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Period 1A

Anatomy and Physiology

10cm By: Maria Paula Bravo Zambrano

Table Of Contents
01 02 03
The disease Types Etiology
What are bone tumors? What are the types of benign What are the causes of bone
and malignant bone tumors? tumors?

04 05 06
Symptoms Risk Factors Diagnosis
What are the potential What are the risk factors for How bone tumors are
symptoms of bone tumors? bone tumors? diagnosed?

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Table Of Contents
07 09
Treatment Recovery
How are benign and malign How is the recovery from
tumors treated? bone tumor treatment?

08 10
Statistics Sources
Statistics of Bone Tumors in
Sites Used

10cm Is there a group of people most Ref X-Ray Exp / 3

What Are Bone Tumors?

When there is an abnormal and uncontrollable growth of

cells within a bone, they can form a mass or lump of
tissue that is called tumor.

In this case because they form in the bones, they receive

the name of Bone Tumors.

While these tumors are growing, they can displace

healthy tissue. It may weaken the bone, causing it to Ref X-Ray Exp / 4
break (fracture)
The Disease: Bone
Most bone tumors are
Malignant tumors
are cancerous.
benign (not cancerous).
Malignant bone
Benign tumors are usually
tumors can cause
not life-threatening and,
cancer to spread
in most cases, will not
throughout the
spread to other parts of
the body
Bone tumors can affect
any bone in the body
and develop in any part
of the bone—from the
surface to the center of
the bone, called the
10cm bone marrow.
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Benign Tumor
Types of Bone Tumors:
Osteochondromas Nonossifying
fibroma unicameral
A non-ossifying fibroma is a benign, non-
aggressive tumor that consists mainly of fibrous
tissue. It usually occurs in the thighbone or
shinbone but may also occur in the upper

Osteochondroma is an overgrowth of
cartilage and bone that happens at the
end of the bone near the growth plate.
10cm Most often, it affects the long bones Ref X-Ray Exp / 6
in the leg, the pelvis, or the shoulder
Types of Bone Tumors:
Enchondroma is a type of benign
tumor that begins in the cartilage
found inside the bones.

Giant Cell Tumors

A giant cell tumor of bone is a type of
benign tumor that has a wide range of
behaviors. These tumors typically grow
at the ends of the body's long bones. Ref X-Ray Exp / 7
Types of Bone Tumors:
Benign Aneurysmal bone
Fibrous Dysplasia
ABCs are blood-filled, fibrous cysts that
expand the bone and can cause pain,
swelling, and fractures. They are benign
cysts (non-cancerous) that don’t spread.

Fibrous dysplasia is a benign bone

condition in which abnormal fibrous
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tissue develops in place of normal bone.
Types of Bone Tumors:
Ewing sarcoma
family of Chondrosarcoma
Osteosarcoma tumors (ESFTs)

Chondrosarcoma is a type of
Osteosarcoma is the most (ESFT) consists of a group of tumors
characterized by morphologically
bone cancer that starts in
common type of bone cancer cartilage cells.
similar round-cell neoplasm and by the
in which malignant cells Ref X-Ray Exp /
10cm presence of a common chromosomal 9
produce irregular bones. translocation.
Types of Bone Tumors:

Secondary bone Multiple

cancer myeloma
The term “secondary bone cancer” Is a cancer that forms in a type of
means that the cancer started white blood cell called a plasma
somewhere else in the body and cell. This bone cancer shows up
10cm then spread to the bone. It usually as tumors in the bone marrow. Ref X-Ray Exp / 10
affects older adults.
What Are The Causes of
Bone Tumors? Malignant Bone Tumor

For most bone tumors the cause is


They often occur in areas of the bone that

grow rapidly.

Possible causes include:

● Genetic defects passed down through
● Radiation
● Injury

In most cases, no specific cause is found. Ref X-Ray Exp / 11
Patients with a bone tumor will often experience pain in the
area of the tumor.

A dull ache in the affected bone is the most common

symptom of bone cancer.

Although tumors are not caused by trauma,
occasionally injury can cause a tumor to
start hurting.

Injury can cause a bone weakened by tumor

to break, which often leads to severe pain.

Some tumors can also cause fevers and night


Many patients will not experience any

The pain starts off as occasional and then becomes severe symptoms, but will instead note a painless
and constant. mass.

10cm It may worsen at night and increase with activity Ref X-Ray Exp / 12
Risk Factors It's not clear what causes bone cancer, but doctors have found
certain factors are associated with an increased risk

Paget's disease of
Radiation therapy Most commonly occurring in
for cancer. older adults, Paget's disease
of bone can increase the risk
Exposure to large doses of of bone cancer developing
Inherited genetic radiation, such as those given later.
during radiation therapy for
syndromes. cancer, increases the risk of
Certain rare genetic bone cancer in the future.
syndromes passed through
families increase the risk of
bone cancer.

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Diagnostic Process
Fractures, infections, and other conditions might resemble tumors.

Physical Exam Blood and urine

The doctor will perform a thorough
physical examination, focusing on the A lab will analyze these fluids to detect
tumor mass. He or she will look for: different proteins that may indicate the
presence of a tumor .
• Swelling or tenderness in the area of the tumor
• Changes in the overlying skin An alkaline phosphatase test is one common
• The presence of a mass

tool doctors use to diagnose bone tumors.
Any effect the tumor might have on nearby
joints When your bone tissue is especially active in
forming cells, large quantities of this enzyme
In some cases, the doctor will examine show up in your blood. This could be because
other parts of the body to rule out cancers a bone is growing, such as in young people, or
that can spread to bone. it could mean a tumor is producing abnormal
bone tissue.
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10cm 14
Diagnostic Process
To be sure someone has a bone tumor, the doctor might order a variety of tests.

Imaging tests Biopsies

The doctor will probably order X- A biopsy may be necessary to
Rays to determine the size and confirm the diagnosis of a bone
exact location of the tumor. tumor. In a biopsy, a sample of
Depending on the X-ray results, tissue is taken from the tumor. This
these other imaging tests may be sample is examined under a
necessary: microscope and analyzed by a
pathologist (a doctor who identifies
• CT Scan diseases by studying abnormal
• MRI Scan cells).
• PET Scan
• Arteriogram
• Bone Scan
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How Are Benign
Bone Tumors
Treated? If a tumor is benign, it may or may not require action.

Sometimes doctors just keep an eye on benign bone tumors to see if they
change over time.

This requires coming back periodically for follow-up X-rays.

Bone tumors can grow, stay the same, or eventually disappear.

However, doctors may want to surgically remove the benign tumor.

Benign tumors can sometimes spread or transform into malignant tumors.

Bone tumors can also lead to fractures.

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How Are Malignant
Bone Tumors Treated?
Surgery Radiation Chemotherapy Cryosurgery
Radiation is often used in If the doctor thinks the This treatment involves killing
Bone cancer is usually treated
conjunction with surgery. cancer cells are likely to cancer cells by freezing them with
with surgery. In surgery, the
High-dose X-rays are used to spread or if they already liquid nitrogen. A hollow tube is
entire tumor is removed. The
shrink tumors before surgery have, they may recommend inserted into the tumor, and liquid
surgeon carefully examines the
and kill cancer cells. chemotherapy. This therapy nitrogen or argon gas is pumped
margins of the tumor to make
Radiation can also reduce uses anticancer drugs to kill in. In some cases, cryosurgery can
sure no cancer cells are left after
pain and decrease the chance the rapidly growing cancer be used to treat bone tumors
of bone fractures. cells. instead of regular surgery.

The treatment will depend on what type of bone cancer the patient has and whether it’s spread. In the
metastatic stage, cancerous cells have already spread to other parts of the body. This makes curing the cancer
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more difficult.
• Less than 0.2% of all cancers are primary bone sarcomas.

• In 2021, an estimated 3,610 people of all ages (2,100 men

and boys and 1,510 women and girls) in the United States
will be diagnosed with primary bone sarcoma.

• In 2020, it was estimated that about 400 of these cases will

occur in people age 15 to 19.

• It is estimated that 2,060 deaths (1,190 men and boys and

870 women and girls) from this disease will occur in 2021.

• In adults, chondrosarcoma makes up more than 40% of

primary bone sarcomas.

• In teens and children, osteosarcoma (56%) and Ewing

10cm sarcoma (34%) are diagnosed far more often than Ref X-Ray Exp / 18
chondrosarcoma (6%).
Who Is Most Affected By Bone
01 03
It most often occurs
in young people About 1 in 10
between the ages of 10 osteosarcomas occur in
and 30 people older than 60.

02 04
Teens are the most About 2% of childhood
commonly affected age cancers are osteosarcomas,
group, but people of any but they make up a much
age can develop smaller percentage of adult
osteosarcoma. cancers. Ref X-Ray Exp / 19
The length and The doctor will want the
complexity of the patients to stay in close
recovery will depend contact with them while
upon the type of tumor them recover.
as well as what type of
procedure was

Even though the tumor

has disappeared, it is
Follow-up X-rays and important to monitor the
blood tests will be body for signs of
necessary to make sure recurrence. Tumors that
the whole tumor is gone come back may pose
and that it doesn’t serious problems so it is
return. important to detect them
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