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Sweet Memories
IBAS 200
 When I was three, my mother bought a big raincoat and some boots and played in the rain.
When I was 5, I had a big birthday party and
all my friends came
When I was 8, Daddy and I put together a model
railway and Daddy played with it all the time.
When I was 11, I visited the zoo with my sister. I made
faces at the monkey and he made faces at me.
When I was 15, I went camping and learned how to
cook marshmallows and sausages over an open fire.
When I was 17, Dad gave me driving lessons
in his car, but I wasn’t good at driving.
My childhood
I had a happy childhood. Let me tell you about it.
I was born in Cordoba on September 17th, 1999. I studied kindergarten at
Club de Leones. My first teacher’s name was Imelda and in her classroom,
there were big pictures of the alphabet and colorful balls. When I was
three, I loved water. My mother bought me a big raincoat and some boots
and I played in the water under the rain.
I enjoyed parties, too so when I was five I had a big birthday party and all
my friends came to it.
My father liked to play with me a lot. When I was eight, we put a model
railway together and he played with it all the time. I also liked playing
marbles and hide–and seek with my friends.
I had an older sister. She took me to many places. When I was
11, we visited the zoo. It was very funny, I made faces at a
monkey and the monkey made faces at me.
I liked open-air activities and when I was 15, I went camping
and learned how to cook marshmallows and sausages over an
open fire.
At the age of 17, my dad gave me driving lessons in his car. I
was so excited but I wasn’t very good at driving
I had a very happy childhood, indeed.

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