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Working With Families

Halle Berry
ECE 657-Professional Development Presentation
National University
Do you need more tips for working with

If you are interested in learning more

about working with families, click on the
link. It will take you to transition
coalition. Transition coalition is a free
resource that has module study guides. It
has a specific module that focuses on
individuals that are working with
Positive Relationships:

Click on the link above:

Developing Positive Relationships with Families is a resource that
provides ideas and strategies on how to develop positive relationships
with families early on.

I chose the topic of working with families because I am passionate

about building relationships with both my students and their families.
We talk with families on a daily basis and with a positive relationship
in tack we can work together as a team to do what is best for their
child, no matter what type of challenge we are presented with.

What do you do to build relationships with your

students and their families?
Why did you choose to
work in ECE?
 Working in early childhood education is a rewarding
job. We are one of the first school experiences for
both a child and their family. As a leader in the field
we are setting them up to reach their highest
potential. Each individual child that enters our
classroom is unique. Each child has their own
individual needs and it is our responsibility as
advocates in the field to make this happen.

 . Education Degree lists 5 different reasons why

working the ECE field is rewarding.

 Next, we will look at the challenges we face as ECE

What are challenges ECE leaders face?

 As an ECE teacher we are one of the first people to observe

that a child may have a developmental delay or disability.
According to Kieff (2009), “Early childhood (birth through
age 8) is a critical period for the identification of
developmental delays that may occur across all domains of
development: physical, cognitive, speech-language, and socio-
emotional, as well as sensory modalities such as vision and
hearing” (p. 44).
The book Identifying Special Needs in the Early Years is a
great resource that can gives a step by step guide to help
teachers recognize signs of special needs and how to get
What more can we do to support families below
the poverty line?
 According to Kieff (2009), “in 2006, the federal
poverty level was $20,000 income for a family of
four, $16,000 for a family of 3, and $13,200 for a
family of 2. And yet, research suggest that, on
average families need an income equal to about two
times the federal poverty level to meet their most
basic needs” (p. 43).

 Families and their children must feel comfortable to

share that they are going through economic
hardship so it is essential that we build positive
relationships. This way they feel like they can
share this information and as advocates in the field
we can provide them with the appropriate and
essneital resources.

Larabee, T. (2014). Poverty in the Classroom. Retrieved from
Have you had to report neglect or abuse? How
did it make you feel?
 Suspecting child abuse or neglect is never an easy
situation to be in. With students safety and well-
being our number one priority, we must use our
voices to ensure we are prepared to deal with these
situations. We must understand that there are
various types of abuse. Working with families to
prevent and giving them resources could help
prevent abuse.

 According to Kieff (2009), “The best defense

against child abuse and neglect is prevention. In
addition to recognizing the signs of abuse, early
childhood educators should be aware of factors
that contribute to or cause abuse or neglect so they
can support families who might be experiencing
high-stress situations” (p. 49).
Fink, R. (2015). Mandated Reporting-PSA for teachers.
Retrieved from
What improvements would you like to see in the
What changes should be
made in ECE for ECE field?
 Engage and teach parents/families
how to advocate for their own child.

According to Kieff (2009), “Early

childhood professional are in a position
to help families develop their skills as
advocates by first providing a model of
effective advocacy and then by helping
them translate their dreams for their
children into action plans” (p. 55). This
is something that will take time and
effort, but it will benefit teachers, the
family, and most importantly, the child

 Inform families about the resources

Improve Early Childhood Education: Get the Parents Involved is a resource
that are available to them in the that lists strategies on how getting parents involved improves the ECE field.
beginning of the year, before you
even find out they are in need.
(example: Do this at orientation prior get-parents-involved/
to students entering the classroom).
Annunziata, C. (2017, August 22). Developing Positive Relationships with Families. Retrieved from

Fink, R. (2015). Mandated Reporting-PSA for teachers. Retrieved from

J. (2015, May 26). Improve Early Childhood Education: Get the Parents Involved. Retrieved from

Kieff, J. E. (2009). Informed advocacy in early childhood care and education: Making a difference for young children and families.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.

Larabee, T. (2014). Poverty in the Classroom. Retrieved from

Mathieson, K. (2007). Identifying special needs in the early years. London: P. Chapman.

Module Study Guides. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Why Early Childhood Education Is a Rewarding Job. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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