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Build your own Copilot for

Microsoft 365 Center of Excellence

A Center of Excellence (CoE) is an integrated community to communicate with your
Copilot users and is an essential step in driving healthy usage of and excitement for
Copilot for Microsoft 365.

Below is our suggested framework for creating this community for you and your
Copilot users. You can build these channels into any existing community you already
have, and we suggest naming it Copilot Center of Excellence. For additional help or
questions, find us in the Copilot for Microsoft 365 community on the Microsoft Tech

Note: If you have Viva Engage, leverage these best practices to successfully support
scale and rollout of Copilot.

The suggested CoE framework consists of SharePoint and Teams

• SharePoint lists
• SharePoint pages
• SharePoint site navigation
• Teams channels
• Teams tabs for specific channels
• Welcome messages for specific Teams channels
SharePoint lists

Note: Lists must keep their URLs as listed to match the URLs in the SharePoint pages
and Teams channel tabs.

Adoption checklist
Driving adoption of Microsoft 365 Copilot is both unique and just like the adoption of
any new technology. It is a human centric action.
Below is the adoption checklist for your Copilot CoE. This list is a starting point and
can be customized to fit your organization’s methods for sharing new service with
your staff. Additionally, “CSV with schema” export of the list is available at here.
 Identify Technology Adoption Team members
 Participate in Art of the Possible workshop
 Install Copilot CoE Teams template
 Complete technical readiness work
 Select early adopter program users
 Train Copilot Champion Team
 Schedule Learning Series activities
 Deploy licenses
 Send welcome email and invite into Copilot CoE Team
 Schedule executive onboarding
 Schedule feedback roundtables
 Review Adoption Score reporting
 Microsoft feedback sessions
 Onboard executives to Executive Customer Advisory Board
 Conduct service health review
 Nominate success stories
SharePoint pages

Note: Pages must keep their file names as listed to match the URLs in the Teams
channel tabs.

Replacement homepage for the site. Contains a link to and a news

Placeholder page for information about your internal Copilot Flight Crew Program of champions and
peer-trainers. Meant to be used along with the Champions Management Platform installed as part of
the CoE.

Contains a News web part which will contain the EAP & Copilot news delivered by the Power
Automate flows.

Contains a link to the Microsoft Mechanics playlist and YouTube web parts for each of the four videos
in the playlist for direct access.

Contains a link to and an embedded List web part containing the Adoption Checklist for EAP list. See
below in the SharePoint Lists section for details on this list.

Contains a link to
SharePoint pages (continued)
Note: Pages must keep their file names as listed to match the URLs in the Teams
channel tabs.

Contains a News web part with the following Filter applied:

Contains the following links to readiness resources:

• Copilot Adoption Hub:

• Technical requirements:

• Data, Privacy, and Security for Microsoft 365 Copilot:

• Technical Training: SitePages / AI,-Copilot-and-ChatGPT-on-Microsoft-Mechanics.aspx

• Microsoft 365 Copilot Community:

Recommended site navigation structure for your CoE

Capabilities → SitePages/Copilot-Capabilities.aspx

News and updates → SitePages/Copilot-Capabilities.aspx

Microsoft 365 Copilot Blog updates → SitePages/Copilot-Capabilities.aspx

Early Adopter Program updates → SitePages/Early-Adopter-Program-Updates.aspx

Adoption and training (no link)

Adoption checklist → Lists/Adoption%20Checklist%20for%20EAP/AllItems.aspx

Learning Series → (site homepage)

Technical resources → SitePages/Technical%20Readiness.aspx

Mechanics videos → SitePages/AI,-Copilot-and-ChatGPT-on-Microsoft-Mechanics.aspx

Principles of responsible AI →

Teams channels

Note: Channels must keep their specific names as noted below.

Description: Your Center of Excellence for all things Copilot including training content, Champion
guidance, and updates from Microsoft.

Announcements 📢
Description: News and announcements from your user experience Flight Crew, our Public Copilot
blog and our Early Adopter Program team.

Ask Us Anything
Description: Join the conversation in this channel to ask questions, get training, and learn about new
features of Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Flight Crew Hub

Description: Stay ahead of the curve as a User Experience Champion in this channel. Interact with
Microsoft staff and be ready to support your peers in their Copilot journey.

Executive Lounge (Private channel)

Description: Private location for executive support and information.

Program Team (Private channel)

Description: Private location for Customer Enablement Team, stakeholders, and Microsoft staff to
collaborate on Copilot usage, issues and adoption.

Technical Management
Description: Channel for tenant administrators, IT professionals, and management of the Copilot
capabilities and policies.
Teams tabs for
specific channels

Channels contain specific tabs for quick access of critical materials. Below are the
channels, types of tabs, where they should link to, and their suggested names.

Announcements 📢 (1 tab)
SharePoint Pages > select “add a page from Copilot CoE” > then select the page “News and
Updates”. Tab name should be News and Updates.

Ask Us Anything (3 tabs)

SharePoint Pages > select “add a page from Copilot CoE” > then select the page “Copilot
Capabilities in the Early Adopter Program”. Tab name should be Copilot Features.
Website > URL should be Tab name
should be Microsoft AI.
SharePoint Pages > select “add a page from Copilot CoE” > then select the page “Meet your Flight
Crew”. Tab name should be Meet your Flight Crew.

Flight Crew Hub (2 tabs)

SharePoint Pages > should select “add a page from Copilot CoE” > then select the page “Adoption
Best Practices”. Tab name should be Adoption Resources.
Website > URL should be Tab name should be Copilot Hub.

Technical Management (2 tabs)

SharePoint Pages > should select “add a page from Copilot CoE” > then select the page “Technical
Readiness Resources”. Tab name should be Technical Readiness Resources.
Website > URL should be Tab name should be Copilot Hub.
Welcome messages
for specific Teams

Each channel contains a specific welcome message to set context for the channel.
These messages should be posted as channel announcements.

Headline: Your Copilot Center of Excellence
Subheader: Resources and tools to help you get the most from Copilot Microsoft 365
Message: Welcome to the Copilot for Microsoft 365 Center of Excellence team. This template was
configured for your use as you deploy, configure, and use Copilot for Microsoft 365
features. It leverages best practices from the Microsoft 365 Adoption Framework and
can be tailored to your own best practices and team culture.
Each channel has a specific purpose in program operations. Your Microsoft staff will review this
solution with you. Out-of-the-box components have been used so no special licenses
are required to manage this team once deployed. Should you have any questions,
please reach out to your Microsoft team for assistance.

Announcements 📢
Headline: Follow us for program announcements
Subheader: Your announcement channel from your own team and Microsoft
Message: This channel will receive updates from our Copilot for Microsoft 365 public blog and
your own program team. Check back frequently and turn on notifications to stay
informed about what is happening with Copilot features.
Welcome messages for specific Teams
channels (continued 2 of 3)

Each channel contains a specific welcome message to set context for the channel.
These messages should be posted as channel announcements.

Ask Us Anything
Headline: Welcome to your Early Adopter Program <adjust name as needed>
Subheader: Ask your questions, get inspired and give feedback
Message: Welcome to Copilot for Microsoft 365. We are happy you are here and about to
embark on a learning journey with us. In this channel you can ask all your questions,
find information that will help you get the most from Copilot for Microsoft 365, and
stay on top of new features as they are being released into the program.
Most important is your feedback. Your Microsoft team will work with you to capture your insights,
challenges, and successes with our Copilot capabilities across Microsoft 365. Your
feedback will be given directly to product engineering leaders and help shape the
future of Copilot for Microsoft 365.
Thank you for taking the time to participate!

Flight Crew Corner

Headline: Welcome Copilot Flight Crew
Subheader: Driving productivity and delight with your users
Message: Welcome to the Copilot Flight Crew Corner. In this area you will be able to learn
practical guidance, understand use cases, and be first to understand new scenarios for
Copilot capabilities. At Microsoft, we are committed to you having a great experience
and learning from your use of this transformational productivity experience. Explore
the resources listed above (tabs) and reach out to your Microsoft team with any
questions here in this channel.

Executive Lounge
Headline: Welcome to your Copilot Exec Lounge
Subheader: Ask questions of your peers, leaders and our Copilot Enablement Team
Message: Welcome to your private lounge to explore useful scenarios with Copilot for Microsoft
365. We value your time and feedback. Please ask your questions here or provide us
with your insights so that we can continuously improve your experience and the
effectiveness of our Copilot capabilities in your business.
Welcome messages for specific Teams
channels (continued 3 of 3)

Each channel contains a specific welcome message to set context for the channel.
These messages should be posted as channel announcements.

Program Team
Headline: Core team conversation
Subheader: Resolve issues, decide policy and coordinate with program leaders
Message: This private channel is designed for early adoption change and technical leaders to
coordinate on issues before sharing with the broad user audience that will also be
included in this team. Conversations here are only viewable by private channel
members. Files stored in this area are not accessible to general team members.

Technical Management
Headline: Your technical readiness channel
Subheader: Resources and conversations for IT Professionals
Message: This channel is designed to provide a place for tenant administrators and other IT
professionals to collaborate on the configuration and technical administration of
Copilot for Microsoft 365 services. Explore the links above to get up to speed on the
technical readiness requirements that will need to be completed to implement Copilot
capabilities in your tenant. Post your questions and the supporting Microsoft team will
assist you. Resources pinned in this channel will help you get started. Please note,
some video resources require access to YouTube.

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