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The Lead Employer Model –

Supporting Trainees Following

Time out of Training.
Jessica Massey – HR Service Manager.
Long Term Sickness

 The bulk of the work the LE does with regards to

returning to training is with trainees who have been off
work due to sickness (+28 days)
 Referrals to Health Work and Wellbeing
 Working with the trainee to implement any restrictions/
adjustments recommended by HWWB clinicians.
 ‘Training Clock’ – the difference between returning to
‘work’ and returning to ‘training’
Supportive Measures

 Phased return to work

 Amended hours e.g. varied start/ finish times
 Adjustments to duties e.g. no on-call/ OOH/ night work
 Buddy/ mentor scheme within the department/ host
 Access to work input
Health Concerns &The Equality Act.

 Definition of Disability:
 S6(1) Equality Act 2010 - a person has a disability if they
have a physical or mental impairment and the impairment
has a substantial and long-term adverse effect of their
ability to carry out normal day to day activities
 EqA Schedule 1 - the effect of an impairment is long-term if
it has lasted for at least 12 months, it is likely to last for at
least 12 months
 Recurrent conditions
Reasonable Adjustments

 Purpose of reasonable adjustments is to avoid or cancel

out a disadvantage to a disabled person in comparison
with those who are not disabled
 What is reasonable will depend on the employer and the
 Onus is on the employer to investigate and suggest
adjustments (Advice from HWWB)
 Medical advice can assist
 Access to Work
Maternity / OOP Cases

 KIT days
 Risk assessments
 Support and guidance re breastfeeding
 HWWB input for OOP cases & maternity if needed
 HR involvement with OOPC cases
 Management Information – picking up on trainees who
resume work in line with rotation days
Any Questions?

If you require any further information please contact

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