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• Pro’s – I do exercise at least three times every week to
develop the ability to resist diseases. Also, I have a regular
sleeping pattern. Therefore, I do not feel tired well.
Moreover, although I feel bad because of strenuous works, I
can get better after sleeping.

• Con’s – I have a weak body physically. It means that I have

difficulty continuing my works. Furthermore, my eating habit
is not good. I do not consider the nutritional value of food, so
it will
• Pro’s – I try to think about every event
positively. Therefore, I do not despair, even
if I suffer from difficult challenges. Also, I
always try to think creatively. If I should do
a project, I do not start it immediately. I
begin the project after doing brainstorming.

• Con’s – Often, I repeat my mistakes. At that

time, I remind my mistakes, but I forget
soon. Furthermore, I do not have good
logical thinking. I do not speak my opinions
well in a debate because I don’t know how
to say logically.

Pro’s Con’s
1. Usually, I can control my 1. I do not express my emotions
emotions well. When I feel well even if I do not satisfy with
anger because of someone, I something. So, people do not know
take a deep breath and how I think about something.
understand him. This ability to
control emotions helps to have 2. When I am sensitive, I have a hot
a good social life. temper to even an unimportant

Pro’s Con’s
1. Sometimes, I feel shyness to
I always try to communicate with others in talk with others.
my school even if I’m not close to them.

When I do a team project with classmates, 2. When I finish the team project, I do not
stay connected with my teammates well.
I mainly lead. And I divide each part. Therefore, after completing the project, I
feel awkward about them.
I have a good relationship with my friends.
Pro’s – I am a Christian so that I can feel
happiness through God. Also, I go to the church
to praise God. I feel unity within my praise team
in the place. When I didn’t know the value of my
life, I could know the value through my religion.

Con’s – I know the meaning of my life, but
sometimes I live in the world irregularly. Often,
when people do not work well in the church, I do
not feel oneness. I only feel unity with others
only if they do their works well.
• Pro’s – I try to clean up my room always. I
decide to clean the day, and I clean up
home at the day. After finishing my work, I
dispose of garbage. I do not stay in a dirty
place, so I try to maintain my room or
workplace surroundings cleanly.

• Con’s – I do not recycle trash well.

Sometimes, I get rid of my junk on the
road. I do no consider the environment of
the world. Honestly, I do not have any
interest in nature.
Explain What Covid-19 is and
why it is so different than other

•Covid-19: It is a pandemic of coronavirus

disease. It was identified in Wuhan, China.
It can cause severe respiratory symptoms.
•It is very different than other viruses
because it is highly contagious. Also, many
people were dead because there is no
vaccine for the virus. Therefore, the way to
prevent the virus is wearing a mask and
wash hands frequently.
1. Meetings and gatherings are
What positive restricted, so the use of gas
decreased. Therefore, it leads to
environmental clean up the air.
factors are 2. Because of the Covid-19, production
was stopped. So, the discharge of
related to pollutants reduced. It leads to clean
up the water.
Covid-19? 3. Some animals appear in some cities.
What negative environmental factors are
related to Covid-19?

1. People get rid of more trash than before. For example, hospitals dispose of 200 tons of
medical wastes each day. Therefore, it is harmful to the environment.
2. Many people stay in their homes, and they will use more electricity and energy. Finally, it
leads to an increase in the use of energy.
List “several” social ramifications
related to Covid-19
1. People should maintain a social distance in every
2. Some stores and restaurants limit the number of
the entrance of people. Because of this system,
some people feel inconvenience.
3. People limit gatherings such as parties. Other
meetings are cancelled because of Covid-19.
1. Universities and educational
institutions’ teachers or professors
must teach students online.
List and explain 5 2. Singers have a performance without
occupational/vocational audiences.
ramifications caused by 3. Ministers in churches preach online.
Covid-19. 4. Some stores only allow the drive-
through system.
5. New jobs are created, such as Covid-
19 testers and caregivers.
Why has the
All meetings and gatherings have a limit
cost of gas gone because of Covid-19, and many traffics
decreased. And then, the use of gas fell.
down since Eventually, the cost of gas plummeted.
What are your personal occupational
(what do you want to do for a living)?

• Short-term Goals
Firstly, I need to get good grades, and I
transfer to another school. In there, I want to
graduate with good degrees. It is my short-
term goal.

• Long Term goals

I want to make a computer system or
machines at NASA. I had an interest in the
universe when I was young. Therefore, I
want to work at NASA.

• Short term goals

I want to save money. The reason is that I need to
buy many things later. Moreover, I want to get
good sporting goods such as dumbbells.

• Long Term Goals

I want to buy my house that has stairs. Moreover,
I want to get a good car, especially Tesla. I want to
save a lot of money in my account.
What would you do if fear was not a factor and you could not

1. I want to be an astronaut. When I was young, I have a fantasy about the universe. So, I
want to try it.
2. I want to make good songs with great equipment and instruments. I wanted to be a
composer, but many people advised me that it was hard to earn money. But I want to try
3. I want to travel the world. It can be a challenge for me because of the economic
problem. However, I want to do it if I cannot fail.
What are you most
grateful for?
I’m so glad to study in the United States. In my
country, there is a limit to experiencing many
things. However, I can get the opportunity to
experience many things in America. Most people
in my country think that studying abroad is very
difficult. Therefore, I’m so grateful for learning in
the United States.
What do I need to
change about myself?
1. I need to have a habit of finishing my
assignments early. I usually do not start
assignments by making excuses. If I change it,
I can improve myself.

2. When I start something, I tend to give up

easily. I need to do something continuously
without giving up if I start something.

3. I have difficulty expressing my emotions to

others. If I can appropriately express my
feelings, it will be good for me.
What makes
me happy?
1. I feel happy when I eat delicious food.

2. When I achieve my work, I feel happy.

For example, I try to get good grades for
my courses. And when I get good grades
for the subjects, I feel happy.
disappointed I was so disappointed with Biden.
When he did not observe good
you the most manners in the Presidential debate, I
think people should have good
while watching manners in formal place like the
the Presidential debate. However, he did not consider
the words of Trump. Moreover, he
debate? Why? said that shut up. I was so
disappointed at the point.
• Out of all the dimensions of wellness, what
is the one you struggle with the most?
- Physical wellness is the most thing that I struggle. I try to have
a good lifestyle, but it is hard to maintain the style. Sometimes,
when I watch YouTube videos, I sleep late. Then, I oversleep, and
I do not keep the sleeping pattern. Therefore, physical wellness is
the thing that I struggle.

Dimensions: How are you going to conquer the dimension

you struggle with? What are some of the
tools you can do to overcome the struggle?
- Firstly, I think I need to plan for my life. After planning, I will try
to do things by following my plan. Then, I can make a good life
pattern. Moreover, if I utilize applications that are related to
health, it will be helpful for me. Also, if I give myself a gift
whenever maintain my lifestyle, it can be good system for me. By
these things, I can overcome the struggle.
1. I want to marry a woman who has a
good personality. After marrying, I
want to make my family.
2. Sometimes, people have difficulty
YOUR economically. So, I hope to earn a lot
of money.
LIFE? 3. I want to get an appropriate job for
me. I always think about my
interests. Therefore, I want to find
what is the most interesting thing.
What do I want If I die in the world, I want to be
remembered as a great father. Some
to be people wish for great fame at the end of
their lives. However, I think it is not
remembered for essential because I cannot get a benefit
after dying. I want to be a person who
at the end of my has a positive influence on my family.
Therefore, I hope to be remembered as
life? a great father at the end of my life.

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