Estructura de Conversacion 3 INGLES

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de Conversacion 3

Yo no Quiero

I don’t

To work
Trabajar en una empresa

To work in a company
(tuwerk inecompani)
Yo no Quiero trabajar en una empresa

I don’t Want to work in a company

Yo no Quiero que mi mamá trabaje en esa fábrica

I don’t Want my mom to work in that factory

Tú no necesitas

You don’t need

(iú dont niid)

Hablar chino

To speak Chinese
(tuspik chainis)
Tú no necesitas hablar chino

You don’t need to speak chinese

(iú dont niid tuspick chainis)
A ella no le gusta

She doesn’t like

(Shi dásent laik)

To dance
(tudens )
Bailar en la discoteca

To dance in the Disco

(tu dens inthe disco)
A ella no le gusta bailar en la discoteca

She doesn’t like to dance in the disco

(Shi dásent laik tudens in the disco)
El no tiene que

He doesn’t have

To say (tu sei)

Decir nada

To say anything (tu sei enizin)

El no tiene que decir nada

He doesn’t have to say anything

Tu gato

Your cat
(iur cat)
A tu gato no le gusta

Your cat doesn’t like

(iur cat dásen laik)

To Hunt
(tu hant )
Cazar pájaros

To Hunt birds
(tu hant birds)
A tu gato no le gusta cazar pájaros

Your cat doesn’t like to hunt birds

(Mai cat dázent láik tuhant birds)
Mis padres no quieren

My parents don’t want

(mai perents dont want )

To drive (tudraiv )
Manejar el auto

To drive the car (tudraiv de car)

Mis padres no quieren manejar el auto

My parents don’t want to drive the car

(mai perents dont want tu draiv the car )
Mis padres no quieren que yo maneje el auto

My parents don’t want me to drive the car

(mai perents dont want mi tu draiv the car )
Nosotros no necesitamos

We don’t need
(Wi dont niid )

To use (tu ius )

Usar la computadora

To use the computer (tu ius de compiuter )

Nosotros NO necesitamos USAR la computadora

We don’t need to use the computer

(Wi dont niid tu ius de compiúter)
Ellos/as no necesitan

They don’t need

(Déi dont niid)

To know
Saber todo

to know everything
(tu nou evrizin)
Ellos/as no necesitan saber todo

They don’t need to know everything

(Déi dont niid tu nou evrizin)
Now, practice your new
vocabularies and phrases
Ahora, practica tus nuevos vocabularios y frases
I don’t
To work
To work in a company
(tuwerk inecompani)
I don’t Want to work in a company
I don’t Want my mom to work in that factory
You don’t need
(iú dont niid)
To speak Chinese
(tuspik chainis)
You don’t need to speak chinese
(iú dont niid tuspick chainis)
She doesn’t like
(Shi dásent laik)
To dance
(tudens )
To dance in the Disco
(tu dens inthe disco)
She doesn’t like to dance in the disco
(Shi dásent laik tudens in the disco)
He doesn’t have
To say (tu sei)
To say anything (tu sei enizin)
He doesn’t have to say anything
Your cat
(iur cat)
Your cat doesn’t like
(iur cat dásen laik)
To Hunt
(tu hant )
Your cat doesn’t like to hunt birds
(Mai cat dázent láik tuhant birds)
My parents don’t want
(mai perents dont want )
To drive (tudraiv )
To drive the car (tudraiv de car)
My parents don’t want to drive the car
(mai perents dont want tu draiv the car )
My parents don’t want me to drive the car
(mai perents dont want mi tu draiv the car )
We don’t need
(Wi dont niid )
To use (tu ius )
We don’t need to use the computer
(Wi dont niid tu ius de compiúter)
They don’t need
(Déi dont niid)
To know
to know everything
(tu nou evrizin)
They don’t need to know everything
(Déi dont niid tu nou evrizin)
Now, answer the Questions
Ahora, Responda la pregunta
Yo no Quiero trabajar en una empresa

I don’t Want to work in a company

Who doesn’t want to work in a company?

Me. I don’t want to work in a company.

Where don’t you want to work?
Dónde tú no quieres trabajar?

In a company
What don’t you want to do?Qué no quieres hacer?

To work in a company
(tu werk inecompani)
Don’t you want to work in a company?
No Quieres trabajar en la empresa?

No, I don’t
(No ai dont)
Don’t you want to work at home?
No Quieres trabajar en casa?

Yes, I do
(ies ai du)
A ella no le gusta bailar en la discoteca

She doesn’t like to dance in the disco

(Shi dásent laik tudens in the disco)
Who doesn’t like to dance in the disco?

She. She doesn’t like to dance in the disco

(Shi dásent laik tudens in the disco)
Where doesn’t she like to dance?
(Dónde ella no le gusta bailar?)

In a disco
What doesn’t she like to do?
(Qué ella no lgusta hacer?)

To dance In a disco
Doesn’t she like to dance in a disco?
(No le gusta a ella bailar en la discoteca?)

No, she doesn’t

Doesn’t she like to dance at home?
(No le gusta a ella bailar en la casa?)

Yes, she does

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