RCS702 Unit1 Lecture-1

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Subject Code:- KCS 071

Unit No.:- 1
Lecture No.:- 1
Topic Name :- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Dr Anuranjan Misra
Professor, CSE
GNIOT, Greater noida
RCS-702/L1 1
1. Artificial Intelligence
2. Definition Of Artificial Intelligence
3. Natural(Human) Intelligence Vs Artificial Intelligence
4. Weak AI and Strong AI
5. Types Of AI
6. AI in everyday life
7. Perspective of AI
8. Task classification of AI
9. Related field of AI
RCS-702/L1 2
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
• Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of Science which
deals with helping machines find solutions to
complex problems in a more human-like fashion.
• This generally involves borrowing characteristics
from human intelligence, and applying them as
algorithms in a computer friendly way.
• A more or less flexible or efficient approach can be
taken depending on the requirements established,
which influences how artificial the intelligent
behavior appears
RCS-702/L1 3
Artificial Intelligence
• Artificial Intelligence is the study of how to
make computer do things which at the
moment humans do better.
• In simple terms, AI is the ability of software to
develop and apply intelligence like humans.
• AI is a very wide field of science and
engineering which makes intelligence
machines and especially Intelligent computer
RCS-702/L1 4
Artificial Intelligence
• It is related to the similar tasks of using
computers to understand human intelligence.
• Scientists want to automate human intelligence
for the following reasons :
(i)Understanding and reasoning of human
intelligence in better way.
(ii)Making more smarter programs.
(iii)Useful and efficient techniques to solve
complex problems.
RCS-702/L1 5
Definitions of AI
• System that act like humans: The exciting new
effort to make computers think . . . machines
with minds, in the full and literal sense."
(Haugeland, 1985)
• System that think rationally: "[The
automation of] activities that we associate
with human thinking, activities such as
Decision making, problem solving, learning."
(Bellman, 1978)
RCS-702/L1 6
Definitions of AI
• “The study of mental faculties through the use
of computational models." (Chamiak and
McDermott, 1985)
• "The study of the computations that make it
possible to perceive, reason, and act."
(Winston, 1992)

RCS-702/L1 7
Natural(Human) Intelligence Vs Artificial

1. Exhibited by human beings Programmed by humans in machines

2. Highly refined and no electricity It exists in computer system, so

required to generate output. electrical energy is required for
activation of output.

3. No one is an expert. We can get Expert system exists , which collect

better solution from one another ideas of human beings

4. Intelligence increases under Intelligence increases by updating

supervision. technology and algorithms used .

RCS-702/L1 8
Weak AI and Strong AI
• Weak AI deals with the creation of some form of
computer based artificial intelligence which can
reason and solve problems in limited domain. Some
thinking like feature may be added to machine , but
true intelligence is absent. Here we have to get the
explanation of solution by us in own way rather
depending on computer machine.
• Strong AI claims that computers can think at the
level of human beings. It truly reasons and solve
complex problems. In strong AI programs itself are
explanations for any solution.
RCS-702/L1 9
Types Of AI
• On the basis of definition AI can be
categorized under the following categories:-
• Algorithm
• Machine Learning
• Narrow AI
• General AI

RCS-702/L1 10
Types Of AI
• Algorithm: The computer execute a function without
deviating (changing) from the program or algorithm
given to it. With an algorithm, we tell the computer
exactly what we want it to do. Algorithm are used for
data processing, calculations and automated reasoning.
• Machine Learning: It allows computers to learn without
being completely programmed. Instead of using an
algorithm to extract data for human use, the computer
learn to analyze and interpret the data and make

RCS-702/L1 11
Types Of AI
• Narrow AI: It is also called as weak AI. This system is
designed for one particular task and follow a set of
rules without deviating from it. Examples include
Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana and Amazon’s Alexa
are all forms of weak AI. They are designed to answer
question they understand.
• General AI: It is also known as Artificial General
Intelligence or strong AI. This system is programmed to
perform human cognitive abilities which helps to find
a solution to an unfamiliar task. By this, a computer
repeatedly improve itself and can become an ultra
intelligent, super human machine that can surpass
human intelligence. RCS-702/L1 12
AI in Everyday Life
• Smart Phones
• Google Search
• Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant
• Video Games
• Youtube
• E-commerce Sites
• Smart Cars

RCS-702/L1 13
Perspective Of Artificial Intelligence
• Artificial intelligence can be viewed from
variety of perspectives.
• Intelligence
• Business
• Programming

RCS-702/L1 14
Perspective Of Intelligence
• From the perspective of intelligence artificial
intelligence is making machines "intelligent" --
acting as we would expect people to act.
 The inability to distinguish computer responses
from human responses is called the Turing test.
 Intelligence requires knowledge
 Expert problem solving - restricting domain to
allow including significant relevant knowledge

RCS-702/L1 15
Perspective of Business
• From a business perspective AI is a set of very
powerful tools, and methodologies for using
those tools to solve business problems.

RCS-702/L1 16
Perspective of Programming
• From a programming perspective, AI includes
the study of symbolic programming, problem
solving, and search.
 Typically AI programs focus on symbols rather
than numeric processing.
 Problem solving - achieve goals.
 Search - seldom access a solution directly.
Search may include a variety of techniques.

RCS-702/L1 17
Perspective of Programming
• AI programming languages include: –
• LISP, developed in the 1950s, is the early programming
language strongly associated with AI. LISP is a
functional programming language with procedural
extensions. LISP (LISP Processor) was specifically
designed for processing heterogeneous lists -- typically
a list of symbols. Features of LISP are run- time type
checking, higher order functions (functions that have
other functions as parameters), automatic memory
management (garbage collection) and an interactive
RCS-702/L1 18
Perspective of Programming
• The second language strongly associated with
AI is PROLOG. PROLOG was developed in the
1970s. PROLOG is based on first order logic.
PROLOG is declarative in nature and has
facilities for explicitly limiting the search

RCS-702/L1 19
Perspective of Programming
• Object-oriented languages are a class of languages more
recently used for AI programming. Important features of
object-oriented languages include: concepts of objects
and messages, objects bundle data and methods for
manipulating the data, sender specifies what is to be
done receiver decides how to do it, inheritance (object
hierarchy where objects inherit the attributes of the more
general class of objects). Examples of object-oriented
languages are Smalltalk, Objective C, C++. Object oriented
extensions to LISP (CLOS - Common LISP Object System)
and PROLOG (L&O - Logic & Objects) are also used.

RCS-702/L1 20
Other Perspectives
• Artificial Intelligence is a new electronic machine that
stores large amount of information and process it at very
high speed
• The computer is interrogated by a human via a teletype
It passes if the human cannot tell if there is a computer
or human at the other end
• The ability to solve problems
• It is the science and engineering of making intelligent
machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is
related to the similar task of using computers to
understand human intelligence
RCS-702/L1 21
Task Classification Of AI
• There are three types of classification:
1. Mundane Task (common or ordinary)
2. Formal Task
3. Expert Task

RCS-702/L1 22
Task Classification Of AI
• Mundane Task:
 Perception (Vision and speech)
 Natural Language (Understanding, generation and
 Commonsense reasoning
• Formal Task:
 Game playing
 Mathematics (Theorem proving and Problem solving)
• Expert task:
 Engineering design
 Scientific analysis
 Medical diagnosis RCS-702/L1 23
Related Fields Of Artificial Intelligence
• Fields closely related to AI are of engineering domain,
mechanical , electrical , electronics and computer Engg.
• Field if Linguistics (Study of language) is also very popular now
days that deals with natural language processing.
• Cognitive Science : Cognitive science deals with the study of
human psychology. Cognitive scientists are interested in
computation process required to perform certain human
• AI and electrical engineering, AI and mechanical engineering.
• Medical field
• Manufacturing of products field
• Military and defense
• Aerospace engineering
RCS-702/L1 24
• Banking and finance sector.
Important Questions
Q1. Define Artificial intelligence on the basis of “ System
that think rationally ” and “ System that act like humans”.
Q2. Differentiate between Natural(Human) Intelligence &
Artificial Intelligence.
Q3. What is Weak AI and Strong AI ?
Q4. Mention some related fields of Artificial Intelligence.
Q5. Explain the task classification of AI.

RCS-702/L1 25
• Text books:
1. Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence
– A Modern Approach”, Pearson Education
2. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, “Artificial
Intelligence”, McGraw-Hill
3. E Charniak and D McDermott, “Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence”, Pearson Education
4. Dan W. Patterson, “Artificial Intelligence and
Expert Systems”, Prentice Hall of India,
RCS-702/L1 26
Thank You

RCS-702/L1 27

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