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Chemical reactions and

Presentation by – Sangita Nikalje
KV No. 1 Dehuroad, Pune
Chemical change
 The change that is irreversible and we get
new substance is called as chemical change
Observations in a chemical reaction
 1. Change in state
 2. Change in colour
 3. Evolution of gas
 4. Change in temperature
Chemical equation
 It is a equation showing a chemical reaction
 Symbols of elements are used
 It has two sides separated by an arrow
 Left side of the arrow has reactants and right

side of the arrow has products

 If something is written on the arrow, these

are the conditions required for the reactions

to happen
 E.g. 2Mg + O 2MgO
Balancing chemical equations
 Steps of balancing chemical equations
1. Count the number of atoms of each element
on LHS and RHS
2. Start balancing the equation with elements
having maximum number of atoms
3. Generally balance oxygen/hydrogen atoms
at the end
4. Check whether all the elements are
5. Write the physical state of the elements
 NaOH + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + H2O

 Elements LHS RHS

 Na 1 2
 O 5 5
 H 3 2
 S 1 1

 Sodium and hydrogen are atoms are imbalanced

 Start balancing sodium – to balance sodium write coefficient of
sodium as 2 on LHS
 2NaOH + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + H2O
 In the process oxygen got imbalance
 To balance oxygen and hydrogen multiply water molecule with 2 on
 2NaOH + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + 2H2O

The reaction is balanced

Types of chemical reactions
 1. Combination reaction
 2. Decomposition reaction
 3. Displacement reaction
 4. Double displacement reaction
 5. Oxidation reaction
 6 Reduction reaction
 7. Redox reaction
Combination reaction
 A reaction in which two or more reactants
react to give single product is called as
combination reaction

 E.g. C + O2 CO2
Decomposition reaction
 A reaction in which one reactant breaks down to give two
or more products is called as decomposition reaction
 Types of decomposition reaction
 A. Thermal decomposition – Breaking a compound using
heat energy
 E.g. CaCO3 CaO + CO2
 B. Electrolytic decomposition – Breaking a compound
using electric energy
 E.g. H2O H2 + O2
 C. Photolytic decomposition – Breaking a compound
using light energy/sunlight
 E.g. 2AgCl 2Ag + Cl2
Displacement reaction
 Reaction in which more reactive metal
displaces less reactive metal from its salt
solution is called as displacement reaction

 E.g. CuSO4 + Fe FeSO4 + Cu

Double displacement reaction
 The reaction in which there is exchange of
ions is called as displacement reaction

 E.g. Na2SO4 + BaCl2 BaSO4 + 2NaCl

Oxidation reaction
 The reaction in which oxygen is gained is
called as oxidation reaction

 E.g. 2Cu + O2 2Cuo

Reduction reaction
 The reaction in which oxygen is lost is called
as reduction reaction

 E.g. CuO + H2 Cu + H2O

Redox reaction
 The reaction in which oxidation and reduction
happen simultaneously is called redox

 E.g. E.g. CuO + H2 Cu + H2O

Oxidizing agent and Reducing agent
 Oxidizing agent is the substance losing oxygen
or gaining hydrogen

 Reducing agent is the substance gaining oxygen

or losing hydrogen

 CuO + H2 Cu + H2O

 In the above reaction copper is losing oxygen so

it is oxidizing agent whereas hydrogen is gaining
oxygen so it is a reducing agent
Some other types of reactions
 Exothermic reaction – A reaction in which heat is
evolved is called an exothermic reaction
 E.g. CH4 + O2 CO2 + H2O

 Endothermic reaction – A reaction in which heat is

absorbed is called as an endothermic reaction
 E.g. CaCO3 CaO + CO2

 Precipitation reaction – A reaction in which precipitate

( solid form) is formed called as precipitation reaction
 E.g. Na2SO4 + BaCl2 BaSO4 + 2NaCl
 Attack on metal surface by air, moisture, acid etc
damaging the metal is called as the corrosion
 Corrosion of iron is called as rusting. Iron reacts
with moisture and air and form iron oxide. It is
brown in colour and makes iron articles weak
 Corrosion of silver is called as tarnishing. Silver
reacts with hydrogen sulphide gas present in the air
forming silver sulphide which is black in colour
 Copper reacts with the carbon dioxide of the air
forming copper carbonate which is green in colour
Prevention of corrosion
 1. Keeping metals away from air and moisture
 2. Painting
 3. Galvanisation
 4. Greasing
 5. Oiling
 6. Alloying etc
 The process of oxidation of fats and oils
present in the food is called as rancidity.
 When the food becomes rancid its odour,

colour and taste are changed

 Prevention from Rancidity

 1. Keeping the food in air tight containers
 2. Nitrogen flush
 3. Adding antioxidants

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