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Cholesterol gallstones may be )2

:dissolved by oral treatment with
.B-Dehydrocholic acid
.C-Methyl teriary butyl ether
.D-Chenodeoxycholic acid
A drug of choice in the therapy of )3
:inflammatory bowel disease is
E-Salicvlate sodium
An important drug in the therapy of )4
portal systemic encephalopathy is
Bismuth salts are thought to be )5
effective in peptic ulcer disease
because they have bactericidal
:properties against
.A-Escherichia coli
.B-Bacteroides fragilis
.C-Clostridium difficile
.D-Helicobacter pylori
.E-Staphylococcus aureus
Misoprostol has a cytoprotective action on )6
the gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa because it
a-Enhances secretion of mucus and bicarbonate
.b- Neutralizes acid secretion
C-Antagonizes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs)
.D-Relieves ulcer symptoms
.E-Coats the mucosa
The primary pharmacologic action of )7
omeprazole is the reduction of
.A-Volume of gastric juice
.B-Gastric motility
-CSecretion of pepsin.
-D Secretion of gastric acid.
.E-Secretion of intrinsic factor
Which of the following in not associated with )8
.A-It contains polyaluminum hydroxide
.B-It maintains gellike qualities even at acid pH
C-It binds to ulcer craters more than to normal
.D-It has moderate acid - neutralizing properties
.E-It reacts very little with mucin
Cimetidine slows the metabolism of many )9
drugs because it inhibits the activity of
Monoamine oxidase (MAO)

.Cytochrome P450

.Tyrosine kinase

Hydrogen - potassium - adenosine triphosphatase

.(H+, K+, ATPase)

.Phase II glucuronidation reactions

The absorption of phosphate is )10
reduced when large and prolonged
doses of which of the following
?antacids are given

Na bicarbonate
.Mg hydroxide
.Mg trisilicate
.Ca carbonate
Omeprazole, an agent for the )11
promotion of healing of petic ulcers,
has a mechanism of action that is
:based on

.Gastric secretion
.Pepsin secretion
.H+, K+, ATPase
An effective antidiarrheal agent that )12
inhibits peristaltic movement is

.Bismuth subsalicylate
.Oral electrolyte Solution
The approved indication for )13

.Reflux esophagitis
.Regional ileitis
.Ulcerative colitis
prevention of gastric ulceration in patients
.using large doses of aspirin like drugs

pathologic hypersecretory conditions such

.as Zolinger- Ellison syndrome
Metoclopramide has antiemetic )14
properties because it

.Lowers esophageal sphincter pressure

Is a central nervous system (CNS)

.dopamine- receptor antagonist

.Has cholinomimetic properties

.Has sedative properties

Fomatidine has the following properties )15

.A potent proton pump inhibitor

.A potent antiemetic agent

Has inhibitory effect on cytochrome


.Non of the above

Radiation induced vomiting can be )16
:treated by drugs that act on


.Vestibular apparatus

.Vomiting centre

.Non of the above

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