02-111國中英語2上 - 文法ppt - Unit 1 Grammar - gf2 (111f383310)

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Unit 1

How Was the

Weather in
Grammar Focus II
授與動詞 (1)
1. 定義:所謂的「授與動詞」是指某些必須接兩個受
授與動詞 (1)
2. 句型:
(1) V + O1( 人 ) + O2 ( 物 )
【例】 Ted gave Jack a pen.
(Ted 給 Jack 一隻筆。 )
授與動詞 (1)
(2) V + O2( 物 ) + 介詞 (to/for/of) + O1 ( 人 )
【例】 a. Ted gave a pen to Jack. (Ted 給 Jack 兩隻
筆。 )
b. My mom bought a new bike for me.
( 我媽媽買了部新的腳踏車給我。 )
c. She asked a question of the teacher.
( 她問老師一個問題。 )
授與動詞 (1)
3. O1 及 O2 不可同時是人稱代名詞。
若 O1 及 O2 同時是代名詞時,必須使用:
V + O2( 物 ) + 介詞 (to/for/of) + O1 ( 人 )
【例】 Those are her books. She gave them to me.

( 那些是她的書。她把他們給了我。 )
不可寫成 She gave me them. (X)
授與動詞 (2)- 介詞與授與動詞
(1) 介詞用 to 的授與動詞
中文 英文 中文 英文
給 give 展示 show
寄 send 寫 write
讀 read 賣 sell
授與動詞 (2)- 介詞與授與動詞
(2) 介詞用 for 的授與動詞
中文 英文 中文 英文
買 buy 得到;買 get
製作 make 煮 cook

(3) 介詞用 of 的授與動詞

中文 英文
問 ask
wrote Wendy a card on her
1. Some classmates _______
wrote a card ______
= Some classmates _______ to
Wendy on her birthday.
( 一些同學們在 Wendy 生日時寫了一張卡片給
她。 )
gave his son a robot a week ago.
2. Dan ______
to his son a week ago.
gave a robot ____
= Dan ______
(Dan 一週前給了他兒子一個機器人。 )
bought her mother a beautiful dress
3. Liz _______
last month.
for her mother
bought a beautiful dress ____
= Liz _______
last month.
(Liz 上個月買給她媽媽一件美麗的洋裝。 )
made me a toy dog yesterday.
4. Grandpa _______
for me yesterday.
made a toy dog _____
= Grandpa _______
( 祖父昨天做了一隻玩具狗給我。 )
( B ) 1. John bought a bike ______ his brother.
(A) to (B) for (C) of (D) by
( B ) 2. A: I bought a Switch yesterday.
B: Show ______.
(A) me it (B) it to me (C) it for me (D) the Switch me
( A ) 3. A: Miss Lee, can I ______ a question of you?
B: Sure.
(A) ask (B) write (C) show (D) read
(C ) 4.Tom: I’m ______ a worksheet for my students;
I can’t play cards with you.
Sam: That’s all right.
(A) buying (B) donating (C) making (D) asking
( C ) 5. We bought our parents a new house.
→We bought __________.
(A) it them (B) them it (C)it for them (D) it to them

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