HR Policies

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 Recruitment Policies
 New Regular Staff Employee Orientation
 Staff Retention
 Attendance and Leave Policies
 Grievance Handling
 Drugs/Alcohol Abuse
 Employee Relations
 Personal Debts
 Performance Evaluation (KPI)
 Feedback and Coaching
 Insurance Policy and other benefits
 Termination Policy
Recruitment Policies

 Two ways of recruitment.

 Recruitment is done outside of the house.
 Recruitment is done in-house.
External Recruitment chart
Post Job Internally

Scope Out
Current Workforce

Collaborate With
The HR

Qualifications and
Application Rules

Set a Date for


Qualified Not Qualified?

Provide Feedback And Comments

to Every candidate
Internally Recruitment chart
Recruitment Selection Advertise for
application for
Requisition Criteria the job
the job

A Categories
Suitable for the Application
Job into A and B

Yes Assess B
against Unsuitable for
criteria the Job

criteria No


Second No

Add to data bank
Job offer and send thanks
New/Regular Staff Employee Orientation
 90 Days orientation period is important to
• Assess the employee’s job performance
• Evaluate the employee’s overall compatibility
• Orient the employee to the job.
 HR file of each staff employee is maintained.
 File includes the following Documents:
• ID Proof
• Permanent Account Number
• Address Proof
• Copy Of Employment Agreement
• Educational Certificates
• Professional Certificates
Staff Retention

 Employees as Assets.
• Our environment places attention on systems that inform us of what the talent needs are.
• Attention is given to attracting and selecting the right people.
 Culture of Interdependence.
• We focus on building relationships and do not take on this challenge alone.
• Create and maintain systems that allow people to grow professionally
Attendance And Leave Policies

• Being absent from or reporting to work after the scheduled beginning time requires the employee to
properly notify the supervisor in advance.
• The department head is responsible for maintaining work schedules.
• Employees are allowed to take 1 leaves in a month.
• Medical leaves are allowed with a valid medical certification.
• They can also avail a 12 casual leaves in a year.
• The firm will provide a additional 6 festival leave in a year.
• No leaves are allowed in Probation period of 90 days.
Grievance Handling

• The proceedings are informal in nature.

• If the grievant chooses to take legal action, the internal grievance process will cease.
• At all stages of the grievance investigation, all employees, including the grievant, must cooperate.
• A detailed grievance procedure is required.
 These grievance procedures may not be used for the following:
• To address an employee’s dissatisfaction with the Company.
• To appeal performance evaluations.
• To address actions from individuals outside of the Company
• To address situations over which the HR lacks authority to remedy
• To address dissatisfaction with the grievance policy
Process Of Grievance Handling
 Stage 1
• The grievant shall state the nature of the grievance in writing.
• The decision of the departmental official shall be given in writing to the grievant.
• Copies of the appeal and decision shall be forwarded to HR

 Stage 2
• If the grievant is not satisfied with the decision at Stage I
• The grievant may appeal in writing to the Human Resources.
• HR shall investigate the appeal.
• The Senior Officer shall render a decision in writing.
Drug/Alcohol Abuse

• Strictly Prohibited on Metro Agencies Property.

• Being under the influence or the unauthorized use of drug/alcohol.

• Reporting to work under the influence of drug/alcohol.


• Verbal and Written Warnings.

• Termination of Employment.
Employee Relations
• Supervisors are responsible for training, assisting, motivating, directing and correcting behaviour of staff.

• Supervisors are responsible for informing their subordinates of management's expectations.

• Supervisor should seek to correct the problem with the least amount of disruption to the work environment.

• Progressive discipline is utilized for regular, no probationary employees and may include oral warning,
written warning, suspension, and ultimately discharge.

• Oral warnings are typically issued during a private conference between the supervisor and the employee

• Employees may be issued a written warning as a letter or memo.

• Non-exempt employees may be suspended without pay for incidents which are serious enough to warrant
summary suspension.
Personal Debts

• The Company expects its employees to be prompt in the payment.

• Any employee who fails to do so may be subject to a writ of sequestration or other payroll
• The Firm is not responsible for personal debts between employees.
Performance Evaluation

 The Company’s performance evaluation system is called Performance Evaluation (PE)

 The PE system is designed to:
• Promote and document performance assessments based on essential job functions and clear,
realistic job standards.
• Promote a high level of employee performance through consistent feedback from supervisors
Feedback and Coaching

• The purpose of feedback and coaching is to recognize effective performance and provide
coaching for improvement.
• Opportunity for supervisors and employees to discuss and update job standards set at the
beginning of the year.
• The analyse of the performance is based on KPI.
Termination Policy

 If the employee terminates the employment relationship:

• The employee shall fulfil the notice associated with the position he occupies.

 If the employee is terminated for reasons which are considered misconduct:

• The termination shall generally be immediate

 If the employee is terminated for reasons which are not considered misconduct :

 The termination shall generally occur after at least one documented discussion with
the employee.

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