Politics and Women Talk

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Name : Maleeha

Registration No : EN120202073
Semester : Bs 7th (B)
Assignment Topic: Politics and
women talk
submitted to : Sir Mubashir
Date : 17- 12- 2023
 Politics and Women Talk :

 less than Ten years ago it was acceptable for the sexes to be
segregated at social gathering and certain assumptions Were
made about the nature and value of talk which took place
within these segregated group’s.
 There are grounds for hypothesizing that males exerted
considerable indirect control over women talk in this context
Because the talk of women was not perceived as a threat. It
was trivial but harmless.
 Even in the absence of male women could be relied upon to
reproduce the dominant definition of the world and to
subscribe to the dominant reality.
 It was possible for male to engage in their serious talk without
feeling uneasy about the women talk .they were not uncomfortable
as women spoke such topics as homemaking and child rearing.
 For example:
But in many communities today This has changed.
Women can no longer be trusted to engage in trivial and innocent
 The topic may remain the same ( homechores,child rearing) But
frequently rearing males are no longer at ease ,it seem no longer
able to exercise indirect control .women talk has emerged as
extremely relevant for them.
 it can be demonstrated that modification in male control of talk
have occurred in the last decade and whereas women were
genuinely and completely muted they are now movings away from
that politics.
 Whilewomen reproduced the male limits of their world they
constituted little threat to patriarchal order .but now they are
beginning to encode their own definition they are unmasking the
patriarchal ideology, which has defined and confirm their
world .
 Thechange has not been in the topics talked about but in the
way these topics are structured, in the perspective from which
they are viewed.
 Many males have found themselves confronted with the demand
that they participate in life support tasks
 Thesewomen are subscribing to the dominant reality not
through choice ,but necessity.
 Whilethe dominant group control the resources of society,
particularly the economic ones, many women literally cannot
afford to continue to participate in activities.
 Member of the dominant group are within their rights within
the patriarchal order in utilizing these resources to their
own ends. Politics is the name of this game.
 The talk which women engage in today is often even seem
as political by males.
 The personal is political and women are involved in serious
politics when they begin to talk about their personal
experience from their own perspective.
 When women no longer merely reproduce the definition of
themselves as ordained by the dominant group –as passive
consumer then there is nothing less than a redistribution of
one form of power taking place.
 This redistribution challenges patriarchal order at two
1. At one level it challenges the assumption of male
supremacy because if women will not be subordinate it is
difficult for men to appear superior.
2. At another level the redistribution challenges the
dominant reality for some individual males who find
themselves living in conditions of intimacy with women
who are constructing different definition of reality.
 When directly confronted with women centered meanings
many men show signs of considerable discomfort as they
perceive that events are moving beyond their control as
some women gain confidence, understanding but not
inevitably some men become unsure.
 Directly & indirectly women reveal through their own
comments the significance of their talk in patriarchal Order.
 Reality is constructed and substained primarily through talk.
Those who control the talk are also able to control reality. There
can be no doubt that within or groups women have been moving
towards acquiring control over their own talk , beginning to
construct a meta-patriarchal reality.
 But if the reality is to be maintained it needs constant recreation.
It needs reinforcement . It needs to be confirmed it is doubtful
whether existence in a sexist society affords sufficient
 For some of the women who have withdraw from CR groups.the
alternative reality which was sufficient to generate practical
changes in their daily lives. Usually referred to as difficulties.
 Without the reality engendered and confirmed in CR there is no
pressing need for personal changes.
 Dominant definitions Can be more readily accommodated.

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