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Effect of Aging

What is the biggest prejudice
in the world??

AGEISM Classism
Xenophobia Sexism Nationalism

Religious discrimination
What is Ageism?
 It is stereotyping and discrimination against individuals or groups on the
basis of their age.
What exactly happens to our brain
while aging?
Degeneration of Myelin Sheath
 With age some myelin sheaths exhibit degenerative changes, such as the formation of splits
containing electron dense cytoplasm and the formation of myelin balloons.
 This results in slow processing and reduces cognitive function.

Myelinated neuron Myelin Balloon

Neurotransmitter systems
 Researchers suggest that the brain generates less chemical messengers with aging, and it is
this decrease in dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, and norepinephrine activity that may
play a role in declining cognition and memory and increased depression.
 Moreover, there could be degeneration of receptors which results in declined cognition.

Chemical synapse
Brain Shrinkage

 Shrinkage in the frontal lobe and

hippocampus - areas involved in
higher cognitive function and
encoding new memories - starting
around the age of 60 or 70 years.
 A known cause is the over-secretion
of cortisol by stress.
 Fewer connections may contribute to
slower cognitive processing.

Intelligence is of two types. They are:

 Fluid intelligence
 Crystallized intelligence

It is found that fluid intelligence reduces as

we age while crystallized intelligence
increases as we age.
As age increases:
 Working memory and long-term
memory declines. This affects learning
because it can make tasks, such as,
problem-solving and decision-making
more difficult.
 Semantic memory improves.
 Procedural memory and Emotional
memory remain unaffected.
 The speed of processing reduces. Hence,
they might need longer teaching time.
Sustained Attention

As age increases,
 Sustained Attention: no age-related
 Divided Attention: declines,
especially when the task is more Divided Attention
 Selective Attention: declines.

As divided and selective attention

declines, Multi-tasking becomes
Selective Attention
Neural Reorganization
As we grow
older, we
tend to use
both the
to perform
tasks much
better, in
spite of the
challenges of
Dendritic Connections
 The branching of dendrites
increases, and connections between
distant brain areas strengthen.
 This helps in detecting relationships
between diverse sources of
information, capturing the big
picture, and understanding the
global implications of specific issues.
 Maybe, this is the concept of
Super Agers
 They are adults over 80 with a memory at
least as good as normal middle-aged
 Some reasons are:
Thick cortex layers
Healthy lifestyles
Active brain
 Intense research is going on to understand
the concept of super aging.
Tips for keeping your brain young:
 Get mental stimulation
 Get physical exercise
 Improve your diet
 Avoid tobacco and alcohol
 Care for your emotions
 Protect your head
 Build social networks

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