Autonomous Computing

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Autonomic computing And CV


 Autonomic computing is a concept in computer science.

 the goal of the computer science idea of autonomous computing is to create self-
governing systems that can react to environmental changes without the need for human
The field of computer vision and autonomic computing together have a lot of
promise for creating intelligent systems.
AC and CV can adapt and maximize their performance in addition to understanding
and responding to their surroundings.
Combining these two technologies could result in the development of self- managing
visual systems that can independently evaluate and interpret visual data, which would
1. Autonomic computing (AC)
AC is a computer’s ability to manage itself automatically through adaptive technologies
that further computing capabilities and cut down on the time required by computer
professionals to resolve system difficulties and other maintenance such as software
The move toward autonomic computing is driven by a desire for cost reduction and the
need to lift the obstacles presented by computer system complexities to allow for more
advanced computing technology.
Autonomic computing is a self-managing computing model named after and patterned
on, the human body’s autonomic nervous system regulates the body system without
conscious input from the individual.
The goal of AC is to create systems that run themselves capable of high-level
functioning while keeping the system’s complexity invisible to the users.

The AC system concept is designed to make adaptive decisions, using high-

level policies.
 It will constantly check and optimize its status and automatically adapt itself

to changing conditions.
1.2 Autonomic Computing (AC) Architecture

AC is a system that deploys high-level policies to make decisions. It is based on the architecture that is
called MAPE which stands for: M-monitor,


P- plan

E- execution.

 This architecture revolves around the idea of a reduction in management costs.

So, The AC architecture comprises some features such as:

Control loops: it provider provides control loops.

Managed Elements: The managed element is a component of the controlled system. It can be
hardware as well as a software resource. Sensors and effectors are used to control the
managed element.
3. Sensors: This contains information about the state and any changes in the state of elements
of the AC.
4. Effectors: These are commands programming interface applications (API) that are used to
change the states of an element.
5. Autonomic Manager: This is used to make sure that the control loops are implemented.
The Autonomic Computing must involve the following 3 properties:

Automatic: It must be able to execute its operations without human intervention.

Adaptive: Autonomic computers must be able to make changes according to their
Aware: it must also have awareness of the processes and internal states that would
allow the previous two features.
1.3 The advantages and disadvantages of AC
Advantages .

The key of AC is it reduce total cost of ownership.

 It is an open-source.
 It is an evolutionary technology that adapts itself to new changes.
 It is very secure and can counter system and security attacks automatically.
 It has backup mechanisms that allow recovery from system failures and crashes.
It is internet based system so it is very hard for it to function well in a place there is a poor
 There will always be a possibility of the system crashing or malfunctioning.
The affordability would be an issue because it would be expensive.
It will need people who are very skilled to manage or develop the systems.

1.4 Characteristics of the Autonomic System

Self-awareness: AC knows itself and is aware of its state and its behaviors.
 Self-configuring: it should be able to configure (arrange) and reconfigure (rearrange)

itself under varying and unpredictable conditions.

 Self-protecting: it is able to protect its resources from both internal and external attacks
and maintains overall system security and integrity.


Context-aware 

Open 

1.5 Key Elements of Autonomic Computing
. 

 Knows itself 

 Configuring itself

 Optimist itself
 Heal itself
 Protect itself
 Adaptive itself

The future of AC

Edge computing

o Autonomic edge systems may use AI-driven self-optimization to predict and prevent
outages by leveraging real-time data from underlying systems.
Network management

oAutonomic systems may be used to detect and respond to network attacks automatically.

Cloud computing
oAutonomic computing may be used to manage cloud resources more effectively, including
automatically scaling and managing resources in response to demand changes .
2. Computer vision or (CV)
Computer vision or (CV) is a branch of computer science that empowers machines to see,
recognize, and process images just like humans.
Computer vision intact Is a multidisciplinary field that could be called a subfield of
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning(ML).

CV include methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing, and understanding digital images, and
extraction of high-dimensional data from the real world to produce numerical or symbolic information.

Machine learning

Computer vision

This might seem easy but it is not so because computers are not the same as humans, they don’t have
the gift of vision and perception, and seeing and preceding the world around them comes naturally to
humans that is not the case with computers.
2.1 How do computer vision Algorithms work?

The computer vision algorithm is used

today based on pattern recognition, if we
send ten million images of cats the
computer first analyzes all the images and
then identifies similar patterns.

To all cats and at the end of the whole process create a model cat as a result the computer can
accurately detect whether or not they have a particular image of a cat each time we send the
pictures. To illustrate photographs: This is how our computer saves images.

2.2 The application of computer vision

Object classifications: recognizing the broad category of objects and the

 Object identification: identifying the type of object on the photographs.
Object detection: detecting the location of an object on the photographs.
 Object verification: verifying the presence of the objects on the image.
Object landmark detection: detecting the key point from the photographs.
 Generally we can say that computer vision is a field of study that focuses on developing
techniques to help computers see and understand content from visual images.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Vision
It is a Process in a simpler and faster way.
Reliability: which means the efficiency is the same or they don’t have the human factor of
It is Accuracy
A wide range of use: We can see the same computer system in several different fields and
The reduction of costs: time and error rates are reduced in the process of Computer imaging.
It reduces the cost of hire and training special staff to do the activities that computers will do
Disadvantages .

Failing in image processing: when the device fails because of a virus or other software
issues, Computer Vision and image processing will probably fail.

How is computer vision used in everyday life?

Security: Computer vision technology is used in surveillance systems to monitor public
spaces, buildings, and other areas for security purposes. It can help detect and prevent
criminal activity, ensuring the safety of individuals.
Healthcare: Computer vision is used in medical imaging, such as MRI and CT scans.

Automotive: Computer vision is a crucial component of autonomous vehicles, enabling

them to perceive and interpret their surroundings
Autonomic computing is a self-managing model that enables computers to

manage themselves automatically, reducing maintenance time and enhancing

computing capabilities. Driven by cost reduction and overcoming system

complexities, it mimics the human body's autonomic nervous system.

Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that trains computers to

interpret and understand the visual world.


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