and I
really feel like schools would be so much better if it was like a family connected to
each other and spend some other time other than learning doing actual unique things
like some art class, or music class I think people would really enjoy it because we've
been thought that school is a negative thing but I think you need to get the most of it.
.I also feel like having different events would be cool like party’s and maybe trips
How I see schools in the future

Schools in the future should encourage people’s passion, there shouldn’t be wrong or
right just doing what you like exploring new hobbies and of course I think learning
and different subjects are important but I just see it as something that is not the most
important thing, the most important thing should be being able to continue your path
alone and doing mistakes and learning from them is a part of it, schools should let
.students the ability to follow their dreams
More cool stuff for future schools

I think it would be nice if someone every once or twice a week talked about
something or had a debate, that would make students want to learn and put time in
.and effort, I think classes should also be in like a park or a caffe that would be nice

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