M07 - Telephone - Making A Call (B1)

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7. Making a Call [B1]

Professional Mix B1_2023


1- Presentation of the objectives ​

2-Warm up​
3- Activities ​
4- Wrap up- take away

Professional Mix B1_2023


• Introduce yourself, say why you are calling

• Initiate "small talk" with someone you know
• Propose, confirm, cancel an appointment

Professional Mix B1_2023

Warm up

Follow the conversation below and initiate appropriate small talk.

Very well
thanks, (ask a
Good morning, James! It's great Oh! Likewise! How's
to hear from you. it going?
to start "small talk“)

Professional Mix B1_2023

Activity 1
Introduce yourself and say why you are calling in the different situations below.

You are calling as…

t A different department
ie n
cl at work
e w

A s
The Reception Desk

Professional Mix B1_2023

Activity 2
Initiate "small talk” using the situations below then transition to the subject of the call .

New work New office space


Work commute Business Travel

Professional Mix B1_2023

Activity 3
Choose which phrases can be professionally used to confirm an appointment.

1 Just reaching out to confirm your meeting with Mr. Hawley on Tuesday, November 6th at 1:00
p.m. in Paris. Please let me know if the time and location are still convenient for you.

2 The meeting will go ahead on Thursday, the 28th of August.

3 I would like to confirm your appointment with John Fond tomorrow, September 21st at 2 p.m.

4 Hey, I insist that you confirm your meeting which you booked last week.
5 Is it convenient to arrange the meeting next Tuesday, at 9 a.m., please?

Professional Mix B1_2023

Activity 4
Which expressions can be used to professionally cancel an appointment?

I am struggling to find time

Good morning. Is it possible Sorry, I'm afraid I have
for our session, I would like to
to cancel (or postpone/ push another meeting. Could I
apologize in advance as it
back) my appointment? reschedule my appointment?
won’t be possible today.

Hello there, it seems really

How about Friday at 11? Is it complicated today. Could we cancel
convenient for you/ Would that suit today’s appointment?

Professional Mix B1_2023

Role play

Staff A Manager A

Call your manager to Respond to Staff A

propose an urgent team Propose & schedule a
meeting. meeting date & time.

Staff B Manager B

Call your manager Respond to Staff B.

back to cancel the Propose a different
meeting. solution. (Different date
& time)

Professional Mix B1_2023

Transfer to your work situations
Think of an appointment from a situation from your daily work.
Call the person cancel and propose a new appointment.

Cancel politely

Propose a new solution


Professional Mix B1_2023

Wrap up – take away

• Corrections – things to keep in mind

• New expressions

Professional Mix B1_2023

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